"Greetings, Beloved Family! It is I, St Germain, and I am so thrilled to be standing before you in this great moment! Indeed one of the greatest in the history/herstory, not only of the United States of America, but in the World.* But as you may know, I had a lot to do with inspiring this country, this United States, to come into being as a country,and to be sure its borders changed from time to time as new territories were added, and to be sure it has been a country of Enjoyment of Life and Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, these have been given new energy tonight!
"And the call goes out to the entire World, indeed, that these principles upon which this country was founded are to be shared equally around the World, and that the World has come to a place where entirely new ways of doing things are at hand. Now, we know that there was a lot of talk about mortgages, the banks, finances and so on.* And you all know that I, St Germain, created a plan long ago to restore the birthright to every man, woman and child upon the entirety of Planet Earth, with my bank and with the trust that I established. And yes, I did have something to do within the terms and conditions that are incorporated into the NESARA law, because they do away with the heinous and until recently, largely in the shadows operations, shall we say, which those you call the Illuminati have brought into being, in order to take over the economy of the entirety of Planet Earth - restoration of that birthright of everyone to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. And there are certain fundamental elements to Happiness, such as security, such as being able to eat when one is hungry, such as the ability to travel.
"Ashtar started to - well, he gave a brief glimpse of borders not being so rigid where people can travel freely together with other people, and to be as One in community and in projects to restore Planet Earth. And of course there is a whole fleet** standing by ready to assist!
"Now it is true that in the past, to birth a nation required war. Now we are talking about birthing the Oneness Planetwide. One Heart, one Mind, expressed through individual diversity but coming together so as to accomplish rebuilding, regenerating, restoring, renewing, re-energizing!!! We have had enough of tearing down, and all that is to be torn down now are the laws which are unjust, and the institutions which have been created financially in society and yes, in the religions of the World, the dogmas. But it is to be done peacefully, it is to be done with respect for each other, it is to be done by reaching out and joining hands together around the World. And it is to be done in celebration and great Joy, and with Honor and Integrity. And yes, you are on the eve of recreating 3D Planet Earth and bringing together the consciousness of higher dimensionality, so that everyone is invited to the celebration! Everyone is invited to raise their own consciousness to open their Hearts and to allow the great Light of Love, because everyone will be free to do so, and there will be no reprisals, there will be no guns aimed, there will be no oppressing of the weak or those deemed to be unable to resist. Everyone will be honored, everyone will be respected. And it is to come together in this great Oneness, this great joyful, but peaceful, coming together.
"The days are over when one country or one dictator could march into another country and take over, and oppress the people and enslave them. The days are over when a leader of a country could declare war, and send it into a worldwide flame. There may be some skirmishes, but they will be short-lived. It is to bring the World into understanding. It is to bring the World, and all of the individuals in the World, into connection with their own Hearts and their own Wisdoms.And it is tofinally get it, that the Peace begins within each Heart! That is the 'Peace that passeth all understanding,' because it is higher dimensional, and it doesn’t need words. It’s about creating openings for the feelings, for the Love to flow in.There is no more powerful energy in the universe than Love, and it is through Love and sharing Love that we shall have Peace, that we shall have understanding, Wisdom, and be able to come together as One to be participants in the changes, rather than just watching them go by as one watches a parade. Everyone is asked to get into the parade and to march hand in hand into this great Golden Age which has had some delays in coming, but is now waiting to burst forth and bless all of Planet Earth and the universe beyond!
"And so, with that picture in mind, Beloved Ones, let’s start the parade.If you would just breathe, and relax, and yet keep this picture in your minds' eye of how it looks with everyone in the World joining in. Let us join hands and make our Circle of Love. And you may feel behind, and you may feel in front of you, the presence of your guides, and all who come from the higher dimensions - that is higher numbered dimensions - to come and be with us now as we do this Exercise.
