Bill Ballard (Jan 11 2012) ~ Preparing for 5D And Higher ~ Cutting Cords, Clearing, Raising Your Consciousness Levels~

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Bill Ballard (Jan 11 2012) ~ Preparing for 5D And Higher – Cutting Cords, Clearing, Raising Your Consciousness Levels~


~ Galactic Love Reporter Bill Ballard~


The ability to take your fears, your separation/ego and shift that into love truly resonating from your heart – learning to live/think/feel from your heart – is one of the greatest tests we have in our ascension process at this level. A person can indeed activate the heart chakra while still experiencing remnants of fear and ego in the being. I know this from my own personal experience. Mastering this, truly understanding who you are - an eternal being connected to All That Is – is your key to the process of ascension. All else is illusion, for on the highest level, You Are All That Is! I Am All That Is! We Are Connected! I Am You As You Are Me - (See?)

What we see occurring on Earth as the final part of Great Awakening is now initiated is a global transformation, a transfiguration and refinement of those individual souls who are choosing the path of Ascension. This is happening and truly on a global scale like never before. Every detail of what is happening affects each and every other individual consciousness that is incarnate on Earth. On a larger scale, what is happening on Earth at this time is affecting the whole Universe. There is a purging of the old negative energies for those who have chosen ascension. This is a refining of the gold (God-Self), of yourself back to who you truly are! Be thankful for these experiences and learn to master these experiences occurring now in your life. Your sword’s steel is now being tempered and honed!


As you all know by now, your every thought and emotion controls this illusion that manifests into the experience you call life. In the higher dimensions where those now ascending are shifting to, your thought and emotion along with your focused intent will manifest instantly in the New Earth’s physical 5D world. This will not be a New Earth without form. It will be much the same as this Earth but with far less density, and far higher vibration. Many are now experiencing in this shift in our own life. We have a way to go yet before the final 5D shift occurs. For those of us who have reached the new 5th dimensional vibration, this lowered density, higher vibration is already occurring and our lives have become so very magical at this time as we step in to who we truly are.


For those who have not chosen ascension the intensity of personal negativity as well as the illusion they have created is maximizing fully now. That too shall increase as we venture on to the center-point of the 2012 vortex, and time continues compressing. The illusion each soul has created will only magnify and amplify in the coming months.

To all souls around the world it appears everything is collapsing. But in truth it is refining the experience each soul has chosen. How one observes it and experiences it determines the experience and emotions they will have. There are many vantage points, and how you look at what is going on is a personal choice creating your experience. From an ascension perspective the soil must be tilled before the seeds of New Earth can grow. That is the chaos of what is happening. So don’t be alarmed! It’s a good thing!


Some Lightworkers still have not understood. They feel uneasy as the old system collapses. They are seeing new laws coming out like NDAA, SOPA, H.R. 3166: The Enemy Expatriation Act (for citizens in USA). We also are experiencing the global economic collapse, chemtrails, Gulf oil spill, and blah, blah, blah. These are all part of what must be exposed and shown to the world to see what we have created, allowed to be created as well as what we don’t wish to have in our future. This all is part of the Divine Plan unfolding. If you can really see what is going on, from a higher level, these things are designed to either refine us into experiencing our own personal Heaven or Hell on Earth. Notice how with each and every person on Earth, it’s getting either so much brighter or worse, depending on how the individual chooses to observe it. It is our choice what we choose to experience. You cannot appreciate the light if you have not experienced the dark.


The “Key” to an easy ascension experience, is to remove yourself from ego/head and shift into your heart, ever growing your love for All That IS. Fear is from the head. It is being afraid of change. It is from your seeing the illusion collapse, and your “thinking” not feeling. Being heart centered is “feeling” that which is in your energy field. Fear has no place here in the heart. That lower vibration of negativity must be completely dissolved from the beings of those ascending. This refinement is all part of the ascension process which we all must go through. It will certainly throw those who are only half-hearted in their focus and choice of ascension into the higher realms, back into the 3rd and 4th dimensional illusion. Get it? When you absolutely know you are creating this illusion which you experience and desire to manifest perfection in your life full of light then fear must go. It is the only way to fully shift into 5D.

