Setting a STRONG Foundation ~ from Ascended Master Djwal Khul ~ by: Julie Miller ~ January 12, 2012

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Setting a STRONG Foundation
Message from Ascended Master Djwal Khul
 by Love Reporter Julie Miller
January 12, 2012



It has been a long time beloved ones since I spoke though our vessel. I already proclaim it to be a wonderful experience for both me and for all of you. How deeply you are loved by so many that are with you as we speak.

It is necessary beloved ones as you continue with your journey on the Path of Light to work on your foundations. I am speaking of the Threefold Flame beloveds: Pink - Love, Blue - Power, Gold - Christ self. A strong understanding of each to the point of Mastery is essential beloved ones. It will further awaken not only your heart but every particle of your mind, and soul. Constructing and maintaining the foundation as you move throughout your journey will lead you to your eventual ascension.

We will discuss all three flames of this powerful trinity. Love, the pink flame has been discussed many times and we of the Divine will continue to express the importance of Unconditional Love not only for others to receive but for yourself. You must be able to love yourself unconditionally before you openly or even inwardly UNCONDITIONALLY love another. When you love purely without adding any expectation or attachment you are loving as you are meant to be. Love is the simplest of gestures and of feelings, yet at the same time the most difficult for many beloved ones to express. When expressing your Divine Unconditional Love that is filled with Pure Intent you are quite basically showing others and yourself your own vulnerabilities. This is when many stop with the Love. They fear what others may think of them for their most deepest of feelings, but what of themselves; of yourself. What do you think beloveds? I see many opening their hearts, aiding others when they hear heart wrenching stories that shouts vulnerability. Are you able, willing and ready to share your deepest, most remote heart wrenching experiences with others? By sharing such experiences, even though they are hard holds so much opportunity for learning. You are able at that time to recognize your own humanness and so are others. This is GOOD. Even though many merge within other dimensions, your physical body and life exists here in your third dimensional world; therefore you need to accept and embrace yourself with love for all that you are. This is the hardest part of Unconditional Loving for many beloved ones. They find it easier to show and love others, but they are only giving part of themselves if they have not accepted completely ALL that they are first; the good with the bad. Every part of your existence requires balance. An equal amount of good qualities and energies verses low energy qualities. Only you will know if the Love side of the Threefold flame is off balance. As each of you are individual with how your body perceives change and what requires tweaking. Listen to your body as you are given signals beloveds alerting you to take notice.

We speak of Power which is the Blue Flame, but not as physical power within your muscle and physical strength but that is deeper and more profound. The Power we are speaking of is what gets you through the many lessons you have met. The inner strength that you tap into when you feel you can’t go on any longer - that is POWER beloveds and much more. Within your Power you have confidence, strength, courage, determination and much more that aids in your succession of each life and spiritual lesson. You always come through when it is necessary. Sometimes it seems to be right at the last moment, that is because your need for that Power isn’t mentally realized until then. There will be some challenges that you act upon this Inner Power quicker than others. It will depend on the severity of the situation and on your tolerance level. Trust in your intuition and listen to it when you prompted to root yourself with your firm and steady inner Power.

As we continue with the Gold flame, The Christ self, this is your coming to terms with your Christ like virtues that are within you even now. You discover your Christ self when you discover the Real you. After digging and clearing through many thoughts and ideas that at the time were truths are now seemingly not so helpful or very truthful you are noticing that you have adopted a newer way of being and living. That is because you have changed beloved ones. The Truth of yourself is more than biology, it is about what you believe in, where your heart lies, what resonates within the deepest core of your being; that is your Truth. Once this Truth is accepted for all that it is, you learn to incorporate the Unconditional Love and your Inner Power and find yourself speaking, acting, thinking, and feeling with LOVE; within your I AM Presence.

There is a lot of work beloved ones getting this foundation instilled and mastered, but very much worth the effort. Each of you moves at a different pace, but each of you will have an established foundation of their spirituality that will work into their everyday lives. It is at this time, when the foundation is set and mastered when I come to assist you further on your journey towards your ascension. I will help you to find peaceful resolutions that effect so much in your life. With an established foundation, peace, joy and harmony and balance is where you and I shall become partners for as long as this part of your journey requires my guidance, support and love. I look forward to such partnerships, and development of new friendships and rediscovering old ones.

Take heart beloved ones, your journey so far is progressing at the pace it is meant to. When you feel you are overwhelmed or possibly not fully understanding messages or readings, ask. Ask your guides, ask another Lightworker, family member or friend that is spiritually minded or who has an open heart and mind and can give a non-biased answer. Understanding is key to your never-ending progression. To not understand is to invite stagnation and we of the Divine wish for you to be moving, thinking and being all that you are utilizing your Light and Love in every aspect of your life at all times.

My time spent today beloved ones was indeed incredible. I embrace our beloved vessel here gently; a token of my gratitude and I embrace each of you with my love and encouragement to continue to work diligently that will bring rewards far richer than any dollar.

And so it is, Ascended Master Djwal Khul through Julie Mille
