- Hilarion's Weekly Message February 26 ~ March 3, 2012
- John Smallman ~ All Shadows Will Have Dissipated As The Clarity Of Reality Surrounds You
- Twelve Insight ~ Your Packages Are All Addressed To Here/Now
- Nancy Detweiler ~ The Story Of Our Soul’s Journey Through The Plane Of Duality ~ Draws To A Close
- The Manuscript of Survival ~ Part 92 Letting go of all Fear
- The Galactic Federation on Ego Death
- ♥ڿڰ(̆̃̃✡ Sacred Sex Awakening of Your Soul ✡(̆ڿڰ♥
- ~Space Weather Update~ CME TARGETS EARTH, MARS:
- 2/26/2012 -- Global unrest = 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Siberia Russia
- ~Opening to Downloads in Dream States and Waking Consciousness~
- ~Galactics and Spirits Follow a Divine Plan~
- Archangel Gabriel's Daily Channeled Messages Feb 17 - Feb 26, 2012
- Annuki [Annunaki?] Message for 25 Feb 2012 - by Wes Annac
- ~Thoughts to Ponder: Trust the Plan~
- ~The Arcturian Group~ All is proceeding according to plan
- ~Perform from A Place of Knowing~
- Protection and Soul Mantras by Ali
- ~Mother Earths Baby Birth!~
- Where Data Meet Diction: Science and Sci-Fi’s Dialogue
- Energy and Our Energetic Fields
- Awakening ~ The SUN sends us information
- How to Dissolve the Egoic Self by Using Non-Identification - Eckhart Tolle - Part 1
- Oracle Report ~ Saturday February 25 ~ Sunday February 26, 2012
- My Sacred Pipe Journey... Healing & Confronting the DARK
- ECETI News~ Banksters Stepping Down
- Detachment and Being Detached
- ~ The Galactic Free Press~ 2~25~12 ~ ~Energy and Event Update~ Pushing Forward~ The Last Call~ Love Steps forward to Transform all the pain and suffering~
- Former Italian Soldier Saw 13 Feet Tall Alien - New witness Comes Forward !
- Heavenletter #4111 - Catch the Heaven Train
- FAITH's Story ~ LOVE, TRUST and LYFE ~ Part Two
- Wes Annac ~ My Collective Guides on Pyramidal Technology, Artificial Timelines & February Cluster of Synchronistic Dates
- Kauilapele ~ David Wilcock UPDATE From Big Island ~ Something Big Is About To Happen ~ 25 February 2012
- Law of Transformation ~ Excerpt from Deepak Chopra's book ~ Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheros
- Nimble Mammals ~ 1; Brainless Dinosaurs ~ 0 2012 February 25
- Fran Zepeda ~ Message from Yeshua ~ Just BE! ~ 24 February 2012
- How the Fall of Greece Affects YOU -- No Matter Where You Are
- AA Metatron ~ The Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse
- Censorship–Why The ETs/EDs’ Strikes NEVER Make The News ~ Posted by GizgazS ~ February 25, 2012
- Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/25/12
- Update: Documents Uncovered In The 15 Trillion Bond Mystery That Lord Blackheath Brought To Our Attention – 25 February 2012
- NASA Admits Strange Fireballs This Month... Compilation Video - Feb. 2012
Keep going, Keep walking.. Keep releasing... We will get some let up as we approach March. Know that we are here with all of Humanity and We are Walking with you towards our Ultimate Goal Humanity;s Freedom from the Illusion~ We Love YOU! Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff
Hilarion's Weekly Message February 26 ~ March 3, 2012
Hilarion's Weekly Message
February 26 ~ March 3, 2012
Beloved Ones,
As you go through each day in your daily activities, please understand that all that you think, feel and do has its reflection upon the malleable astral plane and this in turn has influence upon the atmosphere surrounding Earth and affects the All through it. This is why we advise you to become cognizant of the need for self discipline and self responsibility. You are walking the Earth now as powerful energetic Beings and everything you do makes a difference. When we say that your Light makes a difference, we mean just that!
