The Solar Dragon ~ Liars Lying About The Sun
Love Reporter Clyde Lewis | Ground Zero | January 25 2012
Today there has been a few confusing messages being sent out in the mainstream press about the Solar Storm that has occurred. The mainstream news played up the storm as being a whopper. It was called a space Hurricane a storm that almost has an X-class, a magnetic storm that may cause grid failures, earthquakes and severe weather.
NASA has downgraded the storm 20 % and says that the storm will produce an unusually large display of auroras, which may be visible at lower latitudes than normal. I am thinking that this storm may be a precursor to an even bigger storm. We have been warned and the Sun seems to be firing a warning shot.
Not only is the scientific side of me seeing the fantastic displays of coronal ejections but the mythological side of me is identifying these anomalies as sky serpents, dragons, and columns of fire. These are things spoken of in bibles, papyri, and plates of brass.
We may want to open the books and realize that the metaphors of old are beginning to show themselves and we now give them scientific terms. All of these mythological creatures are all connected to the Sun. All of our messages came from the Sun and all of our Gods are made from great stories of the Suns relationship with mankind.
Take a look at what is now on YouTube. We are seeing and hearing so called roars form the sky, trumpeting and loud booms. We are looking at pictures of anomalies near the Sun and comets that are going into the sun and returning again and we listen to our President only addressing campaign promises and pep talks not addressing the future that we are facing and the possible catastrophic occurrences that are not only going to take its toll on our economy, but on our physical well being.
Youtube: What Are The Strange Sounds Being Heard?
You can cheerlead all you like that America is back and use the team psychology to promote nationalism, but in a world facing events of a cosmic nature the President is lying in order to keep the situation normal.
We are far from normal and far from any resolution. Our governments have made provisions to protect the elite from oncoming obstacles , have destroyed personal liberties, set up detainment camps and have now conducted mock urban warfare drills in major cities in the United States.
There seems to be increased activity in military transport, and I have received reports that in Los Angeles there are soldiers marching in the streets in mock drills that teach soldiers how to react in major catastrophe and terrorist attacks. The question again is what are they preparing for?
Is there something so devastating coming that we will beg for the military to save our skins and give up freedoms to survive?
Youtube ~ Breaking! Military Equipment Moving Across US
On January 23rd, the Chinese New Year officially began and the year of the Dragon had arrived. Coincidentally we were informed of a major Solar Storm that was headed for the earth. This was not a coincidence according to astrologers as the metaphoric Dragon was about to rerelease its fiery breath as the northern node of the moon aligned with the rise of Ophiuchus in the dark rift on January 19th, 2012 creating what is called the Dragon’s head.
This point has been called Rahu anciently and it literally means the North point of the moon nodding towards the sun creating chaos.
The Dragons head has been spoken of in many ancient texts and is symbolic of the harbinger of a great war between what is chaotic and what is balanced. There have been many ancient texts speaking of angels fighting the dragon and either burying a sword in the head or the eye wounding the beast or bruising its tail.
Michael the Archangel is the figure spoken of in the apocalypse that appears to destroy the solar Dragon. In other mythologies it is Aries the warrior that arrives to slay the Dragon. Jormungand, The Midgard Dragon is destroyed by Thor another warrior god. Thor dies after the fight suffocated by the hot air from the serpent.
While these mythologies are regarded as great stories, they most certainly are based in solar legends where the sun breathes its fiery tsunami and causes destruction on the earth. It is mentioned in many of the accounts that the skies roared like the ocean and the monster appeared to devour the planet.
It seems that in the modern era we have been having the same types activity prior to the solar storm. As the internet is buzzing over the strange sounds in the skies primarily in the Northern latitudes there have been many so called analysts who are doing a great job of debunking reports of these sounds. However during active sun cycle storms it seems to be normal to hear of so called sky quakes.
There have been Ominous booms thundering across the sky. The booms and hums are being called ‘sky quakes’ and they are abruptly erupting all over the world. People are hearing unexplained hums, booms, and electrical hiss. Others of course are hearing what sound like trumpets being blown hardening the resolve of dispensationalist thinkers that judgment may be coming.
As sun activity increases geomagnetic activity also increases. The stresses building up in the core deep in the heart of the world also migrate outwards to the mantel and eventually the crust. Slipping strata within the bowels of the planet create incredible pressures, these pressures are so great that temperatures soar and dense metals flow like liquids.
Water becomes superheated plasma and interacts with layers of quartz crystals emitting harmonics audible as a hum and also generating earth lights and sky-quakes that could very well be the answer to some, not all of the reports of anomalous sounds in the sky.
