~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Andrea~
~My dream of loving the darkness away to dissolve in Love~
I went to bed at about midnight, and as every night I put on my headphones with my Delta Wave meditation "Association with Wholeness", it lasts about 45 minutes and I put it in loop cause usually after a few minutes I'm already "gone". I woke up at at the end of a loop... took out my headphones, looked at time 2.00 am... wow, quite late... looked again 2.00am... yes, well, turned off my phone and went back to sleep.
Started dreaming very fast, was in a dark room with a corridor, it was almost completely dark... I knew I had to go down the corridor "Ok, nothing to fear of, dark is not real anymore. Even if my eyes believe it's dark, i KNOW it is not." So I went down, into the dark. Almost enjoyed it... no fear. Even when something came out of the dark, looked at it and spead Love... just a dog... Got to the end of it, where light was completely cut off and laughed out my lungs!!! I did it! Got to the center of the dark with no fear and... wow... nothing happened.
And as I laughed, light started coming in... and I could see again... and the corridor was no more so long as it was and I was so happy I ran back, but I was not really running, I was more "floating", so I laughed even more!!! because I knew I was finally breaking the known laws of physics...
When I got out of if a strange creature came to me, really really scary face, dark, cold, "evil"... no way man... I LOVE you, so please, do come to me so that you can Feel how Much I Love You. He run away very very fast...!!! Well, I tried... YEEEHHHHAAAWWWW.... I LOVED THE DARK CREATURE!!! Then I asked a friend if she'd like to come with me and Pray with the Angels... and it was sooooo Loving...
And I woke up.... and it felt good... and I felt like spending hours in the dream... and I had to go to the toilet... and when I came back I looked at time in living room... then again... then on the dvd.... then on my phone... it was 1.18am.... 45' earlier to when I fell asleep... tried to think if I could have mistaken time earlier but... no way... it was 2.00 and I saw it twice... now it was 1.18.... I even thought for a while I'd been sleeping for almost 24 hours :-))) well... wow... I don't know but wow...