~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~
The Alchemist ~ The Alien’s ~ The New Crystal~Like City!
Boy, these days are unfolding like a blurr. My relationship with time is becoming looser and looser. I have so much to do, yet get none of it done in any ongoing day. It is very much like, after my last reading of the day, I go seal myself up in an energy bubble on my chair and before I know it, I am starting a new day with more things on my to-do list.
Yet… it is all I can do.
Yesterday, my 3rd full week in the fields of Shambhala (smile) I feel like we all hit a crescendo. So much added detail to the field… our field together. But before I get to that, let me share the fullness of the day as I experienced it.
Keep in mind, when I do energy readings, I am not connected to your name, your location, it is truly your energy field I read. So, when you book a second appointment… or 3rd or 4th (blush) I rarely remember your name, but give me a heads up on your last reading, I remember you vividly (usually.) I remember the energy!! That is who you really are anyway. You are a Light field of communication.
As I sit here and simply remember the profoundness of yesterday, I have to chuckle to myself… of course it had to be yesterday, going in the vibrational energy of 3! (3 weeks Here)
As I was waking up I heard a mans voice talking to me. I really have no clue what he was saying, but I do remember him telling me his name very clearly. It is only today I remembered a detail: the reason I fully woke up out of my semi-sleep is I told him he cannot give me any more money! When I opened myeyes, there obviously was no one there… yet, that voice, that man was very much at the side of my bed talking me.
He was on my schedule for today. I remember his name because it is unique. But also, he is the man I wrote about that gave me a $200 donation when I was trying to figure out weather to cover a check for propane or give it to my landlady… his donation cleared that right up for me, I had enough for both. That gift came in the midst of me sitting here struggle with which was the right thing to do… like he heard me on some level and completely removed that issue (thank you so so much for that yet again!!)
But also, shortly after I put my new “infused readings” together, he purchased the dual package. I was grateful again, because my car insurance was due, and I was breathing in the fact it is taken directly out of my account… once again, he felt me in the exact time and released me from that worry.
Then I put classes together… and my phone bill, which too is automatically debted out of my account, is due to be withdrawn and this time, before I even had a chance to really worry… he bought the class… covering my phone bill.
This… all within a week or so!
So when I heard his name so clearly… I had to tell him no more money!! lol. But there is sooooo much more to it…. so much more.
He was my last scheduled reading for the day, so I simply popped him an email to remind him he was waking me up today. I was not about to sit with that all by myself until 1:30!
I had a reading with a lady before his reading that was as interesting and synchronictic as the whole of the day was. We are such an amazing thread in the whole of the tapestry of Life.
The last question the lady had was about disclosure and our family from the stars. The moment I she had said yes, I have another question (before she even spit it out) I seen them. 3 ET’s walking towards the back door. I had seen this lovely trio before… I did’t write about them at all simply because I wasn’t sure I conjured the image myself when I wrote the blog about UFO’s several days ago. But when I seen them again, walking towards us… I knew it was a real potential. I could feel it deep inside!
I had time between her reading and my the man waking me up in the morning (smile) so I decided to gift myself a bath! God knows I needed one on every level!!
I was waiting for my bath to get full when I spotted a quartz crystal I had on my window sill next to the heart with the hole in it that will one day be the center peice of the reflecting pool… it was quite insistant it come take a bath with me. Okey dokey pokey!
I placed it in my tub with my own Salt-Crystal mixture and a lapadorite as well. I emerged into the field instantly… or did it emerge into me? Whatever! The first thing I felt was to hold this crystal with its own intent. When I work with crystals I always hold it in my right hand (receiving) but this time, it was in my left (sharing) thru the whole meditation.
As soon as we were settled, a beautiful rainbow appeared from my left arching above me and stopping right in the center of the arch. There was a glow in the center… I could feel the energy of the right, like it had a pulse that fed into the glowing center… but did not see it at all.
I could feel the earth energies start to pulse too and move thru my whole body and found an exit thru my heart center and left arm. All the while mind you… I was very very aware of the man who woke me up. Within it all, somewhere… he was present. I instantly knew the crystal in my hand will be his.
As the energy of the earth came pouring out of me I heard the most corny song in all the world… yet it was fitting. ”Sky rockets in flight” (from the song Afternoon delight by the Starland Vocal Band)
With the song, the energy sparking out of my heart like it was the 4th of July was something amazing. A massive dome was formed from the top of the Mesa Cliff to the left and right of this land to behind the cabin where I live. It has an energy like no other. It is an intricate weave of sacred geometry and a continual radiance of white/yellow/gold energy that is alive… very very alive.
