Credit: Newvaluestreams.com
By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness
It can be easy to forget why we’re here or why we’re doing everything we are, and it can especially be easy to give up and turn to things that distract us from our purpose and keep us from helping others. We have to persevere when the stresses pile up and we don’t feel like we can handle it all, because we know on a deeper level that we can.
It’s common knowledge in the conscious community that we’re capable of more than we realize at the surface, and to do anything significant to advance our collective evolution, we have to recognize that we’re infinite and find the inspiration to help the world in ways we enjoy.
Along the way, we’ll inevitably meet difficulties and stresses that we’ll have to persevere through, but we’ll come out of it all with a new inner wellspring of knowledge and experience.
The stresses will be difficult to navigate if we don’t learn to tap in to our intuitive wisdom, and our intuition, along with the higher consciousness we access through it, will help us through any hard times that confront us.