Each of us has the ability to fool ourselves (and others) about having done our work and now being there. That is ego. We can look brave to others and appear to be fully heart-centered while in fact we are not. This way we just fools ourselves. It is only appearance – outside, the illusion. No matter how good an actor we are we may fool ourselves but we cannot fool the universe! It is all about vibration and frequency. We must equal the frequency of the dimension we choose to raise our self into. Remember the old saying, “You cannot fool Mother Nature!” With Ascension, nothing is truer that this! This experience of our world collapsing is designed to kick anyone who is “fooling themselves” back into the lower vibrations. Only you know the truth of what is truly in you. Only you can do your interior Christing. No one else can do it for you! So, be honest!


For those who continue reading this message to this point, you are reading because you realize the need for doing your work and learning to become a Christed Being of Light! Help is always available from the universe if you ask. Be sincere and just ask/pray. Then patiently wait and observe. Take time to listen or meditate. Every soul will sooner or later will go through this ascension process, if not now, it will be again sometime in the distant future. Of course and for fun, many of us will try to be brave the events and do this process alone, as a baby learning to walk. Let me go, mommy, daddy, I can do this on my own. That’s the way I feel many times. Doing the process in this manner connects one more directly to source listening to the messages they get through their higher selves, the chain of command. Many of us will indeed need help, but you must ask for it. Nothing is ever done to us or for us., We create our own experience. St. Germaine, Archangel Michael, Your Higher Self, Jesus, Buddha, or any ascended master we personally relate to, can all be called upon to come to our aid…


Learn to use St. Germaine’s Violet Flame (Ray) to cleanse the negative energies.

Many of us have heard of or are ourselves are using the “Rays”. Originally, before the 1980s there were only 7 rays an initiate could use. Now 12 Rays are being projected to Earth and are available for use. I will not go into that here as it is a book within itself.  Much is online for your study of this subject. The Violet Ray or the Pearlescent Ray are the two rays available for “cleansing” your aura and I will speak of using here.

The “Rays” are tools, each having a different colored light, vibration and properties. Each color “Ray” when used with focused intent is like painting a picture. It helps to draw our illusion, showing the details of this illusion we experience and call life. Many of us are mastering the control of it. I highly recommend learning about the Rays if you would like to consciously manifest your own illusion.

In our life illusion, what you “feel” or sense around you are the energies in your aura. Our chakras help to create and grow our aura. That is why it is important to activate and expand our chakra system, making our aura, light body or Merkabah as large as we can. This feeling you sense is the vibration that you yourself are creating along with that that is merging from others vibrational fields. There are a myriad of vortexes that are all affecting each of our fields. Ascension Mastery is the mastery of those vibrations we experience.


All That Is (God) is simply the one collective consciousness as a whole. We are all individual fragments of that whole collective consciousness expressing our own individual creation, our manifestation. The All That Is which simply is the highest expression of all that we are.


Consciousness simply put, is nothing more than vibration. That consciousness or vibration is slowed and manifests into what we see as the universe and experience as all the dimensions. It is all nothing more than a conscious thought, but with intent which we call the Divine Plan. What we “feel” around ourselves, (in our fragment of the whole collective consciousness) is simply a variety of frequency and vibrations. These vibrations affect our aura or magnetic field, or call it our light body or Merkabah if you want. In our process of ascension we must learn to keep our aura complete and whole, in-tact and not leaking. We don’t want a (light) ship with holes in the hull! That may not sail into the 5th dimension. Being whole, or not fractured in our aura, light body, or Merkabah, is what keeps us feeling strong, light, and powerful. In this aura or light body we contain the vast amount of light which is the raw energy needed for manifestation. Our chakra system is one part of the individual components that makes up the transmission of the light body or auric field. There is a process we each must be aware of to maintenance our field and always keep it in the best working order. It is a spiritual machine! Actually there are many processes but I describe what I use here.


When the aura or magnetic field surrounding our physical being, which is the combination of the energies of the heart chakra, and all our other chakras too, is broken or fractured, we will feel these lower vibrational feelings. Pay attention to them. There are literally cracks in our aura and which can leak our light or allow others to feed off our light. Most persons living in a 3rd dimensional existence is experiencing this as their personal wide and varying range of emotions. Their aura or Light Body is in chaos and so they are too. This makes them easy to control by other 4th dimensional beings who realize how the universe and it’s vibrations work. But in easing the minds of those of us ascending, these 4th dimensional beings are in ego/head/astral levels of vibration. Until those 4th dimensional souls who feed on others light have chosen to complete their process, they cannot ascend to the higher 5th dimensional vibrations. For us who choose to ascend to 5D, we must repair our auric field, Light Body which becomes our shield of light.

