Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, July 17, 2015

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Sun, Mercury, and Venus change signs this week, giving the energies from the heavens somewhat of a feel of ‘musical chairs’. Sun moves into Leo, as does Mercury (and Mercury speeds past the Sun in early Leo by the end of the week). The Venus-Jupiter conjunction remains intact this week, but takes on a different tone with Venus entering the sign of her fall, Virgo, early in the week. Instead of multiple t-squares in the cardinal signs, by the middle of the week the transits have only one. It’s a mighty cardinal t-square, however, including Mars and his overlord, Pluto, pointing to another titan, Uranus, in Aries. Our massive star in the center of the solar system in a fire sign, and in his home sign, will mark an increase in activity and emphasize use of energy. This theme combines well with the cardinal t-square: taking initiative via the influence of Mars, Pluto, and Uranus (think ‘innovation and power stemming from personal drive’ and ‘ambitious, spontaneous change’).

Pluto and Saturn continue to retrograde and remain in each other’s signs. Behind-the-scenes authority has a type of ‘on or off’ condition, acting in extremes. Saturn and Neptune in watery signs (and Neptune in his own sign) create significant influence for the watery energies in the transits, despite Sun and Mercury leaving Cancer. Sun/Mercury, Saturn, and Chiron form a watery grand trine until the end of the week. Conscious use of the mind grants the opportunity to use structure in order to forge new paths ahead.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


July 17 and 18 are days of leadership, acting quickly and decisively, and focusing energy for Aries Sun. Your fiery Sun has a few days of heightened activity and striving towards goals in anticipation of Sun entering another fiery sign. By the end of the week, Aries starts to grip onto the “structured power” theme of Saturn/Pluto. By and large, Pluto is much more influential this week for you. The long transit of Pluto in Capricorn these days is of direct influence for Aries this week, providing opportunities to use and build up personal power in career and public life. The week might also have an up and down/roller coaster ride type of feel. Sun and Mercury entering Leo at the end of the week aligns well with your Sun, with more chances to be competitive, initiate actions that move your agenda forward, and enjoy experiencing your consciousness (note that Sun does well by sign in both Aries and Leo). This week has a sense of ‘be ready for anything!’, but your Sun in Mars’ sign tends to like it that way. Final thought for Aries: searching for answers or solutions has better odds when you use technology combined with intuition.


Venus moving into an earthy sign this week might feel more comfortable for Taurus Sun. Focusing on details more, particularly at work, becomes a more prominent theme this week for every sign, especially in matters of collaboration and teamwork. Authority and structure still have a heavy feel for Taurus this week, but the heaviness is ameliorated somewhat starting on July 18. Also carefully consider how persistent, endearing efforts can increase your popularity and help you expand your knowledge and efforts (this theme is prominent until July 20). All of this occurs under the “structured expansion” theme of Jupiter and Saturn, starting to wane but definitely lasting throughout the week for Taurus. Perhaps ironically, as Sun is leaving the Cancer sign, a theme of nurturing starts for you. Relationships have more of a service-oriented feel, and effectively relating to other people is emphasized through communication and meeting of the minds. Final thought for Taurus: relating to other people also contains an important element of interacting based on equal standing this week.


Gemini Sun likely will have a quickly moving week. Watch for opportunities to use the mind in a powerful manner at the beginning of the week. Drive and ambition, personal power, and spontaneous solutions to problems combine into a strong theme at the beginning of the week that lasts until about July 19. July 22 can be a particularly productive day, if you manage to find a way to amalgamate control and endurance themes into paying dividends that make you more popular, visible, and productive. The ‘behind the scenes authority’ theme is activated for Gemini in the latter half of the week, but flows reasonably well. Your penchant for gathering information and networking might be used to determine just exactly what the authorities’ agenda might be…and in ensuring that you adhere to it! The July 22 and 23 time frame, in contrast, has a much lighter feel for Gemini. More of a time for relaxing and having fun, but do watch for opportunities to benefit from hard work throughout the week. Final thought for Gemini: feeling inspired by something you learned this week?


