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Mercury and Saturn influence the supernal tapestry heavily this week. Both start the week in opposition. Mercury has already gone direct and retraces his backward steps in his home sign throughout the week. Saturn, meanwhile, retrogrades back into the Scorpio sign. Saturn’s influence reverts to a very Plutonic feel – an experience of power through authority and structure. Saturn and Pluto once again will be in mutual reception. Authority acts from behind the scenes. More personally, the Saturn-Pluto link provides an opportunity to develop personal power and use perspectives to great effect when internal and external authority is responded to effectively.
Several planets this week are in home signs or in mutual reception. Neptune and Mercury remain in their dominions, and still struggle against each other with a square aspect. Shortly after the week begins, Saturn and Pluto team up in each other’s signs, and even the Moon resides in her home sign, Cancer, for a few days. A theme of “moving forward” this week, through using the power of planets in their home signs or in mutual reception, is useful for meeting various challenges and creating opportunities at work or other areas of your life. A strong plus is Venus and Jupiter forming a stronger unit as the week progresses. Venus’ ease acts with Jupiter’s abundance, forming the nicest of conjunctions.
What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.
This is an outstanding week for Aries Sun to be assertive, creatively accomplish various tasks, and meet life with a sense of confidence and purpose. In other words, your natural qualities are elevated this week. Projects requiring use of the mind, and solving problems with the intellect, are also easier than average for you this week. Venus and Jupiter forming a conjunction is fortunate for Aries throughout the week, especially Jupiter’s influence. The benefactor of the zodiac gives sense of increasing returns from your efforts. Close relationships are also a plus this week. Saturn’s influence creeps in at the end of the week; considering how the Saturn-Pluto theme this week might be of benefit to you, for example, in career, can turn Saturn’s restrictions into the opportunity to widen your options and abilities. Final thought for Aries: inspiration, then action, fits you like a glove this week.
Saturn holds sway over Taurus Sun at the beginning of the week. This can be a welcome intervention, with Neptune also of influence for you throughout the week. Structure combined with creativity can be immensely productive. Thus, creative projects are more likely to have results during June 12 and 13. Protective and nurturing qualities are also stronger than average for Taurus, and this is an opportune week to interact with pets and nature. June 15 and 16 contain opportunities for accessing wisdom and insight, and reaching large groups of people. The Saturn-Pluto theme starting this week is most directly affecting Taurus at the end of the week, but Jupiter also starts to enter the picture more at week’s end. A theme of “expanding power at work” might be of interest for Taurus. The usual advice applies: responding well to structure can help you to move forward. Final thought for Taurus: visual cues might trigger a sense of empathy in you this week.
A feeling of restriction at the beginning of the week lifts for Gemini Sun by June 14. Starting on June 14, authority feels less direct. Collaborating can feel useful this week, more so towards the beginning of the week. Even after ending the Mercury retrograde and looking forward to moving ahead, watch for past issues surfacing from June 12 to 14. This week has more of a spiritual feel for Gemini Sun. Becoming focused and committed on issues that you have passion for is one way to make this a meaningful week. Working to draw on experiences of the past, while steadily envisioning what you want for your future, is also a strong theme this week. The collaboration theme is very important to consider and rely on, if Neptune’s fog enters the picture too much for you. Final thought for Gemini: if you need a pep talk, want to play a game, or exercise your mind, look for a friend with similar interests.
Cancer Sun has a solid base to operate from this week. Look for opportunities to use persistence, stamina, and protracted efforts productively from June 12 to 14. Starting on June 14, look for opportunities to use the mind, logic, and social interactions to move ahead with your goals. A fair amount of ambition and determination is also a nice benefit for Cancer on June 15. Still, the best part of the week for Cancer is probably June 16 to 18. Working from a home base and initiating projects has strong potential for you at the end of the week. Saturn’s retrograde into Scorpio this week might be tough for Cancer, but also gives motivation to excel at work and use structure to accomplish what you need to do. June 17 and 18 are very attuned to the Saturn-Pluto theme this week for you. How might you prosper by intuiting what powerful people behind the scenes are demanding? Just for Cancer: defending your own interests with a sense of independence is a strong theme for you this week.
Leo Sun not only has an opportunity to use drive, will, and ambition to great effect this week, but also apply efforts made in a thoughtful and creative manner. Heightened activity combined with use of the mind is an effective theme for you. June 14 and 15 can be the highlight of Leo’s week. Enjoyment of marriage and family, as well as benefits from participating in social functions and belonging to various groups, gives Leo a boost this week. Jupiter’s abundance influences the start of the week as well, creating a potential for an overall productive and fun week. Also watch for opportunities to generate ideas, act spontaneously, and use technology to your benefit from June 12 to 14. The Venus-Jupiter theme is most salient for Leo this week. Take advantage of a potentially fantastic week! Final thought for Leo: renewing passion in your close relationships is a favorable theme for Leo.
