Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, August 7, 2015

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With Saturn direct again, Venus is one of the four currently retrograde planets, with the three planets beyond Saturn (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) comprising the remainder. Venus and Sun draw close together in the Leo sign by the end of the week, and both trine Uranus throughout the week. Evaluating relationships, with a sharp focus on one’s own role in relationships, is front and center. Sun, Venus, and Uranus in fiery signs, connecting by aspects, and Venus-Uranus retrograde all suggest that relationships are anything but boring this week!

This is definitely a week of change based on several planets changing signs. Mercury and Jupiter both enter the Virgo sign, and Mars enters Leo. Mars tends to do well in the fiery signs, and Mercury is in exaltation (most easily able to manifest his characteristics) in the Virgo sign. Perhaps Jupiter changing signs is most notable, as he only does so basically once per year (excluding possible back and forth movements between signs due to retrograding). Jupiter is enervated in Virgo, but that can be a plus: Jupiter’s excesses are kept more in check. He does have a tougher time dealing with Saturn, still forming a tight square to the restrictive titan (carrying on the “structured expansion” theme, with a bit more structure than expansion). Even with the varied planetary movements and potent retrogrades this week, Sun in his home sign, Leo, tends to dominate the transits. Self-expression, creativity, and romance characterize the mid-Summer days.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


Expect activity to increase on August 8 after Mars moves into Leo. Your ruling planet, Mars, moving into a fiery Sun works well for you. August 7 is an intense day for Aries Sun, however. A combination of persistence, increasing your influence, and maximizing your efforts suggests a productive beginning of the week. The week does have its heavier side for you; considering past actions in light of future direction is a strong theme for Aries this week, strongest on August 11. The end of the week, August 13, begins to broach a theme of using your personal insight and fiery commitment to take action and obtain what you want in life, which will continue and become more prominent next week. Overall, Aries’ chances for a productive week are reasonable. Final thought for Aries: If a situation is fraught with enigmas, can using intuition be of assistance?


The first half of the week is rather upbeat and oriented towards personal growth for Taurus Sun. Jupiter moving into an earth sign also works well for you, generally speaking, especially with Jupiter squaring your Sun by sign moving to a trine. The theme of unexpectedly expressing yourself in relationships this week is especially strong for Taurus. While the unexpected might feel unsettling, this theme is overshadowed on August 12 and 13 by an emphasis on togetherness, marriage, and extended family, creating, most likely, an enjoyable end of the week. While the week might be characterized by ups and downs, a sense of abundance tends to ameliorate shocks and surprises for you. Final thought for Taurus: consider approaching relationship issues from a sense of equity this week.


Of great interest for Gemini Sun, Mercury, your Sun’s ruler, is very strong this week, but squaring your Sun’s sign. Thus, working to embrace Mercury’s functions of analysis and sifting through details is of benefit for you. Much of the action for Gemini in the transits takes place later in the week. Use of imagination and idealistic tendencies build as the week progresses, with a peak day on August 12. Be aware of past issues possibly surfacing on August 10. Gemini has the opportunity to gain insight and develop understanding of theory in your area of specialty on August 13. The end of the week is a nice opportunity for using your natural talent for gathering information and going through the analysis necessary to make use of it. This is definitely a cerebral week for Gemini. Final thought for Gemini: setting a plan and staying with it can be of great use this week, in order to avoid distractions.


Mars leaves your Sun’s sign this week. You have one last day, August 7, to enjoy the boost from Mars in Cancer. Most of the week is rather placid for Cancer. August 7 is a more stable day focused on relationships. Mercury in his exaltation, Virgo, becomes more prominent for Cancer on August 8 and 9, good days for detailed work involving the mind, and analyzing data. August 10 reverts to a very watery theme that fits you well. Emphasis on the past and spiritual matters become emphasized – also look for ways to adapt to unexpected or inevitable changes. As the week ends, Cancer becomes more attuned to the fiery energies in the transits. The end of the week is best for going out into the world and reaching for your aspirations, having reflected and replenished yourself throughout the previous days of the week. Final thought for Cancer: somebody new in your life might necessitate adjusting your plans this week.


Sun in your Sun’s sign certainly gives leadership potential, and this theme is augmented for you from August 15 to 17. Acting in the moment, assertively taking action to achieve various goals, and creatively using an existing framework to maximize your efforts is quite an opportunity for Leo Sun in the first half of the week. The second half of the week is perhaps best described as “adventures in relationships”. The fixed quality of your Sun’s sign is useful for providing stability when necessary…you might enjoy the spontaneity that is generally present in relationships this week, but your commanding presence also helps smooth over the shocks and disruptions that can also occur. A sense of restriction also starts to creep in for Leo at the end of the week, but necessary structure can also be a relief if excitement starts to feel like too many surprises. Final thought for Leo: a nice combination of passion and determination is available for helping you reach your goals this week.


