BREAKING NEWS - Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report not seen on the mainstream news
by ANdReA
Could not wait… I told you things were silent just to give a little Rest before Upgrading again to Higher Level… And… Here IT IS!
Did we not tell you? Did we not tell you it was only the beginning? Well, it still IS the Beginning, the Beginning of The Shift. It IS Underway NOW.
Fasten your Heart Seatbelt and EnJoy the Ride… It’s a JOY RIDE into the TRUTH OF LOVE! ALL Toghether as ONE! For ONE WE ARE.
Current Solar Data (from NOAA)
Solar X-rays:Geomagnetic Field:
CME Impact / G2 Geomagnetic Storm In perhaps another developing story, the Solar Wind is showing a sudden increase from 360 km/s to 440 km/s and the IMF is currently tilting sharply south. This is a glancing blow impact from an earlier CME. A Geomagnetic Sudden Impulse measuring 20 nT was detected at 04:27 UTC. Be on the lookout for Aurora at high latitudes. A moderate G2 Geomagnetic Storm is now in progress (Kp=5).
SUMMARY: Geomagnetic Sudden Impulse Observed: 2012 Mar 07 0427 UTC Deviation: 20 nT Station: Boulder
Updated 3/7/2012 @ 03:05 UTC Major X5.4 Solar Flare + X1.3 Flare The second strongest solar flare of Cycle 24 in terms of X-Ray Flux, just peaked around Active Sunspot 1429. This major event measured X5.4 at 00:24 UTC and triggered a strong R3 Level Radio Blackout. This was followed shortly thereafter by an X1.3 event at 01:14 UTC. A coronal mass ejection will likely result and due to the sunspots more geoeffective position, there will be a chance for some sort of impact. Stay Tuned to for images, video and more details should a CME be produced. Remember, You can also follow the latest updates on SolarHam Facebook and by clicking "LIKE".
CME UPDATE: A bright Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is now seen in the new STEREO Behind COR2 images. High energy proton levels are now on the rise and a radiation storm is imminent. Video Presentation of the solar flare is now below.
X5.4 Solar Flare Update/Quake Watch!

Plasma Temperature and Density at Geostationary Orbit and AE Index