~Galactic Love Reporter Kylie Brown~
Goodbye, 3D Spirituality (Part 1)
We have been looking at removing the old 3D structures in our world, mainly in the areas of government and health.
What about getting rid of 3D practices in Spirituality?
There are many areas that are destructive and disempowering, which will have no place in the fifth dimension (5D).
I’m guided to point out that one of the biggest areas is the use of psychics. Remember that everyone is actually psychic and can claim that ability. When we go to a psychic we need to remember a few things:
1. Psychics usually tune into the astral realm to retrieve their info. The astral realm doesn’t contain light and holds space for lost souls, all kinds of lower entities, and attachments. So you don’t know who or what, is actually coming through and sharing your energy. These energies and entities can and will attach to you, or the psychic. This is why in so many spiritual circles; there are so many Egos’. Most are working with lower energies on a daily basis and don’t even know it. So they are completely immersed in this kind of energy and attachments.
2. Higher beings (Angels and Ascended Masters etc.) do not dwell there and they do not have any part in Fortune Telling – as these are all 3D (or lower) energy tools.
3. Time is now at such an accelerated rate and what was real now, can change with just a thought form. So any information given is irrelevant. Some may come about and some may not. Depends if you want it, or have a fear around it – as it is each of us, who truly chooses our reality. As we know the more you focus on a topic, the more likely it will come about – positive or negative. The only thing which is real is right now. We have been receiving so many lessons on the importance of ‘now’ in preparation for the 4D.
4. Going to another person to answer questions on your life, is very dis-empowering. You are a mighty empowered being, it’s time we start realising that and trusting ourselves.
I have great respect for psychics, but I just think the times and energies have changed. It’s time to change with them. Psychics have the opportunity to evolve into wonderful channels or healers, working with higher pure energies. This will match the planet and humanity’s evolvement into the 5D. People are waking up and will use their own psychic knowing to connect to higher light beings for support.
When I channeled this information I too was surprised. All of my belief systems were rocked to the core. I’m a born psychic and spiritual healer/channel, and yes I’ve done many readings for people. I regularly played/worked in the astral realms and spoke with lost souls ALL the time. This was part of my work, and I thought what does this now mean for me?
I’ve embraced the knowledge and chose to grow and expand. Now my channeling is much stronger and I’ve found I can connect to deep Earth energies, which previously I could not. My whole being is much lighter, things don’t bother me as much, and I feel much more connected to my heart. This happened after I stopped doing ‘fortune telling’ and steered clear from the astral realm – along with some clearings of my energy systems. I’m not saying that the astral realm is bad, it’s just full of everything that can’t get into higher realms. So, if we are trying to evolve, then why would we continue working with dense energies?
I personally think that we are being shown to focus on here and now, so we can discover our own power within. The Earth’s energies are also calling us home. For so long many of us have been looking outside, to gurus, teachers, angels and ascended masters, that we have forgotten our own magnificence. These beautiful guides came to guide us, and have helped to get us to the point we are now at. Now it’s our time to ascend and evolve. We can stop looking at these teachers as above or better and see them as equal friends, guiding us back to our infinite capabilities.
Some other out-dated areas include old healing modalities and old ways of learning from books, manuals, and teachers. These “old ways” were learned by people learning through their own cloudy filters of the 3D. Following these old ways will not be successful for everyone because it’s not made for your individual energy.
Will also only get the same result (or less), as It’s tied to the 3D. To learn anything, you just need to ask spirit to show you, or download you and as long as it is in line with your higher self, then you will receive the knowledge accustomed to your own filters!
I’m not saying to not use old methods. I just want to make you aware of what it means if you do so – the choice as always is yours. Using the old methods may just lead to frustration and disappointment, as you will find that you will only get so far and your energy will remain in 3D.
We are living in an exciting time, and all we need to do is trust and empower OURSELVES. We can’t keep looking to other sources to do this for us; it’s an empty journey and an illusion. It’s time to look to ourselves, to connect with others, share our hearts and truth.
So, if you really want to be part of the fifth dimension, my advice would be to look for those who are already living in the new energy. There are many around rising up, to share the new knowledge/energies. They will be easy to spot, as they will be doing the opposite of everyone else – or doing their own thing!
Have an inspiring journey my friends.
Kylie Brown
Cosmic/Earth Channel & Healer