The new zodiacal year begins! Anticipating the waves of the future certainly can be beneficial in navigating them. What an adventure astrology can be…while our fate, the natal promise, is determined at birth, free will also enters the picture in deciding how to use it. How will you increase your consciousness this year? That is one way to view the power of the natal promise – ultimately, I think, the purpose of developing individuality and facing various challenges in life is to increase consciousness. As Saturn’s demands of responding to authority and creating structure are met, access to Uranus’ knowledge, Neptune’s bliss, and Pluto’s power become possible. Thus, as the complexity and size of the universe appears to increase every time it’s observed with more powerful and sophisticated equipment, I can’t imagine what is next, but I have an overwhelming feeling that, as Microsoft’s slogan says so well, “the best is yet to come” for all of us! The transsaturnians are a nice sampling of how we can go beyond ourselves (the increasing consciousness idea) and of course, the symbolism of the hypothetical Transneptunians continues the theme of meeting and going beyond Saturn (Cupido’s kinship, Hades’ cathartic properties, Zeus’ creativity, Kronos’ specialization, Apollon’s multiplication, Admetos’ endurance, Vulcanus’ mighty force, and Poseidon’s enlightenment).
I like giving a synopsis of my opinion of the year ahead based on the Aries Sun ingress chart for the monthly newsletter at the Spring equinox. It must be considered in the context of your own natal promise and progressions. Thoughtfully considering how the zodiacal new year ingress chart might be aligned with your energies (example: I have Mars in Aries, within four degrees of the ingress Mars in Aries) might generate creative and useful ideas about how to maximize your efforts and proceed in this new zodiacal year. I also like giving a short biography in the Aries newsletter. This newsletter will be posted on my web site and also the Anaretic Degree Facebook page if you want to glance at it again from time to time over the next twelve months.
I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t fascinated by the stars and planets. As I continued learning about astronomy, mythology inevitably entered the picture and I enjoyed becoming familiar with the various gods, creatures, and heroes associated with the heavens and the world’s cultures.
Fortunately I know the date that symbolizes the beginning of my interest and studies in astrology. Sun and Jupiter were conjunct in the anaretic degree of Scorpio that day, close to my Sun-Moon midpoint. They were also actively energizing my natal grand trines at that time! “Expansion of consciousness via the occult” is the direct symbolism I experienced based on Sun-Jupiter in the anaretic degree of Scorpio (also of interest, I’ve done extensive astrological analysis regarding the Kennedy assassination event and Sun was at 29 Scorpio on that day in 1963). What a day to begin studying astrology! It led to me meeting hundreds of cool people I probably would never have met, both in person and via the internet, writing cool articles and posts, and having looked at a number of charts that is starting to stretch from hundreds into thousands. Nothing is better than a compliment after a reading that hits on all cylinders!
I’ve had someone in Omaha insist that astrology isn’t conducive to my city, and I insist that I’m going to bring it here! Thinking about the future is fascinating and I’ve found that considering the symbolism of astrology has helped me to more actively engage in the present to help create it. Not to mention the wide variety of uncanny vibes, intuitions, and experiences I’ve had via reading the charts and timing events.
Anyhow, hopefully that gives you a better idea of my philosophy of astrology. What might this year portend via the ingress chart?
Sun enters Aries, 2015
The influence of Mars in the ingress chart is impressive. Mars is in his home sign, Aries, and Sun, in his exaltation in the Aries sign. Additionally, Moon, South Node, and Uranus reside in Aries in the ingress chart. The luminaries, Sun and Moon, in Mars’ sign, reiterate the importance of Mars, already in his home sign. Therefore, this is a year for action! Mars’ will, drive, and relentless energy suggest that initiating projects, being ambitious, and being assertive can be rewarding this year.
A fiery chart
Mars is certainly not alone as an influential planet, however. Slow-moving Neptune remains in his home sign, Pisces, and Venus is in her dominion in Taurus. Three planets in dominion, in consecutive signs! Pluto and Mercury also help form a yod pointing to Jupiter. The medley of emphasis on Sun (exaltation), Mars (in dominion), and Jupiter (the focal point of a yod) are shouting out the importance and influence of the fire element this year – also evidenced by six of the ten classical planets in fire signs in the ingress chart. The fire signs, of course, symbolize energy. So I expect increased competition, risk-taking, and heightened activity, somehow, across various areas of the world and on average, in individuals’ lives as well.
