The Gravitational Pull Of Love

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The Gravitational Pull of Love - Metaphysical Gravity

By Carmen Allgood

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Natural Selection

The most widely sought after experience in the world is happiness. Some call it love, joy, source, contentment, completion, God, the cure, peace, healing, or nirvana.

Because there will never be a definition expansive enough to describe the power that holds the universe together, or fully explain what set the cosmic mass in motion, the words we choose to express the only thing we really want are irrelevant. Words are symbols of symbols and are indications of our heartfelt desires.

Let’s take a look at the trigger points and what it takes to remember what is already at our core. Happiness must be inherent in who and what we are or the goal would be forever unattainable and always out of reach. Simply put, this means we have blocks that need to be removed to get to the foundation and reality of our essence.
