~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Eric Breault~
~Be Prepared/2012~
Hello Beloved ones, we are the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Divine. We have noticed a lot of drama and major challenges playing out in the past few months. They are intensifying as we go through the early part of this New Year. It is vital that you be prepared for the major changes that are ahead of you. These changes are best to be dealt with through daily prayer, meditation, diet and excercise. You will be noticing a lot of changes in people around you throughout this year. Along with changes in people, you will also see big changes in the climate. You will see a major jump in the melt of the sea ice this year. The landmasses and ocean will start to change as well. This is all part of the natural process of the purification happening on your planet. This change will give humanity the opporutiny to redirect their thought patterns to a harmonious and balanced one. There is no doom or gloom that will happen to you. It is your choice as humanity to either live in a fear based world or a harmonious one. As a collective, you will decide which direction you want to go on. There will be those who won't choose the harmonious one, while others who do. There is no good or bad in the choices you make. The doors are always open for those who aren't ready to be part of the New Earth that is being made.
The reasoning for these trials and tribulations during this time frame is because you are all releasing imbalanced thought patterns that needs to be released from this fear based 3rd dimension. This release will allow for more intense energies to enter your 3rd dimensional matrix. This will peel away more densities that inhibit you from expressing the divine being that you are. There will also be a peeling away of the third dimensional matrix that you live in. This peeling away will be expresses as changes in the climate, landmasses and oceans. The earth is truly being remade into something grander than what you can conceive of. It is beyond any comprehension and words. We can't even explain what your planet will be like. The transition into the New Earth will be a beautiful and gentle one. Understand there are those who may not choose to participate on the new earth. They will choose to experience a different reality elsewhere. Also there is an opportunity for everyone to totally be part of this transition. So the door is open to all who choose to partake in it. There wiill be many surprises in how this year plays out. We even will be surpised how you take on in the process of awakening.
You will be expressing intense anger, sadness and fear during the process of peeling away densities of your 3rd dimensional matrix blueprint. We have noticed that the emotional energy in humanity and throughout the planetary grid has been heightened in the past few months. They will continue through the coming months. You will be faced with challenges that may come in the form of drama. This will give you the opportunity to release more density that is trying to stop the process from happening. You will see that some will start to get lost into the drama and begin to experience some negative addictions that begin to surface. This will come in the form of a rise in crime rates and domestic abuse in the areas that you live in. Please understand that these things are necessary because it is all part of the process of awakening. These people going through these imbalanced behaviors are being faced with lessons that will give them the opportunity to redirect their thought patterns towards a harmonious one. Remember, intense stress is always a precursor to intense change towards a balanced way of being.
We are truly impressed with the work you have done in the past year. There has been major leap in bounds. 2011 experienced major change as a species and planet. You have noticed the changes from countries being liberated from government control and unusual earthquakes and weather conditions. We want to let you know that this moment is all that counts and keep up the great work. If you thought last year was an eventful one, wait and see what this year has in store for you. We are looking forward to seeing how you progress this year. We are truly blessed to be working with you. The divine in us salutes the divine in you. Namaste