Jupiter and Saturn form a wide trine, and both trine Moon/South Node in Aries. This creates an interesting emphasis on the past (Moon-Saturn-South Node) and also calls to mind the “controlled expansion” theme of Jupiter and Saturn in tandem. The outlet for the controlled expansion theme, based on the past, is the future (North Node) in Libra! A contrast between a focus on the past based on competition, a drive for expansion, and restriction and authority, and cooperative, intellectual efforts to move forward. The retrograde quality of Jupiter and Saturn gives the impression of growth through fits and starts, as well as pauses or stalls based on the backward-looking influence of Moon and South Node. Still, Moon in Aries (Mars’ sign) symbolizes an unconscious drive to initiate and emotional will to obtain desires. So considering how to direct the energies of the fiery grand trine forward can be very productive.
Sun is just to far from an aspect to Jupiter, except by sign, but a very propitious, direct 150-degree aspect to Apollon is present. My opinion is that Apollon at zero degrees of a sign suggests a renewed burst of innovation and expansive efforts. In Libra, this was about cooperative efforts…and in the current sign, Scorpio, this is about using power. Among the several mind-boggling examples of new inventions, live holograms of human hearts, cycles that fly through the air, and theoretical engines that hint at new ways of traveling through space, Apollon might also symbolize a very personal type of expansion and multiplication of efforts for those who make the effort and time their efforts well. Apollon-Sun is favorable for using the consciousness to multiply efforts – a rather direct way of reaching Apollon. An associated theme reads something like “being yourself in order increase potential gains.” Playing your strengths to maximize benefits is another way to think about Sun-Apollon.
Mercury and Venus
Mercury’s position in the ingress chart calls attention to the fact that the ingress chart lacks air. Vesta, Zeus, and North Node are the sole representatives of the planets, points, and objects manifesting via the air signs. Thought and communication tend to take a more watery and emotional feel in general, and I expect less appeal to logic and more persuasion via emotional appeal. Thought and communication are definitely more aligned with spirit than usual, with Mercury conjunct Neptune and trine Poseidon. Mercury is comfortable with step-by-step use of logic to reach conclusions, and the watery influence, in the sign of his fall, and taking on characteristics of Neptune, gives logic and left-brained thinking somewhat of a back seat this year. Mercury this year is definitely powerful in certain ways; if extra effort must be given to logically deduce correct answers, it’s balanced through empathetic communication, potential for more intuitive thought, and an imaginative mind. Thought and communication also have a powerful link to Poseidon’s wisdom. Mercury’s functions tend to be more unconscious in Neptune’s sign, and under Neptune’s umbrella besides, but deeply thinking about issues and problems can also lead to true understanding and insight with the powerful Mercury-Poseidon trine.
Venus in Taurus is concerned with beauty and material goods. Fashion and accessories are emphasized this year with Venus in Taurus. Rings, gemstones, “dressing up”, and enlivening the senses are of greater influence. Still, Venus makes a strong 150-degree aspect to Saturn. She also squares Jupiter within a wide orb. Perhaps this is the best of all worlds, with abundance and ease in the mix, but with an absence of excess. Relationships can feel a beneath the surface restriction with both Juno and Venus aspecting Saturn. Still, Venus is stronger than Saturn by sign. So a sense of necessary structure might be guiding relationships this year, or at least of greater influence than simply a feeling of restriction. Venus in Taurus also encourages tangible results through cooperation and collaboration, and stability in relationships. She makes a wide sextile to her spiritual teacher, Neptune, as well. So an emphasis on spirit in relationships is also of potential benefit, with some effort required (the symbolism of the sextile) but also potentially favorable results as a reward for the work.
A closer look at relationships is warranted based on some of the planetary configurations. Juno is widely conjunct Jupiter in Leo. Focusing on the self in close relationships is a theme this year, which perhaps seems paradoxical, but what you bring to relationships and how your ego and consciousness melds with another person’s is important to consider, especially this year. A sense of abundance, growth, and expansion is also in the cards this year for close relationships, given Jupiter’s influence. Juno forms a triple grand trine with Saturn and Sun-Moon-South Node, so the fiery theme of this year is highly congruent with close relationships. So is the past-oriented theme. I am of the opinion that relationships are more about the future than the past, but past-life themes in close relationships is an amazing theme this year with Juno’s aspects to the aforementioned planets, and additionally, to Hades. The Hades influence also creates themes between close partners of cathartic experiences, conscious rearranging of personality traits, objects with multiple components, and almost anything else you might imagine that can be manipulated by removing and replacing parts while keeping the entirety intact, and creation of something new by “mixing” two personalities (an alchemy type theme). The more unpleasant side of Hades in close relationships must be acknowledged, although it’s not inevitable, including past muck surfacing in close relationships.
