By Rena Wells
Diving into the emotional realm does seem daunting. In all honesty not many of us truly understand what emotions are, and how could we? Even our psychologists, psychiatrists, and medical doctors turn to medication or very black and white mental coping mechanisms in order to control how we should be responding to our external stimuli. I am in no way knocking our mental health workers, they are needed as much as energy healers and I believe that the two together can co-create a beautiful marriage one day.
In truth, we have all been conditioned to behave in certain ways through various circumstances throughout our lives. What felt natural at one point, (as babies and very young children,) eventually became stifled and we were told on some level it was wrong to feel a certain way. This created the cycle of shame, and self-doubt, which also created an ingrained belief system to conform to what our exterior world told us. We eventually forgot how to listen authentically to the emotions within and by the time we entered adulthood all of these emotions became overbearing to a point where the majority of people on our planet suffer from depression. We learned from a young age the mental control tactics of emotion, which the ego has attached to.