by Love Reporter Cassandra
How Clear are your Intentions? Do you Know what you desire?
Love to you all,
This week is a powerful week for manifesting! I felt this message all day yesterday and now I am seeing this same message pop up everywhere.
How clear are your intentions? Do you know what you desire? If you are unclear, try to pick one area of your life and start there. Sit down and dream as big as you can. Do you remember when you were a child and anything was possible? That feeling of if you can imagine it, you can have it. Get back to that feeling and mental space. Don't limit yourself.
Here's a tip: Over a year ago I had no idea what I wanted. I knew my job wasn't fulfilling me. I sat down and listed what I enjoyed about the job and what I didn't. What my dream job would be by qualities, work hrs, office or home, who I would meet etc. Then I could see clearly where my desires were. Then applied a few steps that were within my control to just get started in that direction. I had no idea how I was going to get there. But once I did those few steps, more appeared. I would see a video or read an article that gave me an idea. Before I knew it, I was walking in faith, being guided to my dreams. I didn't have to have it all figured out! All I needed was a clear vision of what I wanted. The rest worked itself out. Take that first step of intention.
Once you have that intention, visualize that you are already doing that job, or living in that home, or have healed the world. Make is so real that you almost don't need it anymore because you already have it in your heart. Stay in joy and gratitude for what you already have and give thanks for the unseen blessings on their way. Any doubt or fear will just set you back or delay the process. Imagine your thoughts and feelings being the radio frequency to heaven. Any fear brings static and makes the message unclear. Joy and Love keeps the reception strong and clear.
All of Heaven is behind you but you must clearly ask. Even the heavens honors free will. They will not intervene in our chosen path for they love us too much. For they see all experiences as a soul learning and working through karma. No choice is the wrong one because you learn from it.
Once I began to include my higher self and the angels in my everyday life, miracles started to happen. Signs began to show up everywhere, guiding me on my path. No request is too big or too small. Imagine thousands of angels standing behind you just waiting for you to acknowledge them. You are never alone on this human journey.
You are very much loved~