Befuddled, Exhausted or Unwell? Transform Your Life with the Power of Energetic Yoga

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By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Whether you’re an old hand at yoga or new to the game, everyone can benefit from a unique form of the practice: Energy Medicine Yoga. Developed by Lauren Walker, the program utilizes familiar stretches, but with a twist. Lauren seamlessly blends traditional asanas (yogic postures) with the wisdom of the nadis, chakra system and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) meridians.

The end result? A dynamic practice that encourages extraordinary healing and revitalization. In just a few minutes a day, the technique helps to shift energy within the body to boost stamina and clarity, balance the immune system and radically enhance well-being. If you find yourself in a funk, ungrounded or struggling with a health issue, Energy Medicine Yoga may be just what you need to get back on track and truly flourish.
