Forget Your Age – Live Now!

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Forget Your Age - Live Now!

By Cynthia Olsen

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Aging may bring about risks to the mind and body such as memory loss, but ongoing research has found good reason to feel better about growing older.

According to Elkhonon Goldberg, professor of Neurology at New York University School of Medicine, aging does not always lead to loss and deterioration; it can also bring about rebirth and renewal. Professor Goldberg is the author of The Wisdom Paradox: How Your Mind Can Grow Stronger as Your Brain Grows Older.

It seems that neuroplasticity – the ability to develop new neurons – is stimulated in people who keep their minds continually active as they age. Goldberg cites Albert Einstein as a prime example. “When he wasn’t working, he played the violin to keep his mind sharp.”



Yes Yes Yes!

CarolynR.Havens's picture

I'm 72 and taking an online course to become a Medical Billing Specialist.  I still have dreams to get on with, places to go ,,people to meet.  I'm excited!