This week is largely about work and relationships for Cancer. Venus moving into an earth sign can be a plus for your receptive Sun, especially if you were born at a time when Venus was in an earth sign. As the core of the solar system leaves your sign and moves into Leo, recall that all Cancers experience the Leo Sun in their progressions. Thus, you are, or will be, familiar with the experience of your basic identity ‘progressing’ to that of being more expressive, fiery, romantic, creative, and competitive. July 17 is a rather uplifting day for Cancer, a direct opportunity to enjoy the ‘ease and abundance’ theme of both Venus and Jupiter still in the Leo sign. ‘Collaboration in the workplace’ is an effective way to think about your week, and also applies when you’re working outside of the office. Paying attention to details and using cooperation have a way of making your week rather productive, other things equal. Look to July 23 for opportunities to generate solutions to difficult problems and use drive and will to increase your influence. Final thought for Cancer: Whether you’re a leader or follower, this is an opportune week to use your negotiating skills and finesse in securing a deal and obtaining mutually favorable agreements.


Happy solar return to Leo! Sun will return to your Sun’s sign at the end of the week. The Venus-Jupiter ‘ease and abundance’ theme is subtle but certainly present this week for Leo (Jupiter/abundance more at the beginning of the week, and Venus/ease more at the end). A refreshed sense of your identity and related attributes (creativity, etc.) is also of benefit for you at the end of the week. July 20 to 22 have potential for using demanding situations that require stamina and persistence to increase your reputation and broaden your experience (at work or in general, particularly through absorbing information and learning). Authority is definitely tapping Leo on the shoulder this week, although not in an overbearing way. It’s easy to imagine that authority is encouraging you to give a mighty effort this week in order to expand your limits. It’s up to you to decide if you want to accept that kind of challenge. Final thought for Leo: deciding on whether obtaining you want is feasible might save you time and energy this week.


After quite a while of experiencing the transits without a planet in Virgo, Venus enters your Sun’s sign this week. Juno has also been in your sign for several weeks. Venus-Juno in Virgo strongly emphasizes the importance of relationships for you this week. The cardinal t-squares also are of influence for Virgo at the beginning of the week. Assertively handling various issues and opportunities can involve abrupt change, but also the possibility of converting what was broken down or lost into something better. Use of the mind also has keen potential this week, a heightened theme for Virgo until about July 21. Mercury’s ingress into Leo on July 23 has a karmic feel for Virgo. The symbolism of your ruling planet – past, present, and future – suggests that analysis and parsing information – very much a theme of using the mind – is one way to consider your past direction in light of forging ahead towards your future destiny. Venus at 0 degrees of your Sun’s sign is subtly suggesting that other people are a part of the process in using experience, awareness of the present, and desire to create a better future to assess how you might proceed in life. Final thought for Virgo: how might assembling pieces of a puzzle indicate the source of a problem?


Libra Sun will experience Moon in your Sun’s sign for a decent portion of the week. Look to the latter half of the week for experiences involving ‘unity’, combining the masculine and feminine, and other admittedly abstract, but quite interesting, themes. This combined with Venus entering Mercury’s sign is intriguing. Paying attention to details, sorting through relationship issues through the mind, and using collaboration in order to experience increasing returns are useful ideas this week. Another twist in the relationship arena: at the end of the week, consider how you, yourself, form half of a relationship (the usual focus on the other person turns to one’s self, as an important part of a functioning relationship). The start of the week might feel a bit edgy and the rest of the week might feel intense, however, ample opportunities to be productive and enjoy other people are available throughout the week for Libra. Close relationships feel more grounded and focused on material substance. This reflects your outlook reasonably well, augmenting the unity theme at the end of the week. Final thought for Libra: traveling, if you have the time and funds, might appeal this week.


Scorpio Sun is in the midst of the t-squares this week. While this might feel tense, it also suggests the greatest opportunity to obtain what you want. A rather subtle, but poignant, theme of unique perspectives can give you an advantage this week. Now that we have close up pictures of your Sun’s mysterious ruling planet, it seems that the power of Pluto is more fascinating than ever. Scorpio has the opportunity to use the mind and relentless personal will to build power this week. Not many of the softer themes are directly affecting Scorpio this week, although, if you can make the effort, creativity and inspiration can give you a boost. Not to forget Saturn lingering in your Sun’s sign either…structure and response to internal and external authority encourages expanding your limits. A tougher week, but also consider how keeping your ‘eye on the prize’ can help you achieve victory. Final thought for Scorpio: also consider how thinking into the future might help determine how to best handle present circumstances.


