Disclosure (all levels) and Appearance of Fly-Overs | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.
Feb 3, 2012
Love Reporter Arrai’El on Fri, 01/27/2012
Disclosure is said to be near…with Fly-Overs becoming a pre-cursor for First Contact
Apollo 16 film showing the object in question
On NASA website, by Apollo 16 (April 19, 2004) was captured but denied by NASA. You decide!
The time of the “Long Dark Sleep” is ending. Hopefully for all.
The movie “2012” is being played over and over on cable and just recently its now being run in consecutive several nights on FX (sometimes twice continuously)…the irony (or agenda) is not being lost by many. Of all the movies that instill fear, worry and uneasiness, that is one of the few films with the most graphic details of global-wide apocalyptic/disaster ending in December 2012 ever! Although, many scenes in this movie are true some are the result of ‘spin’ of the facts as I believe it. Or a great doom-and-gloom fantasy!
Just do yourself (and your loved ones) a favor – please- ‘wake up’ and pay attention! 2012 is also noted (per numerology) to be the Year of Revelations or Truths! Read ‘between the lines’. Use discernment.
One message that should be heard by every person who places their focus and attention on the fear-mongering…
“Our observations are that you are doing so well in bringing Light to the Earth, that it is continuing to increase exponentially and rapidly taking you forward to Ascension. So you are on course for a great victory over the dark Ones and there was never any doubt about it, and you have the strong will and intent to do so. After all, as Lightworkers it was the reason you came to Earth at such an important time, knowing fully well what your task was and faith in your ability to carry it out.
As you can see, there are two main schools of thought that people follow, one supposes that life will carry on as usual and somehow get past the present problems, and the other sees immense change and the restoration of people’s rights. Both will to a large extent continue to follow their own path, and it will determine which one that they step upon when this cycle ends. The fact remains that you are all creating your own reality, using your freewill as a God given right to determine your own future.” (channeling from SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey…1-23-12)
I’m strongly motivated to proclaim to everyone – I don’t buy the mass media fear-mongering 2012 end crap!
What belief system (or faith) can a person have that enables them to love the movie, watch it over and over and even buy the movie with a smile with no fear, anxiety or panic?
One who knows that the end of ‘2012’ is not the ‘end’ of life or of living! Far from it! (And I’m not alone!) One who can watch this movie, repeatedly, as a dispassionate observer & critic (rather then a fear-laden, teeth-gnashing victim of ‘Media Control’ dished out in heavy offerings), can do so because they have done their research, followed events and studied social indications. trusted with inner (and outer) spiritual beliefs! One who feels they must ‘speak their truth’ who also lives it!
I just watched “Megaquake 10.0”, a covert fear laden ‘subversive’ piece of work (additional channels such as History, National Geographic, Discovery, etc are targeting similar) on anything from ancient prophecies (Nostradamus, Biblical, certain scientists, etc) conspiracies, comets to sunflares to supervolcanic to the New World Order (and all that entails) all concentrated on the END OF this AGE, to all life either doomed to genocide or enslaved. Or all.
But there are certain things supporters/believers of conspiracies theories are over looking.
Most have not done all the research of looking into the present data and information about these ancient seers, prophecies or conspiracies of NWO at this time. If they had they would have become of several surprised hard facts:
The time line of NWO has passed (successful NWO ‘calling card’ is mass death, internment/martial law and genocide) which was slated to start awhile ago. Why not?
The attempts at seeding mass diseases (air-borne, death dumps or chemtrails, lacing of food products, etc) numerous attempts have failed to create mass death or pandemics; never past those killed during, say, a heavy ‘flu’ season and was ever close to pandemic levels (over decades many ‘diseases’ some directed at ethnic or racial groups totally failed their plans. Why not?
The massive humankind die-off via comet, meteoric, etc. crashing into the earth as mentioned in biblical mention of ‘Wormwood’, among others has past. Why hasn’t they?
The economic failure and protests by the ‘99%’ US and worldwide. Why?
No explosion of more nuclear bombs have happened since Hiroshima/Nagasaki in 1945. Even though the world has tottered on the edge of the Cold War, World Wars or terroristic nuclear bombing dozens of times nothing such happened. Why not?
Time is speeding up, increase in UFOs, crop formations and more . Why?
Some may feel that we still have time before December 21, 2012 for any of this to happen. Perhaps but critical ‘crunch’ time has gone and must indicate (the aforementioned attacks/deaths, etc) as foundations before it actually can have any attempt at succeeding as the numbers of human beings are just too great, waking up and en masse. In less then a year? They are still trying…I see chemtrails still but they are ’nullified’ by our GF friends. Otherwise massive deaths and horrible diseases would be everywhere. Some videos have caught these you can find if you look.
But, its likely that some major earth changes must happen. If Humans are present when these changes occur then scenes of the movie ‘2012’ (and others) will be a somber and final fact but since those have failed (perhaps forestalled the worst) should be indicative to what I belief and Know - and any person with the ‘eyes’ and ‘ears’ to find the truth will find the same. Every human has a choice - believe what you want but know it can have a finality - but, with Grace, all Being are Loved and will eventually go Home.
