~Make Best Use of What David Has Written~
David Wilcock has posted an extensive article on his Divine Cosmos site that does several very large and valuable services to the 99% of us around the world. I haven’t read the whole article but what I’ve read points to this:
(1) It makes clear exactly how the massive financial boondoggle that the elites of the world have been running actually works in terms that even laymen can understand.
(2) It shows an elite running scared in the face of its insoluble derivatives crisis and the coming home to roost of various other bubbles, Ponzi schemes, and acts of pure thievery.
(3) It reveals the manner in which the financial elite are in all probability going to be brought down.
David’s essay is about as clear and courageous an act of pushing forward the phase of things that we refer to as “accountability.” More to the point, however, the safety and welfare of the people involved in pushing accountability forward depends on the information getting out and becoming known, as David says.
While I agree with Michael Ellegion that David and Ben Fulford are very likely protected in their work, they still cannot bank on such assurances and so their revelations may at least appear to place them both in jeopardy. They point to two recent deaths which were in all probability assassinations.
One of the ways that we can help out is to read what David’s written (printed out it would come to more than 100 pages) and make his revelations better known through our blogs and discussion groups. David doesn’t want the entire piece posted so perhaps you can do a summary.
We knew that things were moving towards a crescendo so don’t be alarmed by what David says about the collapse of the economy. It needs to collapse to make room for what’s next, which will follow the collapse in short order. Just enter “NESARA” in the search box on the site or go to http://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/fc/nesara1.html for more on that.
David himself does not buy that NESARA is real, but we all won’t agree on all things. Time will reveal the truth. whatever that truth might be. We’re not all of us going to agree on all things but the Plan will go forward nonetheless and we need to work together until the last remnants of the cabal have been removed. So let’s get together on what we can agree on and put a hold on the rest.
Shared D.W.'s part 3 with
Shared D.W.'s part 3 with Occupy Wallst. and Occupy Austin on fb. I hope they take the time to read it because it is very pertinent to what the Occupy Movement. (OM).