Virgo Sun receives quite a boost this week, with Mercury starting the week in your Sun’s sign, and Jupiter entering it in mid-week. Expanding analysis, optimistic communication, abundance of details to be sorted through, and other generally useful themes to assist you at work or elsewhere in life are available this week. Close relationships also become more important and of focus by the end of the week. While extra effort might be needed to eliminate avenues of thinking or analysis that lead to nowhere, a sense of enjoyment might be obtained through working on problems that are attached to your sense of idealism or involve “fuzzy logic”. The end of the week also brings opportunities to renew outmoded thinking or parts of your life and use a keen sense of perspectives to view the heart of a situation. Final thought for Virgo: to find the root cause of a difficulty, try breaking down the analysis into parts, and then amalgamate it into a big picture.


Working with authority and responding to structure suddenly becomes more intense for Libra on August 11. However, accommodating structure might be useful in navigating relationships this week! Relationships have an unpredictable and ‘hot and cold’ feel this week, but your Libra Sun can likely handle it well. Of great interest, Libra Sun, focused on balancing, has an opportunity this week to focus on the self in the context of relationships, a very important part of the ‘evaluating’ function of Venus retrograde. While this might sound counter-intuitive, it can serve to make relationships stronger and give them a renewed sense of purpose. Uranus also serves a role in this theme, prompting new ideas to be used in forming and maintaining satisfying relationships. Final thought for Libra: looking directly towards the future this week can be beneficial.


Saturn is starting to leave your Sun’s sign, and several planets in Leo are squaring your Sun’s sign. Scorpio Sun has some work to do this week, but in the end it can result in expanding your limits. Close relationships continue to be a plus for Scorpio, and Mercury’s ingress into Virgo also works well for you. Working with structure and powerful authority, particularly in work and career, is a continuing theme for Scorpio. Evaluating relationships with authority figures also is important for Scorpio this week. August 10 and 11 are opportune days to seek emotional support if you need it, or perhaps give it. This week also has potential for looking at fine details in the context of the big picture, if you can find a way to creatively apply such a concept (the planets in Leo this week can be of assistance in that regard). Final thought for Scorpio: information can be valuable – be careful with how you share it!


Of course, Jupiter changing signs is significant for Sagittarius Sun. The mutable/flexible/adaptable quality of Virgo is familiar, but the sign squares your Sun’s. This is an adjustment. Sagittarius likes the abstract and the big picture, and Virgo is about the earthy details. The fiery stellium in Leo still works well for Sagittarius this week. One last gasp of the “ease and abundance” theme can be felt in the first half of the week. August 7 is probably the best day of the week for you. Heightened use of logic and the mind, along with a sense of endurance, expansion, and mighty effort, sets the week off with a running start. The second half of the week is also more restful and reflective for Sagittarius. A relatively long-standing theme of using inspiration and imagination will continue after this week. Final thought for Sagittarius: a theme of “spiritual wisdom” becomes more available for Sagittarius this week.


Behind the scenes authority continues to be a strong theme for all of the signs, and especially for Capricorn Sun. This week, a more “even” feel to authority and structure is present, and August 7 is a last chance for you to experience a smooth flow between ambition and discipline for some time. Controls and compelling force can also be of use this week. Taking breaks throughout the week might feel refreshing, with a sense of light-heartedly expressing yourself at odds with duties and responsibility. Evaluating relationships also continues to be an intense theme for Capricorn. Focusing on your role in relationships and the framework in which they operate can be a difficult exercise, but also rewarding. Final thought for Capricorn: listening to someone can be an effective form of nurturing this week.


Jupiter changing signs this week means he will no longer be in the sign opposite your Sun’s. However, Mars joins the planets currently opposite your Sun’s sign this week. More of an emphasis on ambition rather than expansion, although the two certainly sound similar. Aquarius Sun is definitely involved with the theme of evaluating relationships in terms of self-expression this week, although generally this has a smoother feel to it. Sun in Leo’s qualities of creativity, romance, and expressiveness flow well for Aquarius this week. Although self-assertion and balancing in relationships are both influential for Aquarius, your sign contains no planets this week! A sense of being able to pick and choose what to focus on this week might be of benefit for you. Final thought for Aquarius: if you’re seeking direction, look for someone to show you a path.


More activity in the sign opposite of yours, Virgo, suggests a quickened pace for you, particularly with a strong Mercury opposite your Sun’s sign. Organizing and analyzing information is a strong suit for Pisces Sun this week, with a peak day on August 12. Networking, especially in regards to career, and communicating ideas for mutual benefit also has potential for Pisces this week. Career might also receive a boost from showing authority and leadership, and the ‘specialization’ theme continues – developing and focusing on your area of expertise works well again this week. Close relationships can also be a source of support this week, particularly when problems are thought through cooperatively. A more serious, but potentially productive, week for Pisces. Final thought for Pisces: a sense of friendship can help ameliorate a separation or completion this week.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to