Many of the lower vibration ETs (the negative ETs) are in this 4th dimensional vibration experiencing their own illusion. The Illuminati’s “dark forces” we see playing out their games of control on Earth at this time, as well as all of humanity who are going through their “personal hell” are all in this lower 3rd and 4th dimensional levels of vibration. Persons ascending must break free of these lower vibrations, detach and shift themselves up and out, and into the 5th dimension of love. This is done by mastering these lower vibrations within ourselves, each and every one of us. Our consistent focus on living from our heart and mastering our fear is the real key here. Love is the highest vibration in each dimension and there are different vibrations of love. In the 3rd and 4th dimensions, fear is the lowest of all vibrations and those in that state are easily controlled and manipulated by others of higher vibration, even in that same dimension of frequency. These lower vibrational beings are limited to that dimension and its experiences while those persons who are mastering it are rising above and are not affected by those lower frequencies and the controls/manipulations being projected by those dark forces. Therefore you may now realize why what is going on here on Earth, at this time and why it is occurring.


One’s cracked or fractured aura must be repaired to keep their light from escaping. Repairing this holds your power, energy, prana, chi, life-force – light. Cording to others by your karmic attachments, keeping the drama going is one of those things that allow the aura to be fractured and leak like a sinking Light-Ship. Forgiveness of the others who have wronged you in some way, asking forgiveness from them or their Higher Selves if you cannot resolve issues directly, and then forgiving your own self for all you have done, helps to plug those fractures, patches the leaking light of your Light ship so it will float, and begins the healing process so you may hold more light in your Merkabah and physical vessel. Forgiveness has always been one of the biggest keys to healing one’s self.


Karma is a game we have all played in order to learn our Earth school lessons from. That is why we came here. It has not only been for soul growth but also to learn how much negativity is needed for conflict resolution in the higher dimensions, for an even higher ascension process, moving back ever closer to Source. As we complete this Earth School we must release those we have contracted with in our Karmic Game so that we can move on.

If those souls we have played these karmic games with choose to remain in the 3-4D, another soul also remaining will take up that contract which we break and cord the former so their karmic games and lessons will continue. Karma is the bond which cords one soul to another allowing the volley of experience between the souls over numerous lifetimes. The cording causes the holes within our Light body or Merkabah and in turn binds us to the lower dimensions because of the lowered light quotient that it creates.


Addictions also lower our vibrations and “fracture” our auric field. All of us ascending must address the issues we have, heal and plug all these leaks and fractures in order to hold more Light. Get it? Everyone choosing ascension MUST repair that which is allowing our light to drain. No one can do this for us! We each must do this for ourselves!



We must “re-member” our true and real spiritual powers. Knowing who we areon a higher level than we know ourselves as “our ego” (this lifetime) empowers us. Each and every one of us are all great spiritual beings and are also individual fragments of personality descending from the One. We are all spiritual soldiers of Archangel Michael’s Legions of Light. We all volunteered for this experiment in duality. Go inside and connect. “Re-member” the dismemberment of who you are! You will eventually realize the truth of this!

To cut our cords to others, we must remember who we are, what we came here to do, and take back our spiritual powers. We must re-member these spiritual tools we have forgotten, which are consciously empowered when we remember who we are… These spiritual tools are the only real ones. In reality the real is - the invisible, the eternal which creates the illusion, and the visible/tangible – is truly unreal (maya) for it shall pass into another energy form.


Wow, what a realization!


The things we thought were real (because they seem to be so tangible) are fake. Those things are only slowed vibrational energy which allows us to see and touch it in our collective illusion. They are just slowed vibrational consciousness formed via the initial thought of creation (“In the beginning” Genesis Ch:1) necessary for designing this illusion and powered by the force of focused intent slowed in vibration and composed of the various “rays” manifested and experienced in the illusion we call life.