Juno is a bit far from an aspect to Neptune, but a strong square to Venus in her dominion is in force. Material gains through cooperation in close relationships, and a sense of ease, present but ironically requiring some kind of work with the tense square aspect, are themes with Venus-Juno. The material gains theme works well when partners “compete” somehow as a unit (recalling the overarching fire influence this year), but not so well, obviously, if the competition is against each other. Moon conjunct Sun, the prominence of the Aries sign, and Mars-Venus within shouting distance of each other accentuate the relationships theme this year, particularly the role of one’s self in a relationship. Rather than focusing solely on the other person, what are you bringing to the relationship? How is it improving you? How does your basic identity shift and adapt to someone else? The heavens are asking these pertinent questions this year.
Pallas has an extraordinary influence this year. She is conjunct the Galactic Center, and she is also the focal point of a yod formed by Admetos and Vulcanus. She does not have an outlet, but bearing in mind that the natal chart and other personal charts might be considered in light of the Aries ingress chart, my Saturn, for example, is an outlet for the Pallas yod, giving me pause to think about the possibilities associated with Admetos-Vulcanus-Pallas for myself this year. Pallas symbolizes creative intelligence (credit to Demetra George for the keyphrase). Pallas manifests via the expansive, higher-minded Sagittarius energy, and the conjunction to the Galactic Center gives her manifestation a sense of connection to the complexity, wonder, and immensity of the galaxy. Perhaps we will see significant breakthroughs in the discovery of objects in space, or shortcuts bringing the effort to travel to Mars much closer to reality this year. The fire element encourages risk-taking in formulating creative ideas (although certainly it doesn’t guarantee success). Alternate solutions to difficult problems are perhaps also of greater emphasis with the Pallas placement. Admetos provides a solid base of operations and endurance for the mind to work at being creative, and Vulcanus provides explosive force and an added degree of compulsion to the thought process. The yod suggests a fair amount of work involved in the creative process, and nicely complements the Mercury in Pisces (creative thought) theme this year. Initiating new ideas and finding ways to implement them is a powerful theme this year with Pallas‘ placement.
As the analysis draws to a close, it would be remiss not to mention the Uranus-Pluto square. The square is just beyond exact as Uranus will continue to move farther out of orb from a square with Pluto. The tense square of the two titans beyond Saturn has been discussed over and over in astrological circles. Overall, lately, I have been thinking about how the two planets sometimes share similar functions. My past thinking has involved considering the square: the individual will that wants to break free (Uranus in Aries) in conflict with those in power in various established institutions (Pluto in Capricorn). How can a lot of work (the square aspect) help you revolutionize yourself, and innovate new ways of using your personal energy (Uranus in Aries), when it’s reconciled with structuring your power and helping you use internal and external authority to develop sharp perspectives (Pluto in Capricorn)? Pluto’s dominion is Scorpio, which is Uranus’ exaltation. Uranus likes to break free, and Pluto likes to break down, so both are resistant to established structures. Revolutions are literally about transformation. I’ve also thought that both Uranus (the psychic of the zodiac) and Pluto both have occult symbolism. Uranus symbolizes infinite knowledge – and isn’t knowledge power (Pluto)? More practically, the square between Uranus and Pluto represent an emphasis on the fast-paced change that we are accustomed to, but that can still be tiring. The Neptune-Mercury-Chiron conjunction is saying, perhaps, that occasional rest and reflection is still necessary and useful. Uranus and Pluto’s aspect to Jupiter raises the possibility of abundance via innovative transformation, but also raises the issue of excesses via revolutionary change. Overall Jupiter’s expansiveness offers promising returns as Uranus and Pluto start to part ways, until they meet again…
Much more could be said about the ingress chart. I have always thought that astrology is not so much about what you were born with, but how you make use of what you have. In that spirit, I wish the best for you in the new zodiacal year and hope that you use the lingering Saturn-Neptune square to make your dreams (Neptune) into a material reality (Saturn). Godspeed!
Happy solar return to those with Sun in Aries and see you next month. Mike
Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this newsletter, as the newsletter is not intended to replace them. This is for informational purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to my email address.