By David Gelfand
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
At the very core of our being, from the moment we’re born, it becomes apparent that not all things are like. There are good and bad, hot and cold, lazy and relentless, and so on. Life, from the moment we’re born to the day we pass, becomes a balancing act.
The concepts of choice, freedom and will power are what define our every move. We choose our destiny, define our action and live with the results. The beauty of a human being is that he or she has the capability to understand and analyze choices as they play out in life.
Balance, when demonstrated on such a grandiose and high-level approach, may appear daunting, confusing and uncertain. However, when broken down, balance can become much more manageable. When applied to our daily lives, balance represents the handle and organization of various elements within our lives, both internal and external.