You are not a physical being in a physical universe. You are an energetic/vibrational being in an energetic/vibrational universe. You are both a transmitter and a receiver of energy.
One of your greatest challenges as a human being is learning how to live as a vibrational being in a vibrational universe.
Attracting Compatible Patterns
You don’t attract into your life what you want. You don’t attract what you think about. You don’t attract what you feel. Desires, thoughts, and feelings are all important, but these are more effects than causes.
You attract what you’re signaling.
Think of yourself as a vibrational transmitter. You’re constantly sending out signals that tell the universe who you are in this moment. Those signals will either attract or repel other vibrational beings, events, and experiences.
You naturally attract that which is in harmony with your state of being, and you’ll repel that which is out of sync with your state.