John Smallman ~ All Shadows Will Have Dissipated As The Clarity Of Reality Surrounds You
John Smallman ~ All Shadows Will Have Dissipated As The Clarity Of Reality Surrounds You
John Smallman’s Blog | February 26 2012
Many of you are feeling down and depressed as it seems that your awakening is not getting any nearer. You feel that you have been holding the Light, changing your attitudes, practicing loving behavior and yet nothing is happening that indicates your efforts are in any way effective. Remember, the illusion is fighting for its existence, it is a collective egoic structure that is maintained by fear, suffering, and violence, and what you see happening, if you focus on the bad news around the planet, are its death throes. It is making its last desperate efforts to renew itself, but its foundations are crumbling prior to its inevitable collapse. Continue to have faith in God’s divine plan for you to awaken into the brilliant Light of eternal day where all that has caused you pain and suffering will be gone, leaving only Reality, Love, the absolute bliss of being one with your Father, complete, joyful,and forever at Peace in the enlightened Knowledge of His loving embrace. Then all will be clear and all shadows will have dissipated as the clarity of Reality surrounds you.
Twelve Insight ~ Your Packages Are All Addressed To Here/Now
Twelve Insight ~ Your Packages Are All Addressed To Here/Now
Twelve Insight | February 26 2012
Guest: I feel like I’m paddling upstream. It’s like I’ve always been struggling trying to get somewhere. So my question is, if I’m trying to be a conscious creator, how does that work? I want to get somewhere. There are things I want, places I want to be, relationships I want to have and have more of, and … you get the picture.
Nancy Detweiler ~ The Story Of Our Soul’s Journey Through The Plane Of Duality ~ Draws To A Close
Nancy Detweiler ~ The Story Of Our Soul’s Journey Through The Plane Of Duality ~ Draws To A Close
The Way of Love | February 23 2012
As the cycle of duality draws to a close, let us use this Lenten season to ponder: did I understand the true import of my sacred text? Am I ready to make the approaching evolutionary leap to the 5th dimensional plane of love and light?
The Bible is one of the sacred texts for the 3rd dimensional plane of duality. Its writers all lived on the plane of duality and were therefore confronted with good and evil. Although inspired, they wrote from the perspective of learning to deal with duality in a manner that would allow them and us to awaken to the higher planes of life. Many pointed the way, but did we comprehend?
In the first chapters of Genesis, we find a symbolic story of the Earth’s creation. “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31)
The Manuscript of Survival ~ Part 92 Letting go of all Fear
Let us begin this missive by saying that although many of you have already started to feel the separation growing ever stronger, now this phase will certainly start in earnest. We have just discussed the fact that you will enter the state of separation that also contains certainty, in other words, this feeling of unease that has so far accompanied this feeling of separation will now start to dissipate.
The Galactic Federation on Ego Death
The Galactic Federation on Ego Death
Artwork By Father God Amon Ra
Commentary from the Press~ We would Just like to reinterate that you do not have to take anything for the death of the ego to Awaken. However, there are certain tools you can utilize effectively~
Dear beloved ones, we contact you through a new channel today, as he is very eager to receive messages for the good of all. Today we are going to discuss the inevitability of the loss of ego.
♥ڿڰ(̆̃̃✡ Sacred Sex Awakening of Your Soul ✡(̆ڿڰ♥
♥ڿڰ(̆̃̃✡ Sacred Sex Awakening of Your Soul ✡(̆ڿڰ♥
~Space Weather Update~ CME TARGETS EARTH, MARS:
LOOK WEST AT SUNSET: Venus, Jupiter and the crescent Moon are beaming through the evening twilight, forming a bright triangle visible through city lights and even thin clouds. Try to catch them before the sky fades completely black. The trio surrounded by twilight blue is an especially beautiful sight. Sky maps: Feb. 25, Feb. 26.
