My dear friends, I am happy indeed to be with you once again in this way, and to tell you that My Emergence proceeds. Likewise, that of My Brothers, the Masters of Wisdom, proceeds apace. When you see Us you will know that the New Time, the New Age, has begun ―― the time of Sharing and Justice, of Love and Brotherhood, the time of the Law of God. I am the Instructor of this New Time. I am its Forerunner. I shall release to you That which will take you quickly home. I shall give you these instructions which will release in you your divine nature. From My Brothers will flow a stream of creative fire which will light your lamps and carry you brightly to God. My Masters know naught but Love and Joy. Likewise, My friends, this will be your heritage. Make haste to claim your rights, and know the Love and Joy of God. My purpose tonight is to tell you that many among you soon shall see Me, shall know Me for what I am, shall know that the Lord of Love is once again among you, the Teacher of Old walks the Earth once more. You will know this, My friends, and tell it to your brothers, preparing them too for the New Time. When you see Me, fear not: I come not to scold but to teach. There are those among you who await Me as a judge and fear My Coming. Naught that I say shall disappoint you; naught that I do shall cause you fear. Know, My friends, My brothers and sisters, that I am your Friend, your Brother of Old, re-treading the Path of Old. Know that My Love is with you always. Know that My Shield protects you. Know that My Will upholds you. Know this, My friends, and fear not. Await My Emergence with hope. Be ready to work as never before. Teach your brothers the fact of My Presence and give them, too, the gift of Hope. My Blessings flow to you all. May the Divine Light and Love and Power of the One Most Holy God be now manifest within your hearts and minds. May this manifestation lead you to await the future with hope. |