Purity of Being
It's not pure water, food or air that cleanses a Being. In fact, no physical thing is going to cleanse your Light Body, especially because your Light Body is already pure. The "impurities" that people feel lie within the mind, and those are what need to be cleansed. Poisoned thoughts leads to poisoned bodies, not the other way around.
People are going about it a totally backwards way, though most people on this Planet are living upside-down. They believe change in the physical, what they do in the lower dimensions, creates change in the Higher. Even people who don't consciously believe this still act like that's the way things work. Go tell that to any Master and they'll find it highly amusing. The Master knows which way Energy flows.
Now many, if not most, on their path to Freedom make the choice to cleanse themselves and then they change their physical habits (like what they eat, drink, etc). They feel better afterwards, but often the root cause is missed. It's attributed to what they did, instead of the fact that they made a conscious choice to improve their lives. They were clear in their intentions, and got precisely what they asked for, but they miss what truly created the change. It wasn't what they did afterwards that brought change, it was the purity of their intention. It's a case of the outer reflecting the inner, not the other way around. This is something very important to understand.
Then there's the whole idea of "purity" itself, which can mean all sorts of different things to different people. Some very ugly beliefs masquerade behind the idea of "pure", like the whole "pure blood" madness. The only thing that's going to create a truly holistic and healthy Life is purity of Consciousness. That's a clear Consciousness that's not polluted with attachments, and it's the most Pure thing I can think of. A lot of what constitutes pureness is simply judgment. For example, the toxic chemicals in the water, is it the molecules themselves that are impure? Are certain arrangements of atoms less pure than others? That seems absurd to me, the impurity comes from the intentions of those who put the toxic chemicals in the water.
A Conscious Being can smoke, drink, and eat McDonald's food while maintaining Higher Consciousness. An unconscious being can drink only the purest water and eat only organic food, while having that obsession with what they put in their bodies only serve to keep their consciousness stuck in the lower dimensions. Worrying about and chasing after only "pure" things to put inside your body can easily become a distraction, and hinder your growth more than it helps.
Now, nowhere am I saying to eat unhealthy food or poison your body. People want to create belief systems about how they should be living their lives and they look to messages like this one for how to do it. My message is simple, do what makes you feel free! Do things with Conscious Awareness of how it makes you feel, not a belief about what you're supposed to "get" out of it. Keep what works, get rid of what doesn't.
P. S. Another member of the Galactic Free Press, Amber, also brings up a good point. Completely pure food, air or water simply doesn't exist on this Planet. Telling people that's a requirement for raising their vibrations is going to make it seem impossible. I've also seen people mention that an Enlightened Being can purify substances that enter the body, but that's not something special only an Enlightened Being can do, it's one of the reasons you've got a liver and kidneys.
thank you Will :) i had a
thank you Will :) i had a feeling after i made my comment that you would be writing a piece to elaborate on it a little bit more ~ in fact i was hoping and counting on it <3 :)
I love this. Thank you.
I love this. Thank you.
yea, but its also the
yea, but its also the 'Essence' in the food we eat that determines our vibration and how sensitive the individual is spiritually. For example, people who have incarnated on earth many times have grown accustomed to living here. Those who are fairly new with a small number are more sensitive to their surroundings. THeir more "Alien" Like in spirit.
But you are also correct in it matters most when it comes from Within....when you do this, you must learn to be clean simultaneously from innerwork & outerwork. THose who have lived here along time arent usually as sensitive too.
I disagree that what we eat
I disagree that what we eat determines our vibration, it's our vibration that determines what we eat. The thing that lowers people's vibration is fear, not a poor diet. Unhealthy eating certaining doesn't help a person raise their vibration, but it's a relatively minor detail when what a person really needs to transcend is their own fear.
Great to hear this, I have noticed that I am satisfied with less too. I go through ups and downs with the health factor of food....this has changed naturally in the last 3-4 years going to a vegetarian lifestyle (and NOW veering away from dairy since about Nov 11). I do believe there is a pattern forming! I am also interested to know more about how this will be?
I used to be a strict
I used to be a strict vegetarian, but I found I became very "spacey" and it wasn't easy to stay grounded. Heavier food do take more energy to digest, but that's not such a bad thing and can help one to stay balanced. The 5d Light Body doesn't need food at all, the direct connection to Source is all the sustenance needed. It's very different than the physical body, comparing the two really doesn't make a lot of sense.
Usually beings take on a 3d body because they want to have the full experience. I think it's good to enjoy the senses, and the best thing for our spiritual evolution is to embrace the physical experience fully while neither denying nor over-indulging in it.
Purity of Being
I like this discussion. I ponder this one occassionally. I used to be a fitness trainer, leading a fairly healthy lifestyle eating well and exercising alot. Catering to the ego, I wanted to look good. A few years ago I gave it a time out, while timing out I was tuning in!! NOW it is starting to happen naturally, FREEDOM to feel good!
Bless all in your life and in
Bless all in your life and in your affairs! Including what you eat and drink. Follow your heart! Listen to the voice that springs from your heart! If it tells you to refain from certain things, follow that voice! People give farto much power to things outside themselves. Like FG said "Life is not about what's better than" Nothing is better than LOVE! So bless it all and turn it into Love! Love you all! I bless each and everyone of you, I wish only the greatest good for all!!
Also, YES the things in Life
Also, YES the things in Life you cannot control (eg, Air you breath)..is nothing to become obsest or worried about. But we do have free-will that tells us we have a CHOICE on what we "can" control, like the substancees we put in out mouth!
A Concious being is Concious about what they accept into their bodies. A unconcious being is Not.