CME TARGETS EARTH, MARS: A coronal mass ejection (CME) launched from the sun on Feb. 24th appears set to hit both Earth and Mars. According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the cloud should reach Earth today, Feb. 26th around 1330 UT, followed by Mars two days later. Click to view the CME's animated forecast track:
The cloud's impact could spark a G2-class geomagnetic storm, so high latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, voice.
~Opening to Downloads in Dream States and Waking Consciousness~
As we move further into the new time on planet Earth, many are receiving new downloads in consciousness. At times, these arrive in dreams and, at other times, in waking consciousness.
During these downloads, you may receive visions of projects you will undertake, or areas of study that will bring you into greater self-realization. Many of you who have been practicing intuitive skills and absorbing knowledge and wisdom from your teachers will now be asked to "step up to the plate" as teachers and leaders for those who are a few steps behind you.
~Galactics and Spirits Follow a Divine Plan~
~Galactics and Spirits Follow a Divine Plan~
Reposted from Oct. 18, 2010
by Steve Beckow
What is the Divine Plan?
As more and more people awaken to the galactics’ presence around the Earth, the first and most important question they will ask is: why are they here? The galactics have been very patiently telling us for years through channelled messages why they are here. SaLuSa of Sirius gives us the short answer: “As you must know by now we are not here in great numbers by chance. It is to fulfil the Creator’s Plan for this Universe.” (1)
What is that Plan? He tells us:
“Your All-Loving God has plans well beyond your understanding and the goal is to successfully move your Universe into the higher vibrations. That process is well advanced, and you and your Earth are being prepared to be part of that upliftment.” (2)
Annuki [Annunaki?] Message for 25 Feb 2012 - by Wes Annac
Annuki [Annunaki?] Message for 25 Feb 2012
~Thoughts to Ponder: Trust the Plan~

By Galactic Love Reporter Jean Warner
This is a time for choice and preparation. Consciously, on a soul level, or unconsciously, most have made their choice. Those who have chosen to move into a new world of light and love are preparing themselves by balancing and harmonizing their thoughts, attitudes, physical and emotional attunement, and spiritual uplifting. Many of those who have chosen to continue their lives in a third dimensional environment are seeking to hold onto their power and control through fear tactics, war, killings, and whatever avenue they can take to manipulate the population who no longer want to put up with their dominance through deceit.
~The Arcturian Group~ All is proceeding according to plan
Greetings again dear ones of the earth in these times of so much upheaval and change.
All is proceeding according to plan; light is pouring into your dear planet and many are now beginning to feel this and accept change into their consciousness although they are not yet aware of what they are experiencing.
~Perform from A Place of Knowing~
Perform from A Place of Knowing
~Photo by Dawn Christine~
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan | The Quantum Awakening
You are in a place and time when you are just now remembering that you have the ability to expand and create your world however you chose. The chaos, the destruction, the disease, the disasters on earth can be changed in a blink, if enough believe this to be a truth.
Perform from a place of knowing. As one that walks the tight wire, do you want to get up on that tight wire with a knowing, or with a maybe? These are your everyday life choices. The wire is your next thought, your next word, your next decree. Create purposefully with a knowing not just a thinking or a maybe!
Know without a shadow of a doubt, that your consciousness is birthed from the cosmic crock-pot, and what has been ladled to vast civilizations is also divinely ladled to you. True knowledge is inherent within all. Light masters and Ascended masters are a part of your divine blueprint. With this understanding and knowing, draw your life, become all possibilities.
~Mother Earths Baby Birth!~
Mother Earths, baby birth!
Take my hand and follow me
There’s this place I want you to see!
It’s this magical world of make believe.
First you have to close your eyes,
Then form a bridge in your mind.
Once you crossover, amazing things
You’ll find!