We have been incased!!
With the emergance of this energy dome came a cresendo of energy out of my left hand that was pure rainbow energy. It filled the crystal full. I could feel it.
With all of that going on… I could see this man walking the property here. Like seeding his energy here in the back yard. I could feel it as well. My lord could I feel it!
As I looked at this amazing… god knows… amazing energy dome, I thought… what on earth is that for? And the strangest most exciting thing appeared off in the distance to the right, which is also equal to further into 2012… a city of Light or cystal… crystal lght??
This radiant city had glowing crystal-like buildings that was across the path… which means, we have already brought it into the realms of creation and are walking towards it and cannot miss it since it stretchs across the path we are walking.
It is still small and way in the distance… past April for sure. Until yesterday nothing existed past April. I couldn’t even pick up a flicker of energy in all the readings… but now… Holy Freakin Cow Bathman!!!
And then, if all this wasn’t enough to melt my own internal wiring… I get freakin instructions… very detailed. I am to put this crystal into his salts and put it outside until the new moon on Monday. Really?? Not only that, the field wants his body here in person on very specific days… March 29th thru April 3rd. 3 days in and 3 days out (that is what the field said in relationship to the time) creating a 6… soul partnership. Also, he will build the bridge from March to April. (I wondered how much of this he knew or will understand or be able to do!)
My bathwater was turning cold, I knew I had been in there (out there lol) for a while and I surely didn’t want to be late calling him. So I ended my odyssey and actually took a bath. Which really became the cherry on my cake!
I brought a soap with me from Virginia that I never used. It was a specialty soap more for decoration than use. Not having any bar soap here in the land of bliss and wonder (grin) I put it in my bathtub just in case I ran out of soft-soap before I made a store run.
As I went to grab the bottle of soft soap I head the field say no, use the bar of soap. Really? You care about what I wash with?? Too funny. So I picked up the green translucent soap and just laughed out loud when I realized the specialty soap has embedded in it 3 Aliens! Ok I just went and took a picture…
To the right of my Aliens coming clean (smile) is my labadorite crystal. Look at the light streaming from it (it fell on the floor last year and broke) and forming a heart of Light around the soap and my quartz crystal to the left. Go Figure!
As I was cleaning me with my Alien infused soap that is green (like the very energy that met my eyes on New Years Day) I sent out a welcome call to our friends in the skies. My door and my heart is always… all-ways open for you to walk thru! Come on in!!
I get out of my incredible bath and get the crystal ready to go for a long dip into dead sea salts (Directly from the River Jordon mind you.) and what do my wondering eyes should see… a fusion of crystal energy inside, on the left side of the face of the crystal. Not only that… there is now a cloud of circular energy inside this crystal. I know a spirit when I see it!!
This was a worker crystal of mine. I used it for crystal layouts on people and mined it the first time I went to Arkansas in 2010. So I knew this crystal well.. and now, it is truly and literally infused with the field and spirit of Shambhala making it’s way back to it’s Home in this man’s heart and consciousness.
When I talked to this man for his reading (which really was more like a sharing than anything else) the very first thing he said to me… before I said anything at all… he went for a motorcycle ride and seen a rainbow that seemed to follow him as he road. Indeed it did!! And stretched from California to New Mexico.
He also blurted out (how did I NOT get the connection yesterday) about how he missed giving a hug to someone and feeling a full body orgasm thru the heart with the hug… Holy Shit…. that is what happened and created the dome thingie… it was a heart explostion to the umpth degree!!
I am so slow on the uptake!!
When I finally shared everything I could (an so much I didn’t) I asked him what he did… when he told me, I remembered who he was. I wrote about his reading last month… you can get familiar with The Alchimest here!
Even this morning as I process it all to beat the band, I hear the field say that everything… every appointment, every change in appointment has a reason. Like the thread of a needle stitching in and out of time…. creating together. We have accelerated it all… so much so, spirit is literally (ok maybe not literally) running to keep up with us.
WE have come Alive!! WE ARE THE FIELD – and the Field is US! How did I not really get that before… geez talk about being SLOW on the uptake!
We are more interactive than we ever realized. It is now time to become conscious of it all. That is what my classes are designed for… (no pressure on my end sheez.)
There is so much more… but once again, I am tapping out. Phew!
I love y’all so flipping much. It is amazing and wonderful to watch and feel you work! Thank you…ALL… for Being!
Together, we Are One!
Lisa Gawlas