If you have studied science you know that the atoms within everything we experience as matter are spaced far apart. In relation to each other (according to size) they are as far apart as the stars in our universe. Two galaxies on a collision course pass through each other without stars hitting stars. With that in mind, so too might the atoms in two separate objects we think of as solid pass through each other within our illusion – e.g., our hand through a table. The reason we don’t walk through walls or fall to the ground when sitting in a chair, or simply pass through the earth is that we have collectively agreed to rules of this illusion. This is done in all the dimensional games we experience, in all the various illusions. This forms our collective (false) reality of the illusion. To change it we must collectively change the agreements and rules of the illusion. That is the coming dimensional shift about to happen which takes us into the 5th dimensional world and higher.


Our individual dreams manifest the collective reality. Our thought projected into a higher level slows and manifests into the (fake) reality or illusion we will experience.


When we remove previous rules which set our limitations and is the grid work that binds the illusion we create (the foundation), when that is removed and we raise our frequency we easily change our illusion. It is magic! We are empowered then! This is what the coming 5th dimensional new Earth and new Universe is all about. The reason that no ascended master can tell you what will happen is that we are all jointly manifesting what is to come through our collective consciousness. Everyone ascending is participating as a creator, whether they consciously recognize this or not. It is up to us to choose what we desire to experience next as the new Earth.


Why is there not a better description of the new Earth in the book of Revelation in the Bible about what we are going to experience, other than it being Heaven? Because we have not collectively manifested it yet! We are all participants! Understand? So, please don’t limit yourself or the collective by establishing rules and limitations here! Dream big! Be unlimited in your imagination of ascension! WE are jointly creating it as we come to the center point of 2012! We are one!



To more readily manifest a creation, we need light! It is the raw energy for that creation. Light is life-force, chi, prana, energy or whatever name one uses for it. That light is what fills and is your aura (energy field, Merkabah or whatever name you desire to call that).


Don’t get hung up on words as words are only a projection of ego allowing us to communicate with each other in the lower dimensions. It is a very poor form of communication. It is far better to picture what you see in your consciousness and whole – with all cording to which it is attached. We must envision how it is connected to all that is affected by its creation. In mastery we must view how it affects everything (All that Is | God) as it changes the whole of the hologram, the Mandelbrot. If we break it down we must learn to sense/feel/see the various tones of sound (vibration and dimensions). This is a far better way of communicating a concept and joining with others in manifesting whatever new illusion we desire to create. Telepathy uses this process and is a tool of the higher dimensions. Many of us are already functioning in this manner.


Back now to the auric fields, plugging the light leaks, and healing one’s self


As we picture and “feel” our Auric Field, Merkabah, or Light body there are many shape differences of the energy in your field we experience as we go through our initiation. Initiation simply means initiating these vibrations into our energy field or Light Body. The shape of our individual fields will change as we develop. It is a process, and steps will be completed before ascending to the next higher level. The process is the same for each individual initiate. But here and for a word description of the energy field to provide you a good picture to express this thought with, I want you to think of this shape as an egg. Our field (the egg) surrounds our body. Any attachments we have to anything of the illusion of the 3rd and 4th dimensional worlds (like other people, our material possessions, and even our addictions to food, drugs, emotions) – those attachments are cords that go through the shell (parameters) of our energy egg.


As those cords go through the shell there is a piercing of our aura (Light Body, Merkabah). From those points of piercing our light, chi (prana, life force) flows to the attachment we are corded to. Our energy and light drains out. This is how and why spiritual vampires and karmic connections can bleed or drain our life force. We are being leached by a spiritual parasitic infestation. We each and on our own must cut these cords, patch our auric egg shell and fill any fractures in it so as to hold as much light as we can.


If you crack an egg what happens?  If you poke a hole in an egg what happens? The life force feeding the embryo (the connection to your higher spiritual self) leaks out and the egg slowly dies. In patching the holes we begin holding our light. Holding more light automatically begins raising our self to the 5th dimensional vibrations and beyond. In doing so the old cycle of life and death, of the karmic Earth School, can be completed once and for all, and for all eternity. That is unless you choose to remain or come back continue experiencing the lower dimensions. What a pain that has been! So, choose wisely!


