Ascended Masters - St Germain and Violet Flame Alchemy By Terrie Marie

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Ascended Masters - St Germain and Violet Flame Alchemy

By Galactic Love Reporter Terrie Marie





Alchemy is by definition the changing of base metals into Gold. Spiritual Alchemy is changing or shifting dense physical energy into higher Spiritual energy.
Violet is the highest color ray vibration, cleansing and purifying all it comes into contact with whether it be physical or Spiritual in origin. Meaning, when cleansing the physical body or Chakra energy centers utilizing the power of the color Violet enhances the depth of the cleansing.
What is Violet Flame Alchemy? It is the combination, a unique integration of both physical realm and that of the Realm of Spirit transformation. Transformation occurs as less desirable thought patterns and emotions are transformed into those of non-judgment and unconditional love and acceptance.
St Germain of the Violet Flame assists all who seek to be reminded of their own Divinity, releasing limiting beliefs. As you release self-imposed limiting beliefs, you free your inner-Self, rising above the mundane issues of everyday life in the physical realm. It is at this point you are capable of accepting unconditional transformation within and in all directions of time and space, on all levels.
This Ascended Master resides in the highest vibrational frequency known to humankind, that of the Violet Flame. The Violet Flame extinguishes all manner of impurity, burning away collected negative energies within your physical, mental and emotional energy bodies.

A Message from St Germain
All is well, seek the light. Step away from the shadows that seek to hold you from your good child. Be not afraid for all is consumed by the light of the Violet Flame. It shall not burn you. It shall instead cleanse, purify and elevate your sense of knowing, your sense of is yet to be. Call upon me to cleanse your physical body and that of your Spirit. There is no other like the flame of transformation for once set upon this path there is no going back. Transformation is that of body, mind and Spirit for all are interconnected one with the other. Be at peace, you shall not perish is you choose to take the long road away from that which is calling to you. The pathway to all that awaits you shall wait your decision to proceed or remain where you are. There is no glory in denying your truth for in the end all is revealed to you. Have patience with you, the journey in physical form is filled with many distractions, many blessings and many gifts yet revealed to you. Look to yourself for there is the Spark within you now this moment which yearns to release you from all that is now behind you. Place your hand in mine, we shall travel the path as one.
To connect more directly with St Germain, consider utilizing the following crystals and minerals to assist you: Tangerine Quartz, Carnelian, Citrine, Amethyst, Sugilite, Ametrine, Rainbow Quartz, and Peacock Ore.
It is with and through the Violet Flame that enlightenment and ascension are accessible. Yes, there are many paths to enlightenment and ascension. The most important point or issue to consider is this, follow your path. What is best for your highest and best, your Higher-Self is what resonates with you.
All things, all ways, all thoughts, mindsets, all that does not resonate with you leave behind you. Do not attempt to fit you into someone else's path, for your path is yours and yours alone.
I merely share with you the path that continues to unfold before me. My sole intention is to assist you along your path and ultimately fulfilling your Life's Purpose, nothing more, nothing less.


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