The Window of Opportunity to Protect Our Vaccine Freedom is Closing

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By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

There is a closing window of opportunity for you to make a difference in the cultural vaccine war that’s imploding on us now, and I’m here to tell you what you can do about it.

As noted by Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), starting in January of 2015, Americans were slammed with what can only be described as mass hysteria surrounding the measles outbreak in Disneyland.

Patient zero has never been identified. To this day, public health officials still don’t know who brought measles into Disneyland. Yet in no time at all, public health officials joined with pharmaceutical company and medical trade organization lobbyists and immediately started calling for elimination of all non-medical ‘personal belief’ vaccine exemptions — in other words, the right to decline vaccination due to either religious or conscientiously held beliefs.
