Co~Creating with the Field of New Life ~ Phew Baby!!~
~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~
I take a lot of messages, share a lot of insight from spirit about these times we are in now, but what it all really means to us seemed vague at best.
I have been writing about the field of energy I call 2012 for many months now. I have seen the evolution of our own Light bodies, the expansion, the contractions, and constantly hearing how this new field is alive. Well everything is truly alive... right?
Maybe spirit meant alive with a consciousness of it's own. A field of energy we absolutely must learn to co-operate with, to co-create with.
Let me just tell you about my day yesterday. I was only able to do 2 of my 4 scheduled readings because my cell phone signal was hi-jacked by the energy of this place. Let me share...
My first reading of the day was to a lady in Mexico. I remember from my own meditations that the land we call Mexico will be infused with this new Light energy first from our mother earth. I had seen it clearly I think in my 11/11 meditation (or somewhere around there.)
Because the weather here is still very cold outside, I read for her (as I will read for anyone when it is cold outside) from my kitchen table. My table is set up in direct alignment with my back door and a straight line to the Mesa Cliff. (As the weather allows, I will do everything I can from outside.)
As our connection opened up I was so surprised by what I had seen. So surprised. She was outside in the yard exactly halfway between here (my table) and the Mesa Cliff. I could see the field of energy - grid completely encircle her and infusing this amazing energy down to her as if she was taking an energy shower. The energy came in like long strands of liquid light, infiltrating the field and drenching her... slowly, gently, in this new field of Light.
She stood there in the center, arms up in the air and wrapped around each other and just basked in it's radiance and glory. She had said she felt like that has been happening to her since she moved to Mexico... and because she is still in this light shower... true movement from the soul impossible.
Can I tell you, reading from here... holy sugar nuts... it's like reading from the highest peak on Mount Everest! I have got to find new breath, new ledges to stand upon as I look around. Not to mention the field of energy merging with my own wiring is like a melt down in process. Phew!! But hay... I am a trooper and will persevere!!
I looked around to see what else we could see and what may be coming up for her. The only real thing the field showed me (and trust me, this is no longer me doing a reading for you, it is the field coming alive thru you) was that on about January 15th there will be a brand new energy something or another connected fully to her crown chakra. I could see this energy so clearly... mostly a brilliant metallic blue and violet, but other color frequencies there too. I have no clue what it means... God forbid we should get all the details... but I could feel the power surge from it.
I also seen something really interesting thru her as well. No doubt time and futher understanding of how this place works will reveal the truth about what I had seen... but let me tell you what I did see (smile).
I future doorway swinging open. I had written in one of my other blogs about seeing this really large doorway at the bottom of the Cliff, it was a solid gold/yellow doorway into the cliff. A yellow energy (very much like the energy in the photos) was surrounding this doorway into? the Cliff. I had only seen that doorway that day, that moment, but somethings get embedded in your heart... I will recognize that energetic doorway forever.
The last thing I had seen was that same doorway, only now it was half way between where I am reading from and where the Cliff is... it was a glowing soft white and set up on her center path vertically. There was no way of getting of feel of when this doorway would present itself... I just knew there would come a time that it does.
I have just suddenly understood something (vaguely anyway) that I will share when I talk about my 2nd and last reading / connection for the day.
By the time I finished my reading with her, my brains were totally fried. I could barely formulate a coherent sentence, so I went and took a bath. It was a quicky... The hot water heater is set to 120 degrees, but yet, when I get in that water feels luke warm. Strange.
As I pondered the reading I had just done, all the ancients surrounded the top of the Cliff at the edge and threw down hand fulls of seeds. I never seen the seeds hit the ground... I know I am still very much adjusting my own frequency to this place. I have no idea what the seeds are for... because that was the end of my connection.
I had a 10:30am reading I needed to prepare for anyway. The moment I went to call her, my wifi calling disappeared... completely. I thought that was very strange because I had 4 full bars of wifi juice and my calling ability had been consistant since my internet was hooked up. I walked outside, roamed around to find that signal... nada.
I had a deep deep feeling that it was taken away for a reason by this place. But why? I really had no clue and was clouded by the frustration within me that I had to write to everyone who had a reading scheduled and let them know... I may not be able to call.
