by Love Reporters Aruna and Compte Saint Germain
Identifying the Controllers' Methods

All of the predictions that have been made by the controllers are not accurate. How do you determine what is from the controllers and what comes from the divine architects of the New Earth? Start with this checklist:
1. Controllers decide what will keep darkness alive. Are you moving into communities that co-create happiness or are you waiting to be moved to another place on a master plan of collecting the most aware? Which would the controllers advise?
2. Are many going to collectively ascend because they have done their clearing or is all clearing not needed? Are the controllers advising you to demonstrate more love? Are they directing you to do clearing?
3. Are the controllers demonstrating the light in any of their messages? Are they guiding you to becoming more divisive or more caring?
4. Can you ask them questions about the darkness in anything? Are they suggesting that you live with negative attitudes towards those not as caring as you are? Condemnation is the way to be dense. Condemning anyone for anything is a dark, negative attitude.
5. Prayer is not mentioned when controllers decide on a new comment to deceive. Are you giving divine connection any consideration in the fantasy based material?
6. Place yourself at a controller's desk composing a drama that feeds the continuation of a dream. What are the guidelines?
a. Distract from what is actually occurring.
b. Make up a good dream that takes its place.
c. Convey the lie that they get the dream because of their great contribution to humanity.
d. Allay their fear so you can control them when they are afraid.
e. Prepare them for moving toward the thing they fear the most— control of their mind.
f. Make messages that are only what they want to be told.
g. Answer their concerns with an active dialog about the darkness in another.
h. Answer man's desire for more delights with the conditions you make up.
i. Cleverness is the key—distract them so they do not even consider most of the actual conditions about to occur. Call for the disclosure of this darkness.
j. Never give any data that would create demand for a shift in consciousness above denial.
k. Continue to eliminate humanity's ability to determine their own destiny by placating their concerns with wishful thinking.
What comes next is managed demonstrations of crowd control. Are they giving you guidance about their most calculated guess, their ability to control all? Are you able to call them on their deception? Can you do anything to delay them in carrying out their actual calling— making about half of the population content with anything that distracts them from whatever can be done.
Who are the controllers? Are they Masters disguising themselves as controllers? Of course not, they are controllers disguising themselves as Ascended Masters, Galactic Federation envoys and Archangels, etc. Our domain of contact has been denied, and the controllers are now leading almost all channeling that comes out of the hearts of those also in denial of accurate material.
Clearing allows you to connect with divine consciousness, instead of only accepting what you hear or read. Get your own contact with the Masters instead of depending on channeling that is made to deceive you. Are you able to see the denial going on when you accept their tone and direction for the future? This denial destroys your mission of bringing in the light.
The Counsel of the Galactic Federation contains deceivers. Some are from Orion. Others are not only dark, they are not even able to connect to you with a caring demeanor. Change is their desire—change of their own destiny. One way to take over a new territory is to deceive the ones who currently are in that territory. NESARA, and all other concepts that reward "doing nothing", and blocking all the mental light that can increase awareness is their game. Capture the light in quiet concentration on divine alignment. Breathing, not anger is the way.
Is your glow melting indifference? Are you able to diffuse negativity? Celebrate life and give when there is an opportunity. Giving is the key to a more congruent life with your own heart.
Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna
1. Controllers decide what will keep darkness alive. Are you moving into communities that co-create happiness or are you waiting to be moved to another place on a master plan of collecting the most aware? Which would the controllers advise?
2. Are many going to collectively ascend because they have done their clearing or is all clearing not needed? Are the controllers advising you to demonstrate more love? Are they directing you to do clearing?
3. Are the controllers demonstrating the light in any of their messages? Are they guiding you to becoming more divisive or more caring?
4. Can you ask them questions about the darkness in anything? Are they suggesting that you live with negative attitudes towards those not as caring as you are? Condemnation is the way to be dense. Condemning anyone for anything is a dark, negative attitude.
5. Prayer is not mentioned when controllers decide on a new comment to deceive. Are you giving divine connection any consideration in the fantasy based material?
6. Place yourself at a controller's desk composing a drama that feeds the continuation of a dream. What are the guidelines?
a. Distract from what is actually occurring.
b. Make up a good dream that takes its place.
c. Convey the lie that they get the dream because of their great contribution to humanity.
d. Allay their fear so you can control them when they are afraid.
e. Prepare them for moving toward the thing they fear the most— control of their mind.
f. Make messages that are only what they want to be told.
g. Answer their concerns with an active dialog about the darkness in another.
h. Answer man's desire for more delights with the conditions you make up.
i. Cleverness is the key—distract them so they do not even consider most of the actual conditions about to occur. Call for the disclosure of this darkness.
j. Never give any data that would create demand for a shift in consciousness above denial.
k. Continue to eliminate humanity's ability to determine their own destiny by placating their concerns with wishful thinking.
