How to Train Your Brain Hemispheres to Boost Your Mental Capacity

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Throughout the history of neurological research, it’s been proven that one’s involvement in exercise expands one’s brain functioning; in turn, I think “exercise” is a paradigm where several different fitness modalities can fall under. In this piece, I will discuss the notion of unilateral loading on one’s body, as well as the mind. You will learn how to train your brain and body to achieve great results in increasing your mental capacity.

Brain, On Exercise

The National Library of Medicine conducted a study showing that “Physical exercise has been shown to increase brain volume and improve cognition in randomized trials of non-demented elderly”. Now, throughout this trial the exercises were restricted to the confines “Tai Chi” and other accredited fitness practices. Imagine, if one could extract the mental benefits of exercise without getting caught up in the mishegas of today’s fitness crazes. Enter, the unilateral loading.