When we cut our ties – especially to the ones we love – and allow them to experience what they need for their life lessons we begin to heal. Just like after having doing a parasite cleanse we must heal those organs the parasites burrowed into and weakened. The same is true with our spiritual selves and our light bodies.


Here I wish to say that addictions consist not only of drugs or habits. Addictions can be foods or emotions and even our ego which we use to identify our self – that provides us with a sense of being important or makes us feel “good” about ourselves. These addictions bind you to the lower dimensions. At this time in Earth history (the End Times), many of us are “re-member-ing” and knowing we each came from different places prior to this our Earth school experience. We are beginning to realize that our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and friends did not come from the same place we did before coming here to Earth. How profound! We all have come from different worlds and civilizations from all over this universe and have the ability to return home when we leave here. We just came and played this karmic game for our soul learning and to absorb experience for the civilization we represent. So release all your attachments to the lower vibrations! We are each going to different places and dimensional levels when we leave here. Cut the cords & heal thyself! It is time now!


We each must learn to see that we came here to experience, and realize it has been a game played with each other in order to learn certain lessons. It is the experience of all our lifetimes on Earth that we take with us!


We have been teachers training in a school of mastery! All the vibrational experience of all our past lives is what is in your Akash. Those experiences can be drawn from any time we choose to raise our vibration and attune to that level and dimension of consciousness. It is our history. Actually we can attune to the Akash of All that IS, the “Universal Akash” as well. It is a library of vibrational records consisting of all past, present and probable future events! Everything is, has been and will be! It is all nothing more than various levels of vibration which makes up consciousness.


Clean & Maintain Vibratory Frequency

When the karmic cords have been cut to keep the light from being drained from our field, it is now time to clean the interior of our Auric Field, Light Body, or Merkabah.  It is like cleaning house and must be done on a regular basis for optimal performance of our creative manifestation and to hold the highest possible volume and vibration of Light. That is when St. Germain’s violet flame, or for me, the higher and more newly manifested “Pearlescent” flame can be invoked and used to cleanse the auric field.


Yes, anyone can do this at any time ­­and even while in the 4D. 3D does not recognize a connection to Source. 4D does but has not yet embodied that Sour­­ce, or next level of your Higher Self. When we have cut the cords and patched the leaks in our energy fields so our light is not leaking, it’s now time to focus on the clean-up… We are now consciously building our Light-ship and don’t want any more leaks that can lower or sink us back into the lower dimensions. Just like building anything in the 3D world, we need to keep our jobsite clean… It is similar in the spiritual world too… It is all an experiment with rules and limitations we put on ourselves and as a collective which in turn gives us the guidelines or laws governing the illusion.

We have tools. We do construction (as now bringing Heaven to Earth, spirit to our physical being). We build. Then, we must clean up our mess when the project (Earth School here) is done… This must be done before we can move on (ascend). Each of us must do it for ourselves, as no one can do this for you! We also must do this as the collective, just as mother Earth must be cleansed prior to her coming ascension.


To clean up our energy field we must be completely in and aware of our energy field. See it, or sense and feel it. Envision either the violet or pearlescent flame cleansing your auric field beginning above your head in your Soul Star. Sense the light and energy contained within your “egg”. Feel the boundaries of that egg as only you can perceive it. In the future, as you ascend and infinitely expand, your egg will also expand forever more. It will grow beyond the universe and dimensions you currently perceive connecting to the reality of All that Is, or the Multiverse.


Now envision your Life Cord, Silver Cord, or Antakarana that connects you from Source (Heart of God, the Very Highest part of who you are) down through all that is you, which makes up your individual personification, down through your Angelic Self, Monad, Soul Family, Soul and into you. This, your Antakarana runs through all your higher chakra systems, through your bodies chakra systems, and down through your root chakra. It goes through your Earth chakras and connects to the core (Heart) of mother Earth.


Move the violet flame down through your Antakarana and into your egg, your Light body. As you sense it, lower it, and “Feel” the sensation as you clean out and clear out your energy egg or auric field. Move it down, cleaning and clearing all negative debris and lower vibrations from the field… You can send it down to Mother Earth as you clear it out, but when we do that, those energies are sent to her. Remember, whatever energies that are sent to Mother Earth must later be cleared out by those of us who transmute lower density vibrations for Mother Earth… You will be leaving a mess for others to clean up. Personally, I would appreciate it if you get into the practice of containing these energies into a ball, picking it up and send out away from Mother Earth. Remember these energies are vibration, and as it has polluted your field, it will do the same to Mother Earth. Call on Archangel Michael or whoever you associate with on the higher levels and ask they take these lower vibrations so that it be removed from Earth’s Auric Field.


