~Donn Smith: Instantaneous Transmutation~
My friend, Donn Smith, and I have a continuing conversation about how to clear ourselves of vasanas. I put forward my clearing process and Donn calls me and raises me one. Donn is working on a process of instantaneous transmutation.
The video below is intended for people who are already aware of his discussions of the topic. He simply picks up in the flow of that conversation.
If Donn is successful in developing his process fully, and I see no reason why he won’t be, he aims to make vasanas disappear immediately. I’m happy to trade in my theories for a process that works rapidly. (Providing it does.)
Donn’s work is just one of the developments going on around us that illustrate how people are breaking through barriers and creating new technologies that we didn’t even dream of a decade ago. Or at least I didn’t. Donn has been doing this work for some time so his newest breakthroughs build on a long history of successful workshops.
Donn also has been developing his process in concert with Jesus and Sanat Kumara, as channeled through Linda. All those who don’t attach credence to channeling and consultations like these, perhaps move on to the next article. We’re happy with what we’re learning and feel rewarded from it. As my meditation teacher used to say, take what you like and leave the rest. This isn’t an era in which anyone is forced to buy or believe anything.
Here’s a transcript of Donn’s remarks.
Instantaneous Transmutation
Donn Smith, Jan. 12, 2012
I’m here to say that instantaneous transmutation is highly possible in all aspects of our lives, including in the realm of the ego.
A few days ago in a channeled interview with Jesus, Linda Dillon from Council of Love asked about how people nowadays can deal with hopelessness. Jesus replied by stating that whenever we are waiting for Bridge Funds to come through or waiting for NESARA that for the most part these are esteem issues and they simply point to the fact that there is something we need to learn, which is what we are here to do after all.
So I want to say a couple of things here, beginning with what my dear friend Steve wrote on this blog on Nov 6th 2011 in Walking from Light into More Light:
“The act of releasing ourselves from what doesn’t work is not as easy, I believe, as it sounds.”
My answer to this is no, it is not a cakewalk, but yes it can be easy. I see it and I witness it everyday that I work with people. Steve continues:
“Actually mastering the process of easily accepting new light and letting go of what appeared to be light before but is now revealed as less luminous than what confronts me is a learned skill and I intend to learn it.”
My answer here is yes but it is a conditioned skill not one that is learned in the intellect.
My friend Steve also mentioned in an email sent on January 10th:
“Vasanas are needle scratches on the mind.”
Actually they’re not but he is very close – vasanas are needle scratches on the nervous system, not the mind. He goes on to say:
“They are our aggressive, angry, violent and hateful ways of responding to attack, invalidation, etc.”
Well actually those are needs – the invalidation is our power need and when we’re not having our power need met then we have it locked into somebody else meeting it and that is what creates these internal responses. Finally Steve writes:
“They are the parts of ourselves that only an ascended master could love.”
You know what? When we know how to love ourselves unconditionally and we recognize that we are already a ball of Love then that all changes. And no we don’t have to be an ascended master to do that. Furthermore, what if we knew how to shift that? Because that’s what I’m talking about here, the do-able ways to shift these patterns quickly.
So let’s talk about instantaneous transmutation. Here I’m going to refer to two different areas that you as a listener may be familiar with, whether that’s through yourself, someone you know, a story you’ve read etc.
The first one is a near death experience. Tell me, when someone has a near death experience and their whole life changes how long does it take? How long does that take for their whole value system to realign, to all of a sudden let go of the things that they were trying to control, all of the anxiousness and nervousness? All of that is gone and how long does it take? BOOM. That’s how long. (1) Guess who did that? A human being.
Now let’s go to the second area. And what I want to highlight here again is the speed at which a human being already makes this rapid powerful change. The next area is phobias. Almost everyone either has a phobia or knows someone who has a phobia. Now think about this: ask them how long have they had it. Some will say 20 years, 30 years, 50 years, a lifetime. Then ask them this next question: how long did it take to create it? And I ask you the listener to answer that question for yourself: how long?
Here’s what I’m saying. If the answer is anything less than a nanosecond it’s the wrong answer. It is truly that quick. That’s the natural speed and the power of the nervous system that every single one of us has. So don’t tell me we have to go a long way and make these changes over a long period of time. That is simply not true.
