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As transiting Sun makes his way towards the end of Pisces this week, Mercury enters Pisces and becomes greatly influenced by Neptune, in Neptune’s sign and conjunct to the titan who rules Pisces. Inspirational thought, nebulous communication, fuzzy logic, and using creativity to adapt are pertinent themes relating to Mercury-Neptune this week. Also, Mars in his home sign, Aries, acts with Uranus with the two conjunct. Electricity meets fire! Impulsive actions, sudden bursts of energy, innovative drive, and fiery revolution in the air this week contrast with the watery mix of Mercury and Neptune in the previous sign. Speaking of air, much of the week lacks the air element in the signs, with the quick Moon representing the only planet in an air sign for a few days. Thinking, socializing, and communicating are always relevant, however, and Vesta’s dedication, Zeus’ immediate presence and focused energy, and the forward-looking North Node in air signs help balance the strong influence of the watery and fiery nature of the planetary manifestations this week.
What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.
This week might have a roller coaster ride type feel, with ups and downs, but the excitement can also be fun. Transiting Sun is drawing closer to entering your Sun’s sign and marking the beginning a new zodiacal year. What projects and activities might be of benefit to start in light of Uranus’ innovation and Pluto’s change as influences, along with Sun about to enter the beginning of the zodiac? Potential bumps in the road this week can feel rough, but Jupiter’s optimism and perhaps, dose of good fortune is a strong plus for you this week. You may detect a different feel to relationships starting around March 17. Opportunities to push forward with projects and details that require immediate attention and quick action is a strong theme from March 14 to 16. A theme of “going your own way” coincides on the same dates, March 14 to 16. Overall a potentially active week. Just for Aries: consider how visualization can be of benefit for you this week.
March 13 is a pronounced opportunity to enjoy marriage and family. The first half of the week might feel edgy, however, this week is both potentially productive and can also have its share of ease. March 15 is an opportunity to accomplish goals that demand intense energy, particularly as part of a group effort. Projects and activities that demand protracted efforts have greater than average chances of success on March 15 as well – if you find that you’re going in circles, consider a different approach. March 17 is potentially the best day of the week! A refreshed sense of feeling grounded combined with increasing returns is a nice theme for you that day. Do be aware of past issues bubbling to the surface at the end of the week. Otherwise many possibilities for a fulfilling week. Just for Taurus: renewing past friendships and making new friends, with those who share common interests with you, is a strong possibility for you this week.
Neptune’s dreams and imagination are entwined with your sharp, quick mind this week. The Mars-Uranus roller coaster ride is also a heavier than average theme for you this week, but your mutable Gemini sign probably enjoys the opportunity to flex and adapt. Watch for opportunities to expand your efforts and push your goals forward on March 13. The next day, March 14, is a chance to consider how to move forward in light of past experiences. Close relationships tend to be more important around March 14 to 16. Also, consider how you might find a way to materialize what you dream about. Neptune’s strong influence this week combined with meeting Saturn’s demands for hard work and structure can have amazing results. The last few days of the week are more of an opportunity to reflect and experience more watery sentiments. Just for Gemini: Some kind of minor service or favor can go a long way in making a good impression this week.
The week begins with some nice potential harmony among friends, family, and close relationships for you. Jupiter’s abundance helps start the week for you, combined with a “zest for life” theme. The week quickly becomes more serious, however, it might also be very productive around March 14 and 15. Watch for opportunities to “impress the boss” and use discipline to help reach current goals or aspire to new ones on those days. During the pivotal March 14 and 15 days this week, relationships tend to be more difficult or disruptive than average, but also have potential to help your productivity. Focusing on Saturn’s structure if you need it can be of assistance. Starting on March 16, the week takes on more of a fun and adventurous feel for you. The “creative ideas” theme takes over in the second half of the week, and paying attention to the spiritual side of life can feel rewarding around the week’s end. March 18 has strong potential for you as an uplifting day this week. Just for Cancer: Don’t be surprised if a project or goal requires starting over – but consider how another effort can make the final product even better.
With all of the action and variety in the transits this week, you have a break in that this week is more about “going with the flow” for you. Opportunities for your fiery core to shine are present, however. The first part of the week is more about enjoying friends and family, with the strongest opportunity to do so on March 16. Nurturing qualities and dedication to those close to you also has an emphasis for you in the first half of the week. The Mercury-Neptune influence is more pronounced for you in the second half of the week. A “creative tension” theme emerges, which has potential for problem-solving both at work and in other areas of your life, given the effort. Saturn’s structure becomes a bit more influential by the end of the week, but that may feel welcome with the nebulous watery energy dominant for Leo Sun this week. Overall this week is an opportunity to heighten your expressive creativity. Tasks requiring great effort, especially collective efforts, are most opportune for you on March 18. Just for Leo: watch for assistance or heightened interaction with siblings this week, or with those who are like siblings to you.