The one thing I am learning in overtime here, anytime I am frustrated or angry, the field withdraws from me. Trust me, I am working on that within myself!
Not being able to make a single call I tried to figure out what I was supposed to do. And then I received a reply from my mornings blog from J. Long, heartfelt... and needing understanding... NOW! Why not, I couldn't dance, might as well sing!
The very moment I wrote and posted my new blog as a reply to her, the wifi calling signal came back on instantly. I thought to myself... really? Really?? You (the field) hijacked my calendar so I can immediately write that blog? Of course they did. Had I done all my readings I would have never had the internal energy to write about our Storehouse. I surely wouldn't have written it this morning either... I knew already I wanted/needed to write about this (everything I am writing about
I realized with every ounce of my Being, this field is very very much alive and interactive in our relationship. It does have an agenda and I (we) must learn to flow with that. To be in step, harmony and full trust with that.
For me, this is really exciting. Disorienting for sure... but so exciting!
I was an hour late for my last scheduled reading for the day, but I wasn't going to miss an opportunity... I called her anyway.
Let me tell you, I am learning what all this is thru you. You have details in your field of energy I do not within mine! We will find the key to that door together!
It is so easy for our minds to think we are so far behind where we think we need to be. The one thing inside of my heart and 10 years of reading has shown me... the energy never ever lies. What I see, is always true. My interpretation of what I see may need some tweaking and further understanding, but the truth of the visuals is always spot on.
Since it was 2pm in the afternoon by now and it was 40 something degree's, I decided to read for her outside in the circle where the fire-pit is. I think just from curiosity within myself.
She showed up directly half way between where I was standing and the Cliff. There is something to that, and right now... I have no clue what. I could see her standing on her path sideways. Her left arm facing the Cliff, her right arm facing me. And the network of (what looked like) fibor optics all plugged into her back, from shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip and everywhere in between... my lord it was stunning to see, and feel.
All her team wanted to talk about was learning to use this energy that is now plugged into her. In order to use it, you must vibrate with it. Breathing, listening, feeling.
And then this golden nugget of information came thru her energy field. This is so super important and I am going to make it stand out in this text. This is really what we are doing.... Now!
She had asked about needed to learn how to use it to manifest. The energy itself was so clear that we are not manifesting in the way we once were. Not even a little.
As we learn to take this new fibor optic network of energy into us, it blends itself into a super power energy within our core. When we breath, we breath it out into the field naturally. When we speak, think, do... we bring it out into the field naturally.
As the field in-front of you becomes imbued with this new energetic elixir of Life, it manifests on its own. It will always provide you with exactly what you need when you need in and in the way it is needed. This IS Co-Creating with your Soul.
Go into your mind... you are going to get tangled up in sorrow (the fields words, not mine.)
On that note, I have to close to get ready for my readings. I do want to mention that I am going to launch several new things on my website today. One is going to be a new spectrum for reading and energy exchange that includes the dead sea salts and Arkansas Crystal energy (and whatever essential oil you may need.) I will no longer be offering the 30 minute or hour reading, because it has all changed and this field wants to travel to you thru the crystal energy. By the end of the day I will have new packages on my energy reading page. I am also going to be putting together a one on one class done via skype to walk you (and me) thru the steps of how to live this energy in your life. By the end of the day... I will have it done.
By the way... all those crystals I had sent out last year and will send out this year... have a way bigger purpose than I could have ever realized. Details to come!
I love y'all soooooooo flipping much. Thank you all for getting Life to Here and breathing it back into the fields of Matter thru your heart!! (Ain't no wonder the heart is snuggled up to the, wink.)
Lisa Gawlas
P.S. I am spreading myself way to thin in all the area's I share in. I am going to consolidate where I share from. If you have been following this blog please follow me at The Shift of Time and Energy, that is where I am going to be sharing all the readings from. I have also created a very specific blog as we learn to live within the energies of Shambhala. If you feel so inclined, please follow that one as well. It will be specifically for the information about Shambhala. This will be my last update here at Insights From My Massage Table (I haven't done massages since Oct.!)