~The Alchemical Transformation of the Physical Body during Ascension~
Through Petra Margolis~
As you are reaching new heights within the ascension process I would like to explain a bit more about the Alchemical Process taking place.
The physical body is a carbon based energetic system. Meaning each physical cell is carbon based no matter what its final purpose within the physical is.
This carbon based cell will go through a change during the ascension process.
It will go from carbon based into a diamond frequency based cell.
This is an alchemical process that takes place through pressure within the physical carbon based cell.
It is somewhat similar to the process of coal being pressed until it reaches the state of a diamond.
The pressure within the physical cell takes place through bringing in more and more higher frequencies, more and more spiritual parts of you anchoring and coming into the physical body, merging with the physical body.
The pressure of bringing in the energies or energy particles of the higher spiritual parts is what brings about the alchemical change within the physical cell.
Every physical cell is filled with more and more energy, higher frequency energy and as the frequency gets higher, the more energy, the more pressure within the physical cell. The higher the frequency the more alchemical change takes place as the higher frequency carries a different DNA pattern or code.
This is a process that can take months as the pressure keeps on building and can be very painful for the human body.
It usually results in feeling pressure within the head, but also pain within the joints as well as just overall pain within the physical body in unexpected places.
Muscle pains even though you have not done any workouts for example.
It is a very difficult process and is something that cannot be accomplished overnight as it is an actual change within the physical cells.
The change takes place within the physical cells and the last change happens during the ascension where the outside layer of the physical cell changes and each physical cell changes into the diamond light frequency.
This means the physical body keeps it physical appearance up until the ascension and the only changes taking place are within each cell.
Some of the experiences during this process are also a feeling of the physical body disappearing, usually this happens when you are in a rest period, like falling asleep.
The most difficult cells to change are the bone cells as they are not as fluid as most of the other cells, this is why joint pain sometimes can be very painful.
This is not to be compared with other joint diseases that are present within humanity. You will know the difference as it happens.
This process of alchemical change is happening for some of you.
Not everyone on earth has chosen the complete alchemical change and most humans actually have only chosen to ascend into a more fluid energy but only up to a 5th dimensional level and from there work on this process.
The process of full alchemical change takes place within every dimensional level of your being as each level of your spiritual being needs to be anchored and merged with the physical body to complete the change.
This is why we have talked about moving deeper and deeper within to reach the Source Spark within as the Source Spark contains the last codings needed to complete the change.
Reason why we have been bringing up the ascension is that it is attainable at this time through a much shorter process, or within a much shorter time frame as the earth moves to the galactic core.
Shorter means however it can be more painful as the changes and pressure are taking place in a short amount of time, compared to overall several lifetimes.
As I have explained this part I would like to remind you that this is not about the elite, the few that are going to ascend or have the right circumstances to ascend.
Many who are in this process are doing this while having a full time job, kids and more. This is not about sitting under a tree or fully moving out of the reality of the 3rd dimensional world.
This process is also about becoming and changing your reality no matter what the outside world is.
There are many ways of accomplishing this and you can do this through inner work or through a teacher. The process is usually faster through a teacher as this involves a shared experience of reality, more support and understanding of the process as you are going through it simultaneously. Another thing some teachers can do is take on some of the pain as they teach their students. As the teacher is usually ahead of the students, and in a higher frequency, the teacher can support the energy of the students to get through certain changes allowing also for a faster process within the student.
It is similar to climbing a mountain and the one that is the highest makes the holes for the clamps and lifts allowing for the ones that follow to skip that part and use the clamps the first person has provided for them.
Another advantage will be if you work together with a group, this is all about reaching the highest awareness, and many have asked how do I know.
When you are moving deeper within, it helps to express what you experience, you can do this by writing it down, or you can do this by sharing with others. As you share your experience with others, and others share with you, you will start to see the similarities, but also have a more conscious awareness of what happened when you moved deeper within your own being.
Conscious awareness is important as this is what the human needs to keep following and to keep pushing and make decision on each level to go deeper within.
This is not just about your spiritual level, or parts making decisions, this is about full cooperation between every part of your being and this includes the human as the human is within the physical and makes the decisions.
As higher and/or more deeper parts merge with the physical body, it is still a cooperation between every part of you as living within a physical world requires more than just dealing with a spiritual world. The deeper levels will be cooperating with the human mind and heart as decisions are made on how to stay conscious within both worlds.
This because those higher or deeper parts do not have any experience within a physical reality and in this way actually need the knowledge of the human to become fully realized within the physical reality.
I will leave for now and will explain about who and why there are different groups, different levels of ascension and more in my next message.
As always questions are welcome and I will try to answer as many of them in my next messages.
This is a very complex subject and it is not an easy one to explain as the human knowledge is still growing about this.
Through Petra Margolis
January 8, 2012