Hard work and staying grounded are two potential ways to help make this week fulfilling for you. The abundance of fiery energy in the transits is somewhat extinguished by Neptune’s watery influence. Still, Neptune opposite your Sun’s sign for an extended time is something to consider (Leo’s encounter with the “creative tension” theme also applies to Virgo this week). How can applying Saturn’s structure to various obstacles help you solve problems and have a productive week? This week starts with heightened opportunities to learn and expand your influence, especially at work. By March 17, relationships have a more grounded and steady feel, which likely is agreeable to your earthy Sun. Also look for opportunities to show leadership and use your expertise on March 17 and 18. Navigating mid-week well can help make this a successful week. Just for Virgo: Seeking feedback can be very beneficial this week.
Your ruling planet, Venus, moves into her other home sign this week. Venus in Libra is the elegant, social hostess, and by contrast the focus for you is an interesting change to the more aesthetic, earthy side of Venus in Taurus. Venus in Aries in the first half of the week still emphasizes relationships strongly, with a continuing opportunity for you to assess your personal role and self in relationships. Taurus Venus focuses more on stability in relationships and appearances. (Surprising your significant other with jewelry or other material items is apropos starting on March 17.) The Mars-Uranus fiery energy in the heavens is probably more influential for your airy sign than the watery Neptune theme. Ambition and willingness to roll with various shocks and surprises can be of benefit, and perhaps even fun for you this week. Maximizing your efforts at work or in other areas of your life has nice potential on March 17. Just for Libra: look for opportunities to productively express your creativity as part of a group this week.
The energetic power theme continues for you this week. Take breaks when you need to! Intensity is nothing unfamiliar to your Scorpio Sun, however. The concept of more work providing increasing returns tends to work well for you this week. The fiery element (competing, risk-taking) tends to win over the watery influence for you this week, although your Scorpio core is well-attuned to Neptune’s spiritual influence. Steady determination and staying on track can help you have a successful work, with Jupiter supplying his sense of abundance and growth as an added benefit. Your emotional base tends to be stronger and steadier on March 14 and 15, helping to strengthen your inner resolve. Not that relationships are unimportant, but this week tends to be more about you. Overall chances for a productive week, if you can determine how to be effective with your efforts. Just for Scorpio: consider a possible role as mediator this week.
Sun in Sagittarius has an interesting start to the week. The fiery energies definitely work in your favor – plenty of potential energy is available to help you work towards achieving your desires and filling your needs. A more subtle characteristic to the week’s beginning is also present. The influences of the past are important to consider in light of your future direction this week, and for your life in general. Close relationships as a long-standing source of support continues as a theme for you. A kind of “re-evaluating” feel or trend in close relationships ends after March 13, for all of the signs but probably of most influence for your sign. Hence, a feeling of refreshment and “moving forward” type of influence in close relationships can be of benefit. Mars’ energy and Pluto’s power can work together for you this week, so fresh starts and new ambitions emerge as a relevant theme for you in anticipation of the new zodiacal year. Just for Sagittarius: no additional remarks for Sagittarius this week.
Mercury is influential for you this week – and Mercury symbolizes commerce. Ambition and hard work can help maximize your chances of achieving goals this week, especially in your career. The “smooth close relationships” theme continues for you this week, and tangible accomplishments via cooperation enters the picture as a nice theme for you after March 17. With diligence and persistence, you may have noticed some of your dreams starting to materialize (the Saturn-Neptune theme). This is starting to wane this week, although it’s still in effect. Overall, a relatively stable week for you in the midst of rather chaotic transits. Opportunities to express your personal power and affect change are most pronounced this week on March 14 and 15. Just for Capricorn: cycles wrapping up stand out for you this week – what in your life needs final resolution?
Personal energy and ambition are areas of strength for you this week. How can you resolve the strong will and personal drive with the perspectives of other people, particularly in public life or at work? Finding innovative ways to use your personal energy in a powerful manner can help you make great strides forward this week. Relationships in general are most influential at the beginning of the week, but close relationships can be better than average around March 16, particularly on an emotional level. The fixity of your Aquarius Sun complements the initiating, fiery combination of Mars conjunct Uranus in the transits. Watch for opportunities to move forward in your goals by finding ways to complete projects quickly. The Mercury-Neptune duo this week is not so influential for you, but that is probably a welcome break due to all of the other heavy energies of influence for you this week. Overall decent chances for a productive week. Just for Aquarius: providing assistance – or asking for it – can go a long way in helping to unravel mysteries this week.
No doubt that the Mercury-Neptune conjunction in the heavens is influential for you. You’re the expert of the zodiac in consciously observing cyclical ends. The combination of thought and imagination, along with Sun reaching the end of the Pisces sign this week, has powerful potential. Thinking about progress from various goals, and creatively finding ways to successfully wrap them up, creates room for inspiration (Neptune) and resolve (Mars) to initiate new ones. So both Neptune and Mars in home signs is front and center for you. You have an awesome opportunity to reflect and imagine what you want as the zodiacal year draws to a close, on March 18 and 19. Also, more practically, consider opportunities to use your area of specialty, particularly in career, to your benefit this week. The specialization theme will slowly fade for you so to advantage of it while you can. Just for Pisces: alone time – almost needless to say! – can be beneficial this week.
Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to triplewaterastrology@yahoo.com.