~Galactic Love Reporter Vicky Anderson~
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ She refers to Light and dark. We would like to say that dark is simply unconsciousness, its not evil. Humanity came here to gather their Light and become Fully Conscious Again~ Love Mother and Father God and The Galactic Free Press Staff2012, the year we have long anticipated. It has taken lifetimes of opening up to our Divine selves to arrive at this place where we now stand.
For thousands of years humanity has been moving toward this juncture. We now stand in a doorway of potential that leads to a drastically different world.
The key that opens this door is consciousness. But it’s a joint effort. You cannot do this alone because you cannot separate yourself from the whole, which is Love.
Whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should. Max Ehrmann
There is an underlying force that allows for Creation. One part of the force attracts, like a magnet pulling toward another. The other part repels. The magnet itself is neutral – God and Goddess. So God, like a magnet, creates both forces, but is Himself neutral. God maintains His creation for awhile, and then absorbs it back into Himself and creates again.[i]
Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. Matthew 24:35
When we, the angels, created this virtual Game of Life, we used the frequency of the color black to create Choice. Since we, the people of Earth, represent the only planet in this universe that has been blessed with complete Freedom of Choice, it has been our choices that have been determining where the Darkness and the Light will go when we, the angels, are placed into a neutral playing field in which there is an unlimited choice of frequencies.
Once we ‘separated’ from God, those of us who decided to venture out on our own, to learn everything we could learn about living life as individuals, had an ultimate mission – to find our way back.
But, for thousands of years, Earth has been under quarantine. After the Fall of Man, we assigned to the Earth the difficult task of participating in a great experiment - the integration of the polarities of Light and the Darkness. From a dualistic perspective, these polarities are understood as Good and Evil. So the planet Earth has the ultimate purpose of balancing the physical with the spiritual. It is the site of a great test. And we are the voluntary testers.
In all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. Dr. Carl Sagan
Every 25 years since the beginning of this test, the energy level of theconsciousness of this planet has been measured. The last two measurements were taken in 1962 and 1987.
The year 1987 was the first year to see more Light than Darkness since the Fall of Man. It was that measurement which proved that, on the only planet with completeFreedom of Choice, Human beings will eventually choose Love.
Most people are unaware of the importance of the role they are now playing. You have come here from another world to raise your vibrational frequency because the vibration of this planet is one of the lowest in the cosmos.
Of all the lifetimes you have lived on this planet, it is this one that will make the difference. If the vibration of the Earth is lifted up, what will follow is a lifting up of consciousness throughout the entire cosmos. Consciousness, itself, actually rests on this tiny world. As above, so below; As below, so above.
We are ascending to a higher level – a higher dimension of consciousness. And so is the Earth, the Solar System, the Galaxy, the Universe, the Multiverse and the Omniverse. This is God on all levels.
It’s almost impossible to grasp the full magnitude of what’s taking place all around us. Chris Bourne
The final measurement of the Light quotient on this planet will take place this year – the year 2012. The level of Light we attain in this year will provide the blueprint for another Big Bang, one that will occur billions of Light years away. This energy level will be passed to the new universe that springs out of that big event, one that will never again be influenced by Darkness. Eventually, that new universe will become our new playground.[ii]
Then I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth, for the first Heaven and the first Earth had passed away. Revelation 21:1