A technique I personally use is to envision a cosmic toilet above my head, upside down, with its plumbing system going to the Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is a Giant Sewer System with a Cosmic Treatment Station at the other end. As you begin your clearing, beginning from your head, force all the lower vibrational energies down from above the body, from the mind/head, downward through each and every muscle, every cell in your body, feeling the lower vibrations move from where they came in your body. Keep sending it down. Collecting these lower vibrations, negative energies into a sphere as you move it down your being. Ball it up. Keep it contained. Feel the sensation and release and clearing of your cells as you move those lower vibrations from your body. Compact those lower energies densely like wadding a paper into a ball. It is a ball of lower energy negative chi. Send the ball down into your feet picking up all lower energies on the way. Send it down from your body and below your feet, keeping it contained in a grapefruit sized ball of negative energy. Encapsulate it with white light as you do.


Now it is time for cosmic disposal.  Pick up that ball keeping it to the exterior of your being, not allowing it to tar baby stick back on you. See that cosmic toilet above your head… Put it in and Flush! Don’t forget to wipe the seat and close the lid! See that negative crap going down the cosmic plumbing to the black hole in the center of the galaxy, to the Cosmic Treatment Center, and being transmuted coming out as pure clean white light on the other side… See? The process is rather simple. We feel so much better when we realize the power of what we can do! The imagination we had when younger and were taught was child’s mind is the real reality.


Whether you hand these energies off to Archangel Michael or send them to the cosmic treatment station, that black hole, we have moved them out of this field of existence rather than putting it into Mother Earth, whose vibrations we are now raising! See, we do not want to send lower energies to her and cause further pollution we must later clean up. It is our responsibility to not only raise our personal frequency but also Mother Earth’s for her ascension as well as our own. We must each clean up our own mess… Don’t leave it for another, please! No spiritual littering… Don’t leave any old negativity lying around!  Otherwise the universe will give you a ticket, back to the 4th dimension! ha



When the negativity has been cleared from the field that is when it is time to use the violet or pearlescent flame, transmuting any debris that is left and spiritually soaping and washing the field of all the former contamination… That is the purpose of these flames. Begin at your head and send the violet or pearlescent flame down from the top of your auric field and through all that which was holding any lower vibrations, cords, attachments or so on washing it all clean. Feel what is happening! Picture in your mind’s eye what it is you are doing. See it clearly as you go through this process. As you do this you will feel a cleaning/transmuting of all your cellular structure preparing it to be painted. Doing this to me is like the spiritual Jomax cleaning and scouring the field before the painting of your aura. And I like my aura either in a strong pure white light or in rainbows, dancing colors of the full spectrum.


After you cleanse your field, you can return to the various rays and their use. This will strengthen the field to whatever effect is desired. Each Ray, each color has a different vibration. The Rays are used in Spiritual Construction for manifesting that we desire. For example, Red, the 1st Ray is a color of intent, of power, force, and determination. Red is the color of war… Red can easily be over used… Be careful as it is VERY powerful! Blue is a color of Love. Yellow and green are colors of healing, and so on. Using these Rays and their colors and invoking them in your energy field brings different vibrations to what you sense. You are creating your manifestation. These Rays on a higher level IS what makes up all “matter” which we experience in this illusion. By use of these same tools we can change our own being, our physical body as we finally realize we are not bound by the teachings we learn in the lower vibrational 3-4D illusion. This is why the masters of the higher realms can look anyway they so desire, never aging and always in a state of youth. Your thought creates your reality!