First you’ll see the many blue shades in the sky,
And the chirping birds that fly by!
The butterflies will land on your nose
and flutter just to say hi!
As you continue your journey down the path,
You’ll feel the warmth of the sun as you swing
from a branch of a tree! As you climb that hill
to the other side, amazing things you’ll see!
Where Data Meet Diction: Science and Sci-Fi’s Dialogue
Where Data Meet Diction: Science and Sci-Fi’s Dialogue
By Ashley Strickland
February 15th, 2012
When the U.S.S. Enterprise or Millennium Falcon glides by the camera, we take an odd comfort in the signature “whoosh” sound that follows.
Our friend, the stickler for scientific fact, usually points out that sound can never be possible in space. But don’t let the same be said for warp drive and tricorders, or even Starfleet Academy and the “Force.” Science and science fiction follow an intricate dance that toes the line between fantasy and fact. It is, in fact, a love story – a partnership full of symbiosis and reciprocity.
Energy and Our Energetic Fields
Energy and Our Energetic Fields
By Cyndi Dale
http://www.realitysandwich.com/ energy_and_our_energetic_fields
The following is excerpted from Energetic Boundaries: How to Stay Protected and Connected in Work, Love, and Life.
Everything in this world, from sunlight to cupcakes, is made of energy.
Energy is simply information that vibrates or moves. Some energy, such as the energy composing a table or a chair, moves slowly. You can see, touch, discuss, and prove the existence of these slow-energy objects. But most of the energy in this world can’t be seen, heard, or touched through our typical five senses. It moves so fast that we can’t perceive it; usually, we can notice only its effects. Is the energy transmitted by your car radio any less real than the energy that makes up the book on your coffee table? How about the microwaves that zap your food or the satellite transmissions that zip e-mails your way?
Awakening ~ The SUN sends us information
Though this may seem difficult to believe, the sun sends us information. Just like data is sent through fiberoptic cables full of light. Light 'carries' consciousness and information. Our ancient ansestors knew this, which is why I believe they were always depicted with the sun. But they do not appear to be 'worshipping' the sun. Take a look and see for yourself!
Maybe you haven't noticed, many haven't - yet! But soon it will be unavoidable! As I've been saying, the Lights are coming on all over. Even as the dark in their machinations to hold onto the rudder of the doomed ship of state flail about, the higher verdict has been rendered. The die is cast. As a sovereign representative of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, I proclaim the Day of the Lord. For the workers of iniquity, it is a day of darkness; and for the people, it is a jubilee. Watch as events continue to unfold, as the people continue to awaken, and as the house of cards built on sand by the Illuminati comes crashing down. Indeed, the tide is turning for all humanity.
How to Dissolve the Egoic Self by Using Non-Identification - Eckhart Tolle - Part 1
Eckhart talks about how we can dissolve the egoic or story self by using non-identification with form. The formless essence of our being exists in the present moment.
"To be identified with your mind is to be trapped in time: the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation." Eckhart Tolle
Eckhart Tolle's Findhorn Retreat BK/DVD
"Stillness amidst the World"
My Sacred Pipe Journey... Healing & Confronting the DARK
Many of you know that I come from a long line of
Cherokee Shamans & Healers.
Since I work as a healer now, I only found it fitting to take
ECETI News~ Banksters Stepping Down
Detachment and Being Detached
Detachment and Being Detached
By Galactic Love Reporter Remez Sasson
posted on february 24, 2012 by GLR Semile
Detachment is an inner state of calmness and being uninvolved on the emotional and mental planes. It is definitely not indifference. People who are indifferent, do not care about anything, and are not active and initiative. On the other hand, people who possess emotional and mental detachment can be very active and caring, though they accept calmly whatever happens. Such people accept the good and the bad equally, because they enjoy inner balance and peace.
