Geoengineering Continues To Rob Rain From Where It Is Most Needed

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By Dane Wigington
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

While the mainstream science community is still pretending climate engineering is only a proposal, the total decimation being inflicted on what is left of our environment from the ongoing geoengineering programs is mounting at blinding speed. Mainstream media also parrots the official narrative of climate engineering denial and the majority of the population is all too willing to accept the lies, in spite of the expanding mountain of data to the contrary.

Geoengineering is among the most destructive activities ever unleashed by the human race against the natural world. Though the list of horrific consequences directly related to climate engineering is long and growing rapidly, the total disruption of the hydrological cycle is one of the most visible effects. As reservoirs empty out and drought sets in, in many regions around the globe, record forest fires are close behind.