"And so let us hold hands. Let us stand together, shoulder to shoulder, and let us bring into this circle the great golden white Light of the Christ, the consciousness of the Christ, the higher dimensional Love, and let it come down and peacefully, and yet powerfully, anoint each and every one. Feel it, bathe your body in it, and open your Hearts to allow it to come in, this wondrous loving energy. And feel it permeate all of your energy fields. Now everyone is lit up with this golden white Light of the Christ! I stand here and I send you my violet flame, the ray of transmutation, transformation, that if there is any place in your being that you feel at all any resistance to lighting up, use the violet ray that I send to you. I share it with you, and let it clear whatever it is to provide the opening for this wondrous Light, this Light of Love.
"Let it permeate, let it circulate throughout the entirety of your magnificence, and feel your Heart respond with Joy. You may feel a warmth, you may feel a cooling breeze. Just know that this energy is here for you.And now call forth, if you will, messengers symbolizing Peace, Loving Peace, Peace that everyone chooses. This is Freedom to choose Peace! Now see if you will that you have light-bodied messengers.They look somewhat like Doves, symbols of Peace, because they will be recognized, you see, the World over. Now appoint the Doves to be the messengers, and to take these energies of Peace and the Freedom to be Peace, out in all directions. Keep bringing in more and sending more out on the wings of the Doves of Peace. The Doves fly because they are in their light bodies, and full themselves of the Christ consciousness of the Love of the Peace. They move over all of Planet Earth and there is nowhere they do not reach!
"And I send with them the violet ray so that if they need it to open a place which appears to be dark, let them do so. Let them use the violet ray and then flood every part of Planet Earth and every being below, on and above Planet Earth with this golden white Light of the Christ. The Love, the Peace and yes, the Joy of it, because everyone receives the Freedom to be in Peace! This banishes all fear, or we shall say that fear cannot exist in such high energy, and so the violet ray can transmute it into this higher energy so that it becomes One.
"Now send out the message yourselves Beloved Ones, let it telepathically accompany the Doves. The message is, 'We are One, We are One in Freedom, We are One in Love, We are One in Joy, We are One in Peace on Earth everywhere for every living being, for Mother Gaia herself and for all who come with loving messages to Planet Earth! Let Peace and Love welcome all of those who come to be in assistance in all of the areas where Planet Earth has extended the invitation. And let there be trust from the Heart to Heart connections that all is well, and all is in Divine order, and all is in Harmony, and all is Love!!!'
"And this, Beloved Ones, is the manner in which we co-create the welcome, the welcome to all of the changes which are coming. The welcome to Obama to step forward even more. He is the ordained leader in the sense that he has, as the Ambassador, been given the mission of being the leader into the lifestyle that all of these changes bring. And while there are others with him, other beings of Light, other ambassadors, it nevertheless is his role to be the leader in making these Announcements which are sure to come. He has put the world on notice that changes, big changes are coming!*
"And now the World is put on notice that it is time, time for Love and time for Peace. Worldwide. And that message reverberates and goes back into the Capitol building, and the Justice building, and yes, the White House, and Obama can feel that message and he is joyful! He has put forth the call, and we have answered, Beloved Ones. And it is for all of the Lightworkers and all of the Star beings in human bodies, and all of the Light beings here on Planet Earth, or in attendance to Planet Earth, to continue to send that message to him and to all of the leaders of the World, because being a leader means that you know what is to come, and you are faithful and honorable in answering the call of the people!
"So together as One, we have opened the doors wider. We have welcomed even more the Freedom, the Love, the Peace and the Oneness and yes, the Joy!Celebrations are on the horizon.We see them. Feel the energy of the celebrations and know how appreciated you all are, Beloved Ones, for joining with us in this great Mission! And so let us bask in the moment in all of these wondrous, wondrous energies. Keep them in your Hearts always ready to share, but always able to bring in more because you, Beloved Ones, are leaders. And the Flame of Love, and the Flame of Freedom and the Flame of Peace on Earth are united as One, and burning brighter than they have throughout eons of time on Planet Earth!!!
"And so we thank you, and we stand with you always, and we say to you thattogether we move into the next phase of our Mission on Planet Earth. And so it is! Namaste!"
"Alrighty, time to celebrate 'Joy to the World,' although that’s not the selection I have for us tonight.*** But Froggie and I are ready to dance, so let’s express our Joy even as We are One.Well done! Yes - Namaste!"