“I am a sensory being full of creative potential. I embrace life with passion & enjoy plunging in joy and happiness. My senses are alive, aware and connected.” ~ an affirmation reads
Sacral chakra or Swadhisthana chakra is the sensuality centre of the body, a hub of creativity, emotions, passion, pleasure and giving & receiving acts. It is responsible for the existence of our individual consciousness, as it acts like a magnet to attract the reality, that mirrors the thoughts and feelings stored in this chakra. All your unconscious desires, especially sexual desire, is stored here.
It is associated with the element of water, the sense of taste, and the act of procreation. Sacral chakra is the seat of the self where, Swa means ‘I’ and dhisthana means ‘seat’. Symbolised by an orange lotus flower, the six petals are significant for our emotional connect, affection, delusion, destructiveness and feelings of contempt. An imbalance in the chakra can lead to sexual difficulties, confusion, purposelessness, jealousy, the desire to possess, overindulgence in food or sex and problems in the genital area, bladder, spleen etc.