If you love someone, would you willingly cause harm to them? The answer is obvious, is it?
Contained within every human being is an intuitive understanding of Love, it's something we just know. We're born with it, even if Love itself is difficult to define in any concrete terms. It doesn't come from the mind, it's not something to be intellectualized, but something to be lived in this moment. Love is dynamic and responsive, it's not stuck in the past, it's not focused upon the future. Love always has an answer in the Here & Now.
Love is the shortest route to God, and if there's any way to measure how close you are to the Divine, it's through your capacity to Love without condition. It's also the quickest way to happiness and joy, though for strange reasons the majority of people make this far more complicated that it needs to be. People search on the outside for something that was never separate from them in the first place.
Love is the greatest good, while rationalization is the greatest evil. Love doesn't need any “thou shalt nots” because Love is compassionate. Love erases separation. When you see yourself reflected within others, the selfishness that motivates people to cause harm to the other disappears. Their joy is your joy as well.
When love is absent, even “thou shalt not kill” has little meaning. Through rationalization, any thought can be twisted around and even the core morals people are taught have become very conditional. In our society, if you kill the wrong people, you're a murderer, if you kill the “right” people, you're a hero. So much for “thou shalt not kill”.
Love doesn't make rules for you, Love shows you how to live freely and intuitively. The heart has a sense of right and wrong that completely transcends any moralistic systems of the mind. This is inherent to every single human being, but you've been trained to deny this part of yourself. You've become binary, robotic, you've been conditioned with automated reactions, and Love rarely even gets a chance to enter the picture.
You've been taught to deny your natural self through the belief that human beings are inherently wicked. Your intuitive, authentic self is supposed to be primitive and selfish, and only through denying those aspects of yourself and going along with society, will you have any hope of “salvation”. It's all tied up in ancient religious mythology, the old “born into sin” lie, yet the greatest sin of our society is believing a baby is born flawed and needs to be “fixed”. We try to fix what was never broken, and through that we poison the minds of our youth.
God Is Love, Love Is God, and this is not some generic cliché, but the fundamental Reality. It's far more real that all the thoughts in your mind. Your inherent understanding of Love is your connection to God at the core of your Being. In any moment you can choose to focus upon Love, and the more you focus upon Love, the more you become Love. Love is not something you do, and while your actions may stem from Love, Love itself is a state of Being. Love is your Being.
The Galactic Free Press
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