Benjamin Fulford – Second Update – 21 February 2012
It would appear, Mr. Stone, that your investigative work ( http://www.jimstonefreelance.
The camera bomb would have been much more destructive if the Japanese had constructed a weak facility. It looks like they did their homework and they knew what they were doing.
But what happens when the Japanese people begin to understand that the tsunami bomb and the Fukushima camera bomb were party favors supplied by the Mossad? There would have to be some serious blow back from that somewhere down the line. And the Japanese have no constraints with respect to schedules, deadlines or performance review dates. They can bide their time and return responses to the Israeli party favors whenever they please.
If the Mossad committed acts of war on Japanese soil, would the Japanese be out of order to send a nuclear “thank you notes” back to Israeli? And who says that the Japanese have to deliver their messages with any particular level of nuclear “punch”? What if they decide to spread nuclear waste around cities in Israel?
What if they decide to send operatives into Israel with suitcase or backpack nukes? The situation in Israel could become unlivable via several different methods. The nuclear brinksmanship game is an extremely dangerous game to play. And the civilian populations always end up on the dirty end of the stick. What else is new? And what happens when the low level party game is over and it becomes nuclear kung fu… or jujitsu? But you get the idea.
Also, with 63 nuclear reactors at 18 different locations, Fukushima is not the only source of enriched materials that the Japanese have access to. They have a many more reactor sources and lots of materials to play with. They can furnish enriched nuclear materials to Iran any time they please. Losing Fukushima means nothing. Did the Israelis honestly think that Japan would somehow be afraid of them… permanently?
And what about the Chinese? They are not afraid to sail their ships right into the Mediterranean. And Russian war ships are in port in Syria right now. Israel is not very well protected if the nuclear conversation begins to involve more game players or the discussion becomes more “intense”. Would anyone blame the Japanese for responding to an Israeli act of war?
The Japanese would certainly be within their rights if indeed the Israelis opened the nuclear discussion between them via acts of mass murder… the tsunami bomb coastal mass murders then the Fukushima camera bomb radiation murders. Generally speaking, I would think that secret acts of mass murder would make for rather poor diplomacy as the truth unfolds later on. That can’t end well.
One other question: Has there been any significant discussion that you know about with regard to the Japanese reducing/mitigating the nuclear contamination at the Fukushima site? There have to be quite a number of tons of fairly hot irradiated metals sitting there now. A lot of that radio active steel (and other alloys) can be rendered much less contaminated with high temperature HydrOx plasma torch processing… a simple and inexpensive process (comparatively speaking).
There are process containment issues but nothing that the Japanese cannot handle (based on their demonstrated engineering ability).
Hopefully your investigative efforts will bear positive fruit out into the future.
Dear Sirs,
The Japanese, the Pentagon, the Chinese etc. know who attacked Japan on March 11, 2011. They have no intention of harming innocent Israelis to retaliate for the actions of their leaders. The specific individuals responsible for this attack, people like Benjamin Netanyahu, J. Rockefeller, Peter Hans Kolvenbach, Rahm Emmanuel, Paul Wolfowitz, the pope etc. know that they will not be on this planet for very long.