The happy ‘camaraderie and togetherness theme’ ends after July 17 for Sagittarius Sun, coincidentally when Venus enters Virgo. No reason not to savor the last day of that continuing theme, however. The emphasis on relationships also starts to wane this week, but it is not gone. As with the other signs, a more cerebral, conscientious approach to relationships will be more in the realm of your experience. As your ruling planet, Jupiter, slowly proceeds towards the Virgo sign, you are continuing to experience the classic Saturn-Uranus struggle – restriction versus liberation. Not to imply that structure doesn’t have its place (indeed, all of us are material structures!). But dealing with authority tends to be tougher and more intense than finding liberation. With effort, Saturn and Uranus might be reconciled. Innovation leads to expanding limits…responding to authority helps to unlock useful knowledge. After a long run of weeks and even months that have been ‘light and easy’, suddenly this week feels heavier for Sagittarius. A useful challenge to help you expand your horizons, and both Sun and Jupiter (‘personal expansion’) in a fire sign fit Sagittarius well. Final thought for Sagittarius: no additional thoughts for Sagittarius this week.


Capricorn Sun’s week has decent potential. Opportunities to increase your reputation, knowledge, and multiply your efforts through rugged persistence and inertia fade by the second half of the week. However, using mighty force, controls, and even feeling compulsion in pushing your efforts ahead is a continuing theme from last week. Relationships require effort this week; Venus moving into Virgo is of benefit for Capricorn, with relationships at work taking center stage among other relationships in your life. Use of the mind also becomes a prominent theme in the second half of the week. Communicating ideas, combined with spontaneous insights, help lead to accomplishments in career and elsewhere. Also consider how using discipline and conscious effort in forging your own path might be of benefit this week. Final thought for Capricorn: despite the promising vibes regarding achievement and being of prominence this week, carefully consider the ramifications of revealing information.


An ‘energy and power’ theme persists all week for Aquarius Sun. Lately, it seems that your airy Sun has had an elevated theme of using the mind every week. That theme repeats in the first half of this week. Efforts to create solutions to problems using a step-by-step method can occasionally lead to spontaneously solving them by making leaps. Relationships cease to be a prominent theme for you this week, however, abundance, optimism, and growth remain as uplifting influences throughout the week. Developing perspectives in order to achieve your ambitions is a focus this week for Aquarius. While it’s difficult to under-emphasize how much work this can be, the rewards can also be commensurate with the effort made. A bit of change (or a lot) might also accompany efforts to obtain what you want this week, but revolution is nothing new for Aquarius (using the “techy” side of life can also be fun and productive, another avenue to help satisfy your ambitions this week). Sun changing signs is not a huge event for Aquarius, although Sun will be in the sign opposite yours by next week. Thus anticipating how you might implement creative efforts and social activity to improve your experience of life becomes a salient theme over the next month. Final thought for Aquarius: if you find yourself at a crossroads or looking for guidance, watch for a caring person for possible assistance.


Sun in Cancer has a comfortable, watery feel for Pisces Sun. However, Sun moving into Leo might refresh and spur your personal creativity. The ‘energy and power’ theme just edges into the picture at the beginning of the week for Pisces, and has somewhat of an influence that fades by the end of the week. You also have a smooth path to using perspectives, navigating change, and asserting your personal power in order to achieve various ambitions this week. Venus entering Virgo affects you more than most of the other signs. Your ruling planet, Neptune, will oppose Venus in Virgo, the sign of her fall. Participating in groups leads to joining with a greater collective, with much more of an emphasis on the greater collective. Thus, the challenge this week, which can lead to rewarding experiences, is forging a bridge in the form of personal relationships in order to experience Neptune’s bliss. You are an ambassador this week in that regard. Also watch for themes of finding meaning in close relationships. Focusing on details and cogitating ways to be attuned to other people in close relationships also has promise for spiritual experiences. This is a rather Neptunian week for Pisces, to say the least. Final thought for Pisces: a feeling of closure this week might be difficult to obtain.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to