~ The Galactic Free Press~ 2~25~12 ~ ~Energy and Event Update~ Pushing Forward~ The Last Call~ Love Steps forward to Transform all the pain and suffering~
~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 2~25~12
~Bringing Humanity Home~
~Energy and Event Update~ Pushing Forward~ The Last Call~ Love Steps forward to Transform all the pain and suffering~
Artwork by Father God Amon Ra
Greetings Love Beings, Love is now stepping forward within all of Humanity, to assist in the transforming, of the deep pain and suffering that has existed on this Planet for 13,000 years. We are now releasing these dense energies at the deepest core. All of Humanity, must Now step into their roles in these moments of the Transformation, Shift, and This Facet of the Divine Plan, as We spiral towards The Galactic Alignment. Mother Earth=Heart has Already taken her place and will be releasing and transforming alongside with Humanity. All illusionary energy must be transformed NOW!
Former Italian Soldier Saw 13 Feet Tall Alien - New witness Comes Forward !
Former Italian Soldier Saw 13 Feet Tall Alien - New witness Comes Forward !
It is only a couple of days since the local media in the province of Udine, in the north-eastern corner of the country, published the news of what it could be described as an Alien encounter. Several Italian blogs took the story, giving it strength and credibility, even though there are many who labelled it as Carnival joke in bad taste.
Heavenletter #4111 - Catch the Heaven Train
Catch the Heaven Train
Heavenletter #4111 Published on: February 26, 2012
Come, sit down with Me. Let Us recall Truth and forget everything else, for all else can only be imagined. You thought of all else. You feared that Truth is a wolf at your door, ready to eat you up. Soon, before you know it, you will not be what you have imagined. You will never be the same, the same as you imagined, for fear will have left your side.
Ah, what you can be when fear has gone out the window! What a bug-a-boo fear has been. You have fallen for a trick of the mind and abolished Truth. You have worked hard at abolishing Truth. Abolish fear now. Open the windows. You have believed in shadows, and you saw not Truth.
FAITH's Story ~ LOVE, TRUST and LYFE ~ Part Two
FAITH's Story ~ LOVE, TRUST and LYFE ~ Part Two
Faith/Sephora: GREETEYNGS Once Againe My BELOVED Brothers and SySTARS! THyse Moment Is When I Have Beene Called To Brynge To You The NEXT PART Of My Story.
Wes Annac ~ My Collective Guides on Pyramidal Technology, Artificial Timelines & February Cluster of Synchronistic Dates
Wes Annac ~ My Collective Guides on Pyramidal Technology, Artificial Timelines & February Cluster of Synchronistic Dates ~
Posted by Karma's Helper on February 23, 2012
We feel the pleas and demands from each and every soul on Earth, despite their own level of awakening...The assumption for so long has been that Earth has always, since the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria been harboring only negative energies on Her surface, and this is simply not so...As Earth is at Her very core a planet and soul existing in much more pure realms that what Her surface has been brought down to...In many, many different century and decade time-cycles on your world since the fall of Atlantis, there have been a great many wonderfully-advanced Earth societies
-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Kauilapele ~ David Wilcock UPDATE From Big Island ~ Something Big Is About To Happen ~ 25 February 2012
Kauilapele ~ David Wilcock UPDATE From Big Island ~ Something Big Is About To Happen ~ 25 February 2012
Kauilapele : Thanks to Jordon of RumorMillNews, I was made aware of this update. David and company are currently here in Kona doing a Convergence conference. And indeed, there is a grand convergence occurring at this moment. Pele has a remarkable way of burning away the old, the dross, and whatever things (even the seemingly new and seemingly “good”) that get in the way. This destruction, burning up of this dross (unnecessary-any-more baggage) clears the way for the new plant and life to grow.
There are several Hue-man Hue-woman beings at this conference (I am not one of them) who have strong star connections, and connections to Native Americans, Hawaiians, Quanyin, Archangel Michael, et al. There is a portal being manifested for the New Earth that has not been able to be placed here… until now. More on that later. On to the David update.
