1. Drop the shoulds from your life.
As a young person, you’re told what you should do all the time. You should study hard. You should get good grades. You should take piano lessons. You should go to this college. You should take this job. Should should should. Because we’re told what we should do all the time, we start telling ourselves what we should do to impress the should-ers.
Forget that line of thinking.
Think about what makes you happy, what kind of things will enrich your life and make it feel full. Maybe those are the things you should do.
2. Face down your fears.
Some of your fears are rational, like your fear of poisonous spiders. That’s not a fear you need to conquer. That’s one you should strengthen through repeated viewings of Arachnophobia. But there are fears that can hold you back. Fear of falling in love. Fear of talking to people. Fear of taking on challenges that will grow you. Conquer any fear that holds you back from something you want.