art by Jack Haas
by Galactic Love Reporter James McConnell
Remembering the Oneness - Adama
This is Adama.
It is good to be with you my brothers and my sisters once again. For it has been a long time between our separation, between those times we knew together long ago. Understand that in those times we found ourselves together in our beloved continent of Mu. In those times everything was as One. There was no separation, nothing that kept us from each other. There was nothing that brought us apart from each other. For there was only the Oneness, the God force/source within each of us and we all knew that source and we knew that each one had that source and not only people, but animals, everything around us, the plants, everything. All was as One and you could walk up to the water and put your hand in the water and it would resonate through your body. You could feel the consciousness within the water and it would enliven you and make you feel so wonderful like there is nothing but this water in you and you are One with this water. Can you imagine being in this state once again?
You have been studying, learning to understand that there is one family under the great God source, the great Creator. All are One as it is so above, so below. Even though you have been focused much on those from above, do not forget us from your family below as well, for we have not forgotten you. We know each one of you and long for those times we can be together once again and understand dear ones, that time is approaching. Very soon there will be that which has been called the “Emergence” and we will emerge back once again with you on the surface to reunite with our brothers and sisters on the earth. We have long been within the earth and we long to once again be with you. You are preparing the way and the time that this can be. For we work within ourselves and work in those areas that we can do in what you have heard of as the grid, the consciousness grid, the crystalline grid and the Christ grid. All of these are working together now and coming close to fruition. We are working strenuously to bring this about and you each one are working with us and even though you may not know it, but at an unconscious level you are working with us and we are preparing the way for mankind once again to be able to step through those portals of time and to move freely. Can you imagine of the times when you will be able to step through a portal and you can be wherever you wish to be in moments. This is what is ahead. This does not occur in 3 dimensional levels and understandings. This must be at 5th dimensional and even higher, so understand that as you move together as One, as Mankind, these things will come to pass and be once again as they were and once again you will have what has been called an ancient awakening. You will awaken to your ancient knowing and heritage that has been long lost within your being, but it is coming back now to your remembrance and all will be as it once was and as it is meant to be.
So understand, you move closer and closer to that grand reunion with us here below the earth as well as above the earth waiting in their ships to welcome you and you to welcome them and us to welcome you and you us. All is in preparation and readiness and we long for this day once again. All of our peace and love be with each one of you as we continue to move in this direction of finding our Oneness within each other again. May the Christ Consciousness be with you each one. I am Adama