Mercury is direct again in Gemini…tackling tough intellectual problems tends to work well for Virgo Sun this week. Mercury in Gemini likes to gather information, and your Virgo Sun likes to analyze information. These functions are congruent at one level, but conflict at another level. Doing the difficult work – and flexing a bit – can make the most out of Mercury’s functions. Research and information based on the past might be used effectively from June 12 to 14. Neptune in his home sign tends to boost your creativity, but can also create hazy situations. Look for a partner for assistance this week if you feel so inclined, especially during the first half of the week. Neptune’s illusions might also be dealt with effectively by implementing structure. Determination to seek answers through self-discipline and responding to authority helps Virgo throughout the week. Last thought for Virgo: consider how “aligning yourself” with what you believe or want to accomplish is potentially useful this week.
A theme of “creating your future” starts the week for Libra Sun. With Jupiter looking over your shoulder to a greater extent as the week passes, this can be a productive and enjoyable week. Your nature is to balance, and with the Jupiter influence, searching for a benefactor of some type, or running across a benefactor for a brief amount of time, can bring various types of blessings this week. Use of logic and the mind, and especially socializing and networking, can help Libra with attaining various aspirations, from June 12 to 14. Spirituality is a strong theme for Libra this week as well. June 15 and 16 are prime days for envisioning possibilities for the future, using the mind to explore spiritual concepts, and ponder the meaning of spirituality based on your personal experiences. Using perspectives to your benefit begins to emerge as a theme for you on June 17 and 18. Final thought for Libra: if you find yourself thinking about and challenging old beliefs this week, don’t be surprised!
Jupiter’s influence touches Scorpio Sun until about the end of the week. The planets are not overly active for Scorpio this week, making Jupiter’s lingering influence a nice benefit. One exception to the inactivity is Saturn entering your Sun’s sign again. The Saturn-Pluto theme abruptly enters the picture for Scorpio. Pluto is about power, and Saturn restricts. Thus a lot how your week might progress depends on how well you can integrate the characteristics of the two powerful outer planets into your life. Will Saturn repress your sense of personal power and act to curtail your perspectives? Or will Saturn’s structure encourage you to elevate use of your power and give a framework for helping to transform yourself, others, and your environment? If you set your mind to it, working on generating innovative ideas to deal with the heavy Saturn energy can be of great benefit. Final thought for Scorpio: filling a role of conciliator can work to your benefit this week.
Sagittarius Sun continues a nice run of benefiting from – all together – “close relationships” this week. (A long-standing theme indeed, mentioned in many previous horoscopes.) Do be aware that this theme is beginning to wind down, but no reason not to enjoy it along with the nice Jupiter-Venus theme. Both close relationships and more standard relationships among friends, in business, and even with competitors, are relevant for Sagittarius all week. Use of power and a sense of renewal is also affecting you this week, most interesting with Saturn moving backwards into Pluto’s sign. Sagittarius tends to be adaptable, and rolling with changes at work this week and over the next several months before Saturn moves back into your Sun’s sign is something to consider. Also consider how abrupt change this week might represent new opportunities for you. Final thought for Sagittarius: are you using all available resources to handle challenges this week?
Saturn changing signs is quite an event for Capricorn Sun. Pluto is in your Sun’s sign, and your Sun’s ruler, Saturn, is in Pluto’s sign. Power, change, and structure meld together and the Saturn-Pluto pair allows you to revisit the opportunities of Saturn previously in Pluto’s sign. This week begins a theme of “persistent expansion” for Capricorn. Simply stated, persistent efforts have increased chances of multiplying your efforts. This is also a week for you to shine! Diligent work can put you in the spotlight, your chance to be noticed and present an outstanding image. Use of the mind, logic, and step-by-step problem solving can be immensely helpful if you find that you are “going in circles”. Other than the risk of being caught in a rut or stagnating, this week has great potential for you in career and other aspirations you might possess. Final thought for Capricorn: perhaps listening can help you gather the most attentive audience.
The Jupiter-Venus theme works well this week for Aquarius Sun. Ambition and drive are also very strong for you at the beginning of the week, with a decent amount of effort at work or elsewhere in your life tending to yield favorable results. The Saturn-Pluto theme of “organizational change” is not so intimidating for Aquarius…especially this week, in which another theme of “expanding creativity” helps you deal effectively with obstacles. Ease and abundance, mixed in with close relationships, also sustains you this week. Aquarius has a sense of going with the flow, in contrast to the intense Saturn-Pluto theme heavily influencing the transits. A week more for enjoyment, with a fair amount of productive work mixed in. Final thought for Aquarius: how might relating to other people increase your productivity this week?
A potentially rewarding Venusian influence is in the cards this week for Pisces Sun, as well as a subtle theme of caring for and providing for other people. This week can be very much about interacting with and sharing with others. Overcoming difficulties in communicating or misunderstandings is mitigated somewhat with Mercury direct, but do be aware of Mercury’s lingering mischief this week. Use of the mind to solve problems in a logical manner can be effective, but requires a lot of work. Of interest, Saturn moves from a sign squaring your Sun’s sign, to a sign that trines your Sun’s sign. Saturn-Pluto is probably not associated with ease, however, Pisces tends assimilate this abrupt change smoothly. Using structure to channel your Pisces creativity might give you a boost this week and over the next few months. Final thought for Pisces: speaking of creativity, how can being unorthodox push your interests forward?
Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to