From Source the Divine plan is issued forth into the lower dimensions to manifest. The Elohim in the higher dimensions take the Divine Plan (a conscious thought with focused intent) and slows the vibration as directed by the plan into the various lower dimensions. At the point the Elohim (higher levels of us) access it, first it is like an architectural drawing, a picture and thought of focused intent of what is to be created. The Elohim break that intent of manifestation down into components of the whole picture defining all the various incremental parts making up that whole picture. This is just as an architectural drawing shows the design, measurements of all the parts that will eventually be manufactured into the final product being created. So the vision is created and defined. Then that vision and it’s components and definitions are lowered in dimensional vibrations where the construction begins. The next lower level is where the Rays are used which begins the formation of the energies which when lowered in vibration, through the dimensions are the components of all this we see and experiences in material form as this illusion. That picture when the rays were defined and brought forth (8th Dimension) is again lowered in vibration to another dimension for construction. This level is where tones, the sounds, the lower vibrations of light, which allow the light of the rays to become even more dense and slower in vibration. We are in the 9th, 8th and 7th dimensions of creation here. These levels are the spiritual invisible levels and beyond physical form, but is the necessary component in manifesting the illusion. But each and every level is connected to all other levels whether we realize it or not. We are playing in ALL levels whether you consciously realize it or not. The trick is to be consciously aware of your part in the manifestation of the Divine Plan. That level of being a conscious participant is Ascension Mastery!


From the higher realms, the vibration of creation is slowed from the 7th dimension down into the dimensions of our current physical reality… the illusion… ha… The 6th dimension is the highest level we can experience of physical reality. The 6th dimension is a realm of these higher but lowering vibrations attempting to manifest into physical realty (illusion) of density. The 6th dimension, being at the cusp of the spiritual/physical dimensions is an ever shifting dimension. It is a dimension of real mastery as nothing is yet anchored. It is where plans can be changed just as an afterthought shift in plans from an architectural drawing manifested into reality by construction.


Source or Creator wants to build an idea, a thought into form. The Elohim are the architects doing the drawing of that plan.  We who are in physical form are the builders, the spiritual construction workers, building and erecting the Divine Plan. Those ascending into the 5th dimension is a reality is going to a dimension of physical not unlike the 3rd or 4th dimension, but one where because of the higher vibration there, far higher than you now experience, things can be instantly manifested by one’s own thought. Therein IS the reason each and every one of us must master our thoughts and emotions before being allowed ascend out of the 3-4D worlds of learning… Think about this very carefully… FEEL what I am saying! How would we like a super negative entity entering into that realm which could destroy our universe in a single thought? It’s not a pretty picture. Mastery is what Earth School is about! See?


Lower vibrations, the separation, the negativity and duality only lie in the 4th dimension and lower. We go to this super intense school of mastery to learn via karma what the problems our action can manifest. We must experience this completely before begin allowed to proceed. There are no controls manipulating anyone in the 5th dimension, except for the rules one places on his/her own self. We are each a conscious creator of the whole illusion in our individual illusions from that point on. In truth, at the highest levels we will eventually obtain, we will become Universal Creators, so we are Gods in training! In 5D+ No laws other than Quantum Laws will govern that we wish to manifest. We make the rules of our creation! That can be a very big problem if we have not reached a high level of mastery and of oneness, realizing our connection to All That Is yet.


To arrive there, you must realize the divinity of each and every other soul’s (God in Training) manifestation. We all have free will! Mastery is learning that All That Is is connected to to ALL that IS, and realizing what we do as individuals affects all else. All Illusions are a Mandelbrot, a hologram. What you put out as thought and emotion creates a vibration that affects the whole of the hologram. Each is inputting our part into the manifestation of the collective illusion. Since we recognize the process we cannot remain in the 3-4D realms in this state, as we have completed our schooling. So now we create a new game. That is what 2012 and the coming dimensional shift is all about. It is time we create a new game – new Earth!


And so we come back full circle to NDAA, SOPA, H.R. 3166: The Enemy Expatriation Act (for citizens in USA), the Global Economic Collapse, Chemtrails, Gulf Oil Spill, and all the blah, blah, blah stuff of the realization of the illusion, the controlling of those player in the illusion and all that I spoke of in the beginning of this essay… See, in experiencing this, these things are all the ultimate tests for us for our entry into 5D. We must go through a purification of our auric field, of our Light Body, and our Merkabah to ascend to a level of being a conscious creator with no rules and limitations. So now will come the final test in our mastery! That test is designed to see if we can walk through the spiritual fire of the collapsing illusion of the 3-4D world without getting burned? Can we be IN the world but NOT OF IT??? That is the test we must each pass to be allowed into the higher dimensions. We each must do it ourselves. There is no cheating here! You cannot fool Mother Nature!


