Love Is Not Enough

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Love Is Not Enough

By Jack Adam Weber L.Ac., Dipl. C.H.

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

“Many people want to have love, but few are willing to become it.” ~ Rumi

When John Lennon convinced millions that “All you need is love,” I think he was wrong. Unless, of course, he meant love in a more all-encompassing sense than the feeling of love, which I don’t think he did. Maybe this is where the pervasive (and incomplete) meme began that good feelings are enough to change the world. Little could be further from the truth. So, I side with Rumi on this one.

t’s not enough to “love,” as in love the feeling. Love must also be an act, otherwise we can become too woozy and detached, and quite frankly, selfish, always pining for that feeling at any cost without considering that we can have it at any moment, by giving it. When we act lovingly, we become love. We also set in motion the likelihood that more will come back to us, as the other end of love, which we receive — Yang and Yin, respectively.