What comes next is managed demonstrations of crowd control. Are they giving you guidance about their most calculated guess, their ability to control all? Are you able to call them on their deception? Can you do anything to delay them in carrying out their actual calling— making about half of the population content with anything that distracts them from whatever can be done.
Who are the controllers? Are they Masters disguising themselves as controllers? Of course not, they are controllers disguising themselves as Ascended Masters, Galactic Federation envoys and Archangels, etc. Our domain of contact has been denied, and the controllers are now leading almost all channeling that comes out of the hearts of those also in denial of accurate material.
Clearing allows you to connect with divine consciousness, instead of only accepting what you hear or read. Get your own contact with the Masters instead of depending on channeling that is made to deceive you. Are you able to see the denial going on when you accept their tone and direction for the future? This denial destroys your mission of bringing in the light.
The Counsel of the Galactic Federation contains deceivers. Some are from Orion. Others are not only dark, they are not even able to connect to you with a caring demeanor. Change is their desire—change of their own destiny. One way to take over a new territory is to deceive the ones who currently are in that territory. NESARA, and all other concepts that reward "doing nothing", and blocking all the mental light that can increase awareness is their game. Capture the light in quiet concentration on divine alignment. Breathing, not anger is the way.
Is your glow melting indifference? Are you able to diffuse negativity? Celebrate life and give when there is an opportunity. Giving is the key to a more congruent life with your own heart.
Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna
Im now very confused
after many many months reading and listening are you telling me that it was all a lie? now that your negativity towards th councel and archangels as controlers rather than beings of light here to help us perpas you Mr. Germain is the deciever???
Listen to your HEART Nancy
Whatever you "took home" reading this post, listen to your Heart. In silence. What IS it You Believe IN?
Whatever it IS, noone can take it from you except yourself.
What everyOne keeps saying about channeling is: listen to your Heart. Yours may resonate to something, it's ok, whatever it is it means you have to go through it. It means you've something to learn from it. Without labels.
Did channeling help you geto out of illusion?
Did you Remember Who You Are? Did You Remember LOVE=ALL?
If the answer is yes, Hello on board! That's ALL you need! Nothing else for there's nothing else but LOVE=TRUTH=ALL=US. And to BE THE LOVE YOU ARE, you don't need anything. Because YOU ARE.
So do not be upset if you find something that's no more as you thought it should be or as it was. Simply keep on BEING WHAT YOU ARE=LOVE.
I got through it lots of times in the beginning... oh yes... I took every single channel as TRUTH 100%. The gap in doing so is... you can't get it sorted! There're too many and some do not match... why?
Oh... lots of reasons I suppose... we're learning. Learning to tune ourselves. Not only those who channel but also those who read. I did channel few times and I know how hard it is to get down what you feel. Only once did I tell others about it because I Felt I'd put lots of what one could call "me" in the words I wrote down. First, I got the messages in a complete different language -feelings, images, something in my head in another dimension- and then I could feel myself "hoping" to hear something particular. That's why I stopped... I knew I had to get rid of lots of illusion before going on with it.
But still... those who put themselves on the line... wow! They All do their best I believe, even those who may get deceived.
And if this particular channel got you off the road... that's wonderful! Thank it for showing you what you believe in! Say to yourself "hello!" and BE WHAT YOU ARE. CAUSE YOU ARE!
ok good point - thank you
:) loving response to your comments!
...our dear loving Nancy, as the times of the present, and the knowledge & understanding of our past & present grow wider and farther than any one of us have experienced within this "3D experiment" on Gaia, the messages are coming loud & clear for ALL of us to begin our "own" relationship with GOD=LOVE=LIGHT=YOU!
It is not always to be "instead of", or in the place of others and their guided/channeled messages, but rather "in addition to" or coupled with our own understanding & discernment, that will give us the certainty & confidence to apply to our "own" awareness & awakening! We feel Andrea's comments regarding this were also "spot on"!
There is NO "name & shame" within the Source of all that is good and pure and Love=Light=You, ok? There is only UNITY! What is being passed around right now in many circles/groups is the ONE common message.....BE TRUE TO ONESELF! So that we will NOT have to FEAR any writing or reading we may come across, but rather be certain with LOVE that when we look within ourselves, to accompany ANY message we come in contact with, therein will lay the TRUTH=LOVE=LIGHT=GOD=ONE=YOU=ALL!
We hope this brings you peace, Nancy! WE LOVE YOU... MIND, BODY & SOUL!