When we get caught up is when we are attempting to make a change at an intellectual level, because these imprints are not locked in intellectually in our mind but rather neurologically in our nervous system. And most of these imprints occur and are locked in in our early years before the age of reason. Then because the patterns are locked into our nervous system they are just repeated and repeated and show up in our lives and our energy over and over again.
Do you know how long it takes to remove a lifetime phobia (of which I won’t because a phobia is only telling me there is something neurologically wired underneath there that has not been dealt with)? If I explain everything about a phobia to someone the process takes about 3 minutes. If I don’t explain anything it takes 30 seconds.
Now how is that possible? Well all I do is reverse the system, the same system that created it. So the key is – it is not intellectual. When we attempt to use the intellect to make a neurological change it’s like going out to cut down a big tree using a shovel. Raise your hand how many people do that. My guess is you get a chain saw or an axe or something that is built for this specific task. And that’s what I’m saying – we need the right tool to make the change that quick.
But we also need to know that in cases where it does take longer there is a reason. Like I said earlier, we have these traumatic experiences that happen before the age of reason. And almost exclusively they create a faulty connection internally, viscerally, to being our identity – such as I’m not loved, I’m unlovable, I’m not good enough, I’m hopeless, I’m helpless, I’m powerless, etc. And what happens is our system just keeps repeating these neurological patterns and pathways over and over creating the same conditioned responses each time.
It’s no different from somebody with a phobia of a spider – every time this person is in front of a spider BOOM they have this internal conditioned response, this really strong feeling inside, to what they see or experience on the outside which in this case is a spider. Whether I see the spider on a wall, in my book, or at my feet I get that same startled response.
Now imagine if you could shift out of that system, which is constricted and of a lower vibration, almost near death ~ to use the words that ArchAngel Michael, Jesus and Sanat Kumara use: in death, decay and disease ~ the reason those three D’s are around is because we are locked in that lower vibration that is connected to death of some sort.
Now imagine recalibrating the system and allowing our Higher Self, rather than our ego, to be the vibration that we carry. Imagine that we can change the nervous system BOOM to align with the Higher Self and experience all the joy and excitement and enthusiasm especially for this 2012 with all the light streaming in and all the changes that are happening. Imagine that.
So I am saying to you that change can and does happen quickly. The longer it takes and the more difficult it is to make the change the more we have secondary gain about moving forward. So we have to change that secondary gain and remove that secondary gain from the system and then the neurological changes that we make will hold and keep.
Here’s a great example. Our cleaning lady was in cleaning our condo. I was making my breakfast when she said to me, “I went to the doctor yesterday and was told I have hypertension and blood pressure so high that I am a high candidate for a stroke.” So I started asking her a series of questions based on the information she gave me. We went back and forth and 7 minutes later she said, “Oh my gosh I can’t believe it! My body is so different, I feel so different. Wow I seem relaxed and calm.”
The next morning I had my assistant call her and she said, “Tell Donn that 50% of my hypertension is no longer there. It’s gone.” Two weeks later she went to the doctor again and he said, “I don’t know what happened but you have no trace of hypertension and your blood pressure is now normal.” Seven minutes. How’s that?
So, yes, we can realign ourselves and our system to our highest spiritual level possible. You know when you get into that connection with Oneness, with Spirit, but you can’t keep it? Well it’s possible to keep it but you have to clean up the nervous system that drags you back through its conditioned responses. There is a high percentage of people that participate in the “I AM” ENERGY program that I offer that keep it right off the bat. In two days they can’t recognize their old self it’s that dramatic a change and for the most part they can hold it that way.
So I want to friendly challenge everyone who disagrees with me because I’m saying that change being hard, difficult and laborious is an illusion. There is a faster, easier, more powerful way – instantaneous transmutation.
(1) My turn to challenge Donn. The fear that is dissipated in a near-death experience cannot be compared to a vasana. I’ve had an out-of-body experience that relieved me of the fear of death immediately. So it could be said to have transmuted my fear of death instantaneously. But a vasana is more deeply dug in and more tenacious. Before I buy Donn a beer and toast his victory, I’d have to see a deep-seated vasana lift instantaneously and not just a fear. The setting behind Donn, by the way, is Vancouver’s harbor.