Law of Transformation ~ Excerpt from Deepak Chopra's book ~ Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheros
Nimble Mammals ~ 1; Brainless Dinosaurs ~ 0 2012 February 25
Nimble Mammals ~ 1; Brainless Dinosaurs ~ 0
by Steve Beckow
Looking over David DeGraw’s article, “Full-Blown Civil War Erupts On Wall Street: As Reality Finally Hits The Financial Elite,” which Pat published yesterday, (1) I’m struck by two things.
In discussing them, I have to acknowledge that I don’t claim deep understanding or awareness of financial matters or indeed some of the other matters that I’ll refer to tangentially. What I wish to relay more is just my sense of things.
The more I read about the cabal’s forward motion in any area – finances, police, military, UFO cover-up, pharmaceuticals, pandemics, whatever – a few things seem to leap out at me.
Fran Zepeda ~ Message from Yeshua ~ Just BE! ~ 24 February 2012
Fran Zepeda ~ Message from Yeshua ~ Just BE! ~ 24 February 2012
Greetings, beloveds. I come before you today to bring you information on your Ascension. All over your world there is much shift. Many are feeling it as a kind of dropping in energy, but do not worry; this is normal. You are making way for your new upgrades and downloads to go online, so to speak.
Gather yourself often into the Now. By this I mean take yourself into the Present by taking three deep breaths and feel everything with all your senses. Do this often in the day. Feel the love and joy well up in your hearts when you do this, dear ones, and just sit with it. Feel nothing being required of you but this in that moment.
Feel your Light expand out in a pulsing bubble all around you and out into your surrounding Aura and then imagine, if you will, everyone around you bathing in it, out ad infinitum. You may want to ground yourself while doing this and don’t forget to give Gaia a good dose while she supports you!
AA Metatron ~ The Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse
AA Metatron ~ The Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse
James Tyberonn | Earth Keeper | February 24 2012
Feminine Balancing – The Cosmic Trigger Final Phase
Greetings Dear Ones, I am Metatron, Lord of Light ! I greet and honor each of you in Unconditional Love, and nurture you within the space vector of this moment .
Censorship–Why The ETs/EDs’ Strikes NEVER Make The News ~ Posted by GizgazS ~ February 25, 2012
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/25/12
Hand-in-hand we shall overcome all obstacles before us. There exists no one and there exists nothing that can stand in our way. You, as a 3rd dimensional human, have fared greater challenges and adversities than what you are experiencing today and we believe in you, all of you, and we know you can get through these last difficult times of your journey together and emerge out of it into the light of the higher realms. This is your goal. This is the main reason for your current incarnation and you are almost there. Do not let anything slow or stop you now, as nothing can.
Try to look at everything as a challenge that has been purposely placed before you, for indeed this is most often the case. Try not to look at your troubles and think “Oh, poor me, another problem”, and instead look upon these obstacles as another challenge that you will conquer, and emerge that much stronger on the other side. This is how we see your journey every step of the way, and this visualization technique may assist many of you to head into yet another test of your will and determination with renewed vigor and fortitude.
Up ahead we see better days for all of you, far better days, but we also see additional challenges as well. Prepare yourselves for both, and you will fair a lot better throughout these challenging times. All along your long journey you have received challenges that you were forced to overcome somehow, someway, but you also received help and guidance from above even if another of your human family was enlisted in this effort.
Update: Documents Uncovered In The 15 Trillion Bond Mystery That Lord Blackheath Brought To Our Attention – 25 February 2012
Update: Documents Uncovered In The 15 Trillion Bond Mystery That Lord Blackheath Brought To Our Attention – 25 February 2012
A scanned document of the contract between Yohannes Riyadi and The Federal Reserve Board/ Federal Reserve Bank appeared after Lord James of Blackheath speeches at the House of Lords. This document was found on www.sgtreport.com and brought to my attention by www.IloveLondonOntario.ca.