Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett
This new atmosphere of Love Divine will sing songs of victory and joy forever more through a musical substance that sings itself into the Souls of all in this new Garden of Love. The new pattern of creation is a Garden of Music. Every plant, every flower, every particle, every molecule in this new place can be heard singing the songs that have been planted in their Soul. This Music of the Spheres can be heard clearly and continuously in this new Garden of Music and Love. This is the reality that is Intended to be here by the Creators. I am the Creator of the Ascension Portals and I intend this Musical Creation to bring Eternal Bliss and Gratitude to and from all who know Gaia.
In Atmosphere of Love Divine We Live and Move and Breath
The joy we feel is all Divine His Works pass not away
Every Wave of Frequencies of Consciousness contains the Intention and the Programming of the Eternal Mind and the Music is created from the Internal Substance of the Mind of God being manifest by the Creators. The Music of the Spheres spin these realities from the highest realm in their perfect likeness down into lower realms of light and sound to create the identical likeness of all that is in heaven. The only time an experience does not match that perfect harmony of the Music of the Spheres is when the entity is Thinking about things created in the world of illusions rather than allowing to take over their minds and play their symphony of love through them. Their symphony of love is always available to those who choose to replace the density of the world with the etheric breaths of all that is created in the perfect form of God's Mind.
Even though our music is the favorite on many planets who are going through this same transitionary stage of consciousness that Earth is going through, the people of Earth are not ready for our music because they are not quite yet ready for the transition. Those who are attracted to our music are the ones who are ready for the transition and they will also be the ones who go through the transition with the greatest ease and they will have the most fun going through their transition that will eventually turn them into Light before they reappear in their new Reality.
The BLISS of this Transformation is the musical substance that sings with joy within every cell in the body. The Music of Creation is the Substance within the Cells of the human body. The more this substance is allowed to sing with Joy and Love and feel the BLISS of Transformation, the faster the body will transform into the Light of Music.
This music will be heard and felt within each and every cell in the body. The more each person practices hearing and feeling this Bliss of Music within their cells, and then filling all of the atmosphere around the body, the more they will realize that they are actually going through this transformation into a new body that will appear in a new reality.
The new reality is a higher vibration, a higher frequency, a higher dimensional consciousness. The new reality is the Music of the Spheres singing the ORIGINAL SONGS of Creation from the Cosmic Realm into a different Fabric, a different Weave in the Light and Sound pattern of Cosmic Construction which allows a different construction of the body to manifest upon it.
The patterns of the fabric are different, the rhythms are more varied and brighter, the colors are neon spectras beyond the colors of the rainbow spectrum. The Crystals reflect the Music that was in the lower dimensions out into waves of plasma that create a more Etheric, Cashmere substance within the fabric.
This pattern within the higher dimensional Music reflects itself into the Consciousness of all who appear within this pattern. The Consciousness is so much lighter in this place that there is no more judgement, there is no disagreement, there is no reaction of any sort. There is only unconditional love in this pattern of music called the Symphony of Love.
This is the true substance of the Ascension. The Ascension that is taking place on Planet Earth is a result of the new music that is now flowing into Earth's Veins and Consciousness from the Ascension Portals and from those of the Highest Consciousness.This new Consciousness will be using these Portals for Ascension forever and ever.
Dr. Angela Barnett
Joe Barnett