Many feel that this might be the event (via one implied on the TV series “The Event” or “ The Rapture” ) a much theorized/proselyte where the ‘righteous’ and ‘saved’ would either ‘BECOME’ and/or ‘spirited away to a better world . It is necessary as Mother Earth (Gaia) must ascend to a higher level (as humans) and will do so whether humans (on top or within Her) are ready or not. Focus your thoughts,energies and visions on the world you (and your loved ones) WANT to Experience and Enjoy and not the other way around.
Shared with me, many others indicate that those disasters, nuclear catastrophe, disease genocide and NWO are being blocked. Nuclear plants have experienced some leaks and melt-downs nearly a year ago in Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Plant after the earthquake and its accompanying tsunami. Why isn’t people dying from radiation from the rest of the world?
Because more and more videos, reports and witnesses from the public, the media and the military itself are producing hard evidence that interruptions and interventions are saving untold number of thousands if not millions of lives!
Recall the conference (private) conference before the National Press Club back in September 2010? Where several retired-military officers came out to proclaim they witnessed the nuclear missiles installations controls were deactivated by the UFO’s hovering at the time. Not just here but the UK as well.
Or the video by Japan media of UFOs seen to ‘dip’ low over the waters of the tsunami rescuing (I believe) those on their way to the open sea and to certain death.
If you still hold on to the Fear that these disasters and apocalyptic events will still happen, hunkering near your bunkers then please be careful of what you place your focus upon. Your Power of Thought (unimaginably strong) can create realities enough to materialize the very things you fear! Of course, it is always a good idea to have extra food, water and medicine but bunkers or some such?
Of all the times being here on Earth this if the most IMPORTANT for ALL people to have HOPE and envision that a beautiful world where our Freedoms are re-instated and free clean energy and technology will be open to all! A veritable Heaven on Earth! And the actions around us indicate its on its way!
The evidence is in front of you if you just open your eyes and your mind and look at what is really around you…witnesses are posting the pictures and according to several channeled messages more of these ‘fly-overs’ will occur both as an ‘introduction’ to human everywhere and to also a ‘show’ that they are not here to bring anything but peace and serenity thru out.
And, to those with open-minds and a curious to search it on their own they will be pleasantly surprised about Changes that are according.
One may come to understand that even the ‘fear-control agents’ are becoming aware that things are not going according to their agenda! And with the destruction of the ‘underground bunkers’* (the power elite were setting up to ‘survive and watch’ the genocide and catastrophic happen all safe and warm) have been forced to come up to the ‘Light of Day’ and face to the crimes against humanity. Not to mention their funds and ‘global and ET allies’ are disappearing.
David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford have covered in detail much about the destruction of the underground bases which you can find more on YouTube (enter ‘under ground bases, destroyed’). However, some aspects are not accurate such as claiming nuclear power was used or that thousands of humans were killed– not accurate, a ‘spin’ of the actual facts although the identification of those who ransacked and got rid of the bases (DUMPs’) is still unknown but there are those that, based on the immense power, quick overwhelming attack and the surreptious location of these deep underground bunkers had to be the result of ‘other-worldly beings. All completely disappeared from the face of the Earth (uh, underground).
If you have enough motivation and an open mind/heart to pursue your own ‘truth’ then the best time is right now! No more time ‘riding the fence’ either. Don’t just believe what anyone tells you – find out your own truth! Do your own efforts and work might be worth more then you can imagine!
The only power that can stay any of these are from Divine. Call them angels or ET’s there are pictures, videos of these being protecting human kind by higher technology of their own.
Channels and messages from these sources all tend to be in one voice; 2012 is a year of change for the better for humankind as well as the Earth and not a ‘doom-and-gloom’ dogmatic message for us all. Humans have a future to much higher callings and thus the ‘awakening’ of people to what has been going on and to us for centuries is bringing people to their feet.
No one can not have heard of the global protests and riots against dictator and military rulers are found the people are no longer going to sit around and let them continue.
As you can see, there are two main schools of thought that people follow, one supposes that life will carry on as usual and somehow get past the present problems, and the other sees immense change and the restoration of people’s rights. Both will to a large extent continue to follow their own path, and it will determine which one that they step upon when this cycle ends. The fact remains that you are all creating your own reality, using your freewill as a God given right to determine your own future.
Naturally in short time there will come an avalanche of information and advice about Ascension, and for those who are open to the truth it will give the opportunity to take a quantum leap forward. It is a matter of whether people are ready to see beyond their existing beliefs, and become part of the new paradigm. If not there is no problem and they will be able to stay on their own path and continue to experience in the lower dimensions. It cannot be fairer than that by allowing you your choice, and all will be treated as any other soul with loving care and given every help possible. No one is beyond help and it is always there ready to be given at the slightest indication that it is requested.