There are many of us here who will go on to even higher dimensions as the shift occurs. Part of the higher initiations is in being of service to all. The 8th initiation, which because of the vibrational increase of Earth as of December 21, 2010 has allowed this level to be obtained, is the first Ascension Initiation where an initiate must be completely devoted to serving the Divine Plan unfolding in the universe. It comes after the Solar (soul) initiations have been completed and is the first Galactic Initiations.


This fragment of God has completed his/her service-to-self issues and is focused on the ascension of the whole universe. They are reaching farther than the focus of his/her personal desires. We can continue service to self all the way up through the 7th initiation but must be completed here. To ascend to 5D one must be 51% in service to others. To obtain the 8th level you must be fully in line with being a tool of the divine plan. Those lower initiations 5-7 are Solar (self) initiations. As a martial artist’s rank testing, to get to the higher belts one must be more and more concerned about community. As you reach your first black belt you have learned the basic tools of your body, how to use it, and are given the techniques of mastery. To gain higher rank one must then become a teacher to others, in service to their advancement. This is repeated and probationary periods of time are taken for these abilities to anchor and become permanent into one’s being. This is the same in the ascension mastery initiations.


At the beginning in martial arts the individual is learning mastery of his/her self… Then the initiate has mastered the self, the initiate help others to master themselves. Later to become a Grand Master, or true Creator (as on a larger level a Universal Creator), they must add to the creation or studies martial art something totally different, and unique to that individual’s style. What is described in the path of martial arts and ranking is exactly duplicated in the initiations of the Ascension process. The 8th initiation, as you move from the Solar Initiations (self) you move into the Galactic Initiations (service to others). The initiations levels are similar to 1st – 7th ascended mastery initiations but on a Galactic Scale. Later it will again repeat but on a Universal level, and later on a Multiverse level. It is a hologram which repeats on all micro/macrocosm levels.


This is only a process we each and all must master sooner or later, whether you realize it at this stage of the game or not. This information can be termed “The Complete Idiot’s Melchizedek Process of Ascension Handbook”. I joke here and have fun with it. Remember we each have to do these things for ourselves. Every Master here on Earth has had to also. It IS a process. There are NO SHORTCUTS, other than those being offered in these End Times we are living in now. You see, Time is speeding up. It is compressing. Mother Earth is ascending too. Because of that, So much help and focus is being given to 2012 and all who wish to ascend with Mother Earth and beyond! There has NEVER been a time where so many persons are ascending at the same time as now. There were as many persons activating their heart chakras went in 2009 alone as in all previous time in Earth history.


Now quite literally, tens of millions of persons on Earth are going through this process. The whole universe is ascending. Other civilizations are doing this by their ambassadors they have sent to Earth as their representatives for this time. Those ambassadors (YOU) are the strongest of the strong souls from where you came! YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONES! The other civilizations are ascending through the sight, the sounds, the emotions and experiences of that individual they chose to come as, whether that individual ambassador he/she realizes it or not. We each have such great universal and multidimensional help available at this time so this process is accomplished. It is like no other time ever in the history of our universe… The Divine Decree is that the whole universe ascends NOW. It does not matter if an ambassador ascends or not. Their civilization may still ascend from the experience that ambassador has had here on Earth as Earth herself ascends! So the one, in that respect, will not hold back the many! For these reasons there will never be an easier time, or time where you can advance so far spiritually as is now available, from now and until the coming dimensional shift.


With Unconditional LOVE for All That IS!

Bill Ballard


January 11, 2012 is the 20th anniversary of the Opening of the 11:11 Doorway and the 144,000+ Souls of Archangel Michael’s First Wave, who when hearing the call, volunteered for incarnation, fought the wars of the illusion all their lives, but re-member-ed who they were, put all else aside and gathered for that event. Thank you for your determination and courage to follow that invisible world! The Opening of the 11:11 Doorway allowed the higher dimensional frequencies to be anchored into Earth, raising the Vibration for planetary and humanities ascension which we are now experiencing.


Thank you Solara and ALL who re-member-ed and participated, for a job well done! We made it!


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And Special Thanks and LOVE to Donna and Jerry Creamer