As far back as June as 2010 NASA would say on one hand that the movies that show Solar doomsday scenarios like “Knowing” and the Movie “2012” are inaccurate and are creating an amounting sense of fear. On the other hand they would also make statements that people should be prepared for a once in a lifetime solar event that will have devastating effects on the electronic grid. The time that an estimated once in a life time solar event is to occur was the year 2012.
There is yet another film that was released earlier in 2004 that had a doomsday scenario that didn’t have the warning issued from government officials. That was the film “The Day after Tomorrow.” It was obviously endorsed by NASA and the NOAA to bring on the idea of Global Warming through Global conditioning.
The main trigger for climate change and chaos was the sudden heating up of the sun creating Ice cap melting. Several buoys in the North Atlantic simultaneously show a massive drop in the ocean temperature
Youtube ~ The Day After Tomorrow trailer
The sudden Sun activity melts the Arctic cap and the change in Ocean Temperatures create super cell storms of biblical proportions. Rare Tornadoes touchdown in California and we see a super cooled low pressure system move into the lower latitudes causing Americans to flee to Mexico.
It seemed that the scenarios of the Solar Flare reported January 19th, 2012 and the headlines of fear on the 23rd seemed to give credence to a Science fiction scenario first seen in a movie theater.
A BBC report is now saying that huge dome of fresh water has been detected in the western arctic. If the fresh water were to enter the North Atlantic in large volumes, the concern would be that it might disturb the currents that have such a great influence on European weather patterns.
This is where the movie ends and the cataclysmic cycle begins. It seems to be obvious that the Sun is beginning to act up and as much as mainstream avoids stories about it to avoid public panic – there seems to be an overwhelming concern for solar storms and their effects on weather changes, and the power grid. Solar storms such as the one that was reported is an ominous warning and it seems that the warning goes unheeded at our own peril.
We have experienced Sun storms before however we haven’t been so dependent on technologies before. We have always had technology, but we have never been so dependent on the Internet, phone networks, GPS and other technological advantages. A Sun storm that gives us a direct hit can destroy the power grid and cripple technologies.
These warnings have been a part of our lives now since 2009. However in the memory hole is the CME that hist the earth in October of 2003. Super charged air was heard rumbling through the north and magnetic bolts would blow up power generators.
In space 28 communication satellites were shut down. Two satellites were a total loss. GPS systems were down for 30 hours. The monitor that was in the Mars Global surveyor was destroyed as well.
I am writing this not to instill panic but to at least make people aware of the fact that you should not downplay what is happening just because you are unable to see the radiation waves that are hitting the magnetosphere. The magnetic thunderbolts that are hovering above us can affect all sorts of things here on earth and the unfortunate things is that while private industry has made moves to protect itself against this new Solar storm.
Other government entities have decided to rate the Solar storm as a 2 with 5 being the most severe.
No need to panic perhaps but every need to prepare and every need to not always listen to what NASA is saying. It seems that NASA lately has been unable to accurately make up its mind. Either 2012 will be an active solar year or it won’t be and now we see that in the first month of 2012 the Sun has spoken loud and clear.
Can anyone fathom the prospect of 12 to 24 months of readjusting if a solar storm decides to be a relentless plasma weapon? Is anyone protected form increased solar radiation levels? Modern communications like cell phones and other toys may have to be thrown out if we see a time where solar weather will cause all of these appliances to turn on us.
Can anyone imagine the Chaos? Can anyone imagine what would happen if the power grid was taken out and people were forced to fight for resources? There would be pandemonium. There would have to be martial law to contain the populace, perhaps rounding people up and putting them in camps, or if there is mass death burying them in mass graves. An estimated 130 million people could wind up without power. For months or even years. Can the United States adjust to the lack of creature comforts?
We are already worried about controls on the internet—what if there was no internet, no I-phone – any video games. The psychological impact alone would be devastating.
We can put up ground resistors and other precautionary protections however there has been no successful lobby to do so. We can worry about animals, abortions, gay rights, and other issues that we are entitled to because of luxuries and the ability to use our time to indulge in such push button issues but the sun is a big problem and the effects of Solar storm activity could change our way of life and in essence end our world, at least the world and lifestyle that we are accustomed to.

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, We Love you!! We Ask You, Are YOU In? Love Chooses You! Please share with your Brothers and Sisters, That We are Here, and Love "Has" All of Humanity and Everyone is Coming Home Into The Light, all they have to simply do is Choose Love and they Are FREE. We Are Here for Humanity's Graduation Celebration. Love Mother and Father God, The Company of Heaven, and the First Contact Ground Crew Team.
Skype: father.mothergod.amon.ra