Angela Peregoff: Conversion Energies
2012 January 17
Jan 16, 2012

The conversion energies of passing from one realm into another will finally be picking up speed after this week. The recent weeks of the New Year have been spent in quiet communication with the Great Awakening energies.
As Earth and her inhabitants move closer to our destined change, the portal we know as the year 2012 leads to a deeper orientation of placement and position within the structure of Creation. Supernatural forces have reset our inner spiritual energy.
The human collective kingdom made a decision to relinquish our lesser modes of being and allow a disintegration of the constrictions of Self we held, of what we thought ourselves to be, and to emerge with a far deeper sense of our true selves, the truth of our Souls.
That act of changing from one use or purpose to another is considerably tricky when billions and billions of life forms must make the change unharmed and intact. Remember, at no other time in history has a planet been able to rearrange its complete structure and sustain life order during that transition.
We are the cutting edge “beta test case” for the entire universe right now. Every heart has agreed to bring back the pure intent of Soul and Spirit into life expression. And we are at the exact place within the experiment in which the Elders of Creation are yelling, “They made it! They transitioned the rampant, discordant phase undamaged and ready to commence toward a new equilibrium of light quotient.”
So what comes next? As I understand it, we stand within a threshold of molecular reconfiguration. At a threshold that announces to us that we no longer spin in Light, Truth or belief as we have in the past. And this week, as well as the two after, will be like a compression point that is inviting an escape for any attitudes, behaviors, or emotions that would attempt to keep us anchored in a paradigm of illusion and separateness. Look around within your own time and reality to see what is ready for release. Do not make the error of perceiving your current disharmonies as pain and suffering. Instead, reference the situations and experiences as opportunities of liberation into spiritual mastery.
While 2012 will not be without its difficult and provocative points, so much of what you will take from your life experiences will be greatly influenced by how you seed your creative processes as you enter this newest phase of shifted awareness and consciousness.
We are now engaged in the New planetary story of evolution that is not going to stop or reverse. All that we have journeyed emotionally, physically, and spiritually over the last twenty-five years has prepared us for this year when our thoughts and intentions will magnetize experiences to us as never before.
Your ideas (whether negative or positive) will appear to manifest almost instantly, as your creative abilities are recognized and consciously directed for the good of the whole. Of course, this also means that collectively held perceptions will also demonstrate almost instant collective experiences as well.
Clearly then, this is not the time for spiritually evolved beings to be caught napping in some ego-protected cocoon. Determine now that you will live 2012 with resolve to move into a deeper, fuller, vaster relationship with who you really are — not the ‘who’ the ego thinks you are.
As you dissolve karmic imprints that limit your own creative power, dedicate all your efforts to the collective process. Know that it is your privilege and your responsibility to bring about an end to the profound levels of suffering and ignorance so rampant in the complicated world of the twenty-first century.
You are the one that can demonstrate to the many that a spiritual lesson is present in virtually every event that arises before you. You are the one that can require yourself to transcend, or to cut through, the resistance that impedes your own spiritual empowerment.
As you stand within the entrance of a new planetary pathway it is imperative to realize that external forces can no longer dictate how you live. What happens from here on out is the result of an Inner Self knowing. Use this week as a time of deep reflection into a pool of possibility. Each situation in your daily life is touching deeper aspects of you now. Use emotions that float to the surface as hidden treasures that are revealing the need for change.
As the Light steadily increases in pressure and position you will find you are driven to utilize the higher intelligence of your Soul nature and to give up the despondent human wants and needs. Observe this week because energies begin to move forward, making recognition of what blocks your spiritual and evolutionary expansion a bit easier to spot.
As always I honor each one of you plowing through life with diligence, determination, dedication, and declaration on the path to destiny.
© 2012 Reverend Angela Peregoff. All Rights Reserved
2012 January 17
Jan 16, 2012

The conversion energies of passing from one realm into another will finally be picking up speed after this week. The recent weeks of the New Year have been spent in quiet communication with the Great Awakening energies.
As Earth and her inhabitants move closer to our destined change, the portal we know as the year 2012 leads to a deeper orientation of placement and position within the structure of Creation. Supernatural forces have reset our inner spiritual energy.
The human collective kingdom made a decision to relinquish our lesser modes of being and allow a disintegration of the constrictions of Self we held, of what we thought ourselves to be, and to emerge with a far deeper sense of our true selves, the truth of our Souls.
That act of changing from one use or purpose to another is considerably tricky when billions and billions of life forms must make the change unharmed and intact. Remember, at no other time in history has a planet been able to rearrange its complete structure and sustain life order during that transition.
We are the cutting edge “beta test case” for the entire universe right now. Every heart has agreed to bring back the pure intent of Soul and Spirit into life expression. And we are at the exact place within the experiment in which the Elders of Creation are yelling, “They made it! They transitioned the rampant, discordant phase undamaged and ready to commence toward a new equilibrium of light quotient.”
So what comes next? As I understand it, we stand within a threshold of molecular reconfiguration. At a threshold that announces to us that we no longer spin in Light, Truth or belief as we have in the past. And this week, as well as the two after, will be like a compression point that is inviting an escape for any attitudes, behaviors, or emotions that would attempt to keep us anchored in a paradigm of illusion and separateness. Look around within your own time and reality to see what is ready for release. Do not make the error of perceiving your current disharmonies as pain and suffering. Instead, reference the situations and experiences as opportunities of liberation into spiritual mastery.
While 2012 will not be without its difficult and provocative points, so much of what you will take from your life experiences will be greatly influenced by how you seed your creative processes as you enter this newest phase of shifted awareness and consciousness.
We are now engaged in the New planetary story of evolution that is not going to stop or reverse. All that we have journeyed emotionally, physically, and spiritually over the last twenty-five years has prepared us for this year when our thoughts and intentions will magnetize experiences to us as never before.
Your ideas (whether negative or positive) will appear to manifest almost instantly, as your creative abilities are recognized and consciously directed for the good of the whole. Of course, this also means that collectively held perceptions will also demonstrate almost instant collective experiences as well.
Clearly then, this is not the time for spiritually evolved beings to be caught napping in some ego-protected cocoon. Determine now that you will live 2012 with resolve to move into a deeper, fuller, vaster relationship with who you really are — not the ‘who’ the ego thinks you are.
As you dissolve karmic imprints that limit your own creative power, dedicate all your efforts to the collective process. Know that it is your privilege and your responsibility to bring about an end to the profound levels of suffering and ignorance so rampant in the complicated world of the twenty-first century.
You are the one that can demonstrate to the many that a spiritual lesson is present in virtually every event that arises before you. You are the one that can require yourself to transcend, or to cut through, the resistance that impedes your own spiritual empowerment.
As you stand within the entrance of a new planetary pathway it is imperative to realize that external forces can no longer dictate how you live. What happens from here on out is the result of an Inner Self knowing. Use this week as a time of deep reflection into a pool of possibility. Each situation in your daily life is touching deeper aspects of you now. Use emotions that float to the surface as hidden treasures that are revealing the need for change.
As the Light steadily increases in pressure and position you will find you are driven to utilize the higher intelligence of your Soul nature and to give up the despondent human wants and needs. Observe this week because energies begin to move forward, making recognition of what blocks your spiritual and evolutionary expansion a bit easier to spot.
As always I honor each one of you plowing through life with diligence, determination, dedication, and declaration on the path to destiny.
© 2012 Reverend Angela Peregoff. All Rights Reserved