Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-07-2012

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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report  03-07-2012

…as not seen on the mainstream media



by ANdReA


For those that missed todays breaking news


Another almost so called “quiet” day for Mother Earth=Heart, no major earthquakes although we do have a few emergencies around th ePlanet right Now. Mother Earth however is getting lot of help form the Sun. As shared by FatherMotherGod in their last Daily Update –if you missed it - each Flair is one of our Ships coming to Assist and Help in increasing the Energy of All. And they are indeed doing a great Job for LOVE! The Energy arriving with both the Ships AND the Flairs resulting from it are grat Help for US ALL and for Mother Earth as well. This is giving a grat shot to old energies so that LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT can BEcome our Real New Reality. This IS WHERE WE=ALL ARE NOW.  






  • Solar Flare Risk
  • M-Class: 80%
  • X-Class: 30%


A Strong S3 Radiation Storm (10MeV Integral Flux > 1000pfu) is now in progress.

This is the result if high energy protons incoming from a large solar flare.



Geomagnetic Field: STORM

VHF Aurora: Mid Lat AURORA

Updated 3/7/2012 @ 14:30 UTCIncoming Full-Halo CME
Incoming! The new WSA-Enlil Solar Wind Prediction is calling for a direct CME impact during the middle of tomorrow (March 8). The solar wind is expected to increase to over 800 km/s and Strong Geomagnetic Storming will be possible. This plasma cloud is the result of the X5.4 and X1.3 Solar Flare event very early this morning. In the new movie below, you can see that the plasma cloud is Full-Halo and heading this way. Click HERE to watch the latest model run.






Bezymianny volcano in Kamchakta Peninsula on red alert – showing signs of possible eruption

In Kamchatka, Russian far east, the Unnamed Volcano (Bezymianny) has been assigned the highest aviation danger code of “red.”  The ash and gases that are being spewed from the crater can seriously damage aircraft systems. The volcano is also showing high seismic activity and signs that it may possibly erupt. Bezzymianny is part of Klyuchevskaya volcanic group.

On average Bezymianny emits ash and gases 1-2 times a year. Last known erruption was in 2011. Previously, the most powerful emissions were in 1956.

Prior to its noted 1955-56 eruption, Bezymianny volcano had been considered extinct. The modern Bezymianny volcano, much smaller in size than its massive neighbors Kamen and Kliuchevskoi, was formed about 4700 years ago over a late-Pleistocene lava-dome complex and an ancestral volcano that was built between about 11,000-7000 years ago. Three periods of intensified activity have occurred during the past 3000 years. The latest period, which was preceded by a 1000-year quiescence, began with the dramatic 1955-56 eruption. This eruption, similar to that of Mount St. Helens in 1980, produced a large horseshoe-shaped crater that was formed by collapse of the summit and an associated lateral blast. Subsequent episodic but ongoing lava-dome growth, accompanied by intermittent explosive activity and pyroclastic flows, has largely filled the 1956 crater. (

Alert was reported on RSOE-EDIS on Tuesday, March 6th, 2012 at 04:02 AM UTC

You can read the whole article on





Australian FLOODING Waga Waga State of Emergency


Cape Breton Post

Tue, 06 Mar 2012 13:21 CST

© Unknown

Nova Scotia - The seal carcasses, some without eyes from scavenging seagulls and other wildlife, are on the beaches of Hay Island, a short distance from Scatarie Island

Federal fisheries department seal biologist Mike Hammill said the mammals showed no sign of physical trauma other than the wounds inflicted by predators after death.

"They weren't killed by people, so it's something else that's come along," he said from Charlottetown following a tour of the island Sunday.

"The majority of them are weaned pups and they look in fairly good shape. They're fat, didn't seem to have any external markings on them."

Parts of the seals were taken for testing to the Atlantic Veterinary College in Charlottetown. Hammill said it could be weeks before a possible cause of death is identified.

The group of DFO scientists counted about 100 to 200 live adults and about a dozen juvenile seals.

Hammill confirmed the approximate number of dead seals that was initially reported by Humane Society International/Canada on Friday.

In a release, the group's executive director Rebecca Aldworth said she hadn't seen "this kind of mortality" in apparently healthy grey seals in her five trips to the island's seal colony.

The estimated number of dead seals grew from approximately 100 that were counted by Aldworth early last week.

She said the grey seal hunt should be halted until the cause of death is known and scientists can work out the possible implications that lie ahead for the herd. Viruses can run through a population of seals quickly, she said.

The one bright spot, Aldworth added, was that the hunt was unlikely to go ahead this year because most of the young seals have moved away from shore.

"Normally about this time there is no opportunity for the sealers to go out to kill the seals simply because the pups are now swimming and have moved away from the island."

Hammill said farther south off Canso there were no signs of an unusual number of dead seals.

"We should keep our eyes out but there's no concern for anything," he said.

"For the moment it's just something that's limited to this colony and it may not be a big deal at least at this stage."

Robert Courtney, a spokesman for seal hunters, offered no comment when reached on Sunday about the likelihood of a grey seal hunt in the Gulf of St. Lawrence this year.


Avalanche blankets entire Afghan village, kills at least 37

Mohammad Hamid


Tue, 06 Mar 2012 10:47 CST

© Unknown

Kunduz - At least 37 people died and hundreds were still trapped in northern Afghanistan on Tuesday when a snow avalanche covered an entire village near the northern border with Tajikistan, local officials said.

Afghan army helicopters descended on the remote village in the north of Badakhshan province to try rescue families, the latest victims to Afghanistan's worse winter in 30 years.

"The way to the village is closed, it is covered in snow," provincial governor spokesman Abdul Marof Rasikh said of the village of around 300 people, located in the Shikai district.

Though avalanches are fairly common in the mountainous north, Tuesday's deaths were seen as particularly painful for a country that has experienced its worse winter in decades, killing dozens in the capital Kabul and creating further food shortages in one of the world's poorest countries.

Before Tuesday, freezing cold and avalanches had claimed the lives of 60 people in Badakhshan province this winter, officials said.


Mysterious, Strange Sky sounds? Electromagnetic phenomena responsible?

Ted Thornhill

Tue, 06 Mar 2012 10:05 CST

Mysterious sounds have been heard booming from the sky all around the world - in some cases they were so loud they set off car alarms. The unsettling noises were heard recently from Europe to Canada, sounding like groans and powerful horns.

In Germany noises coming from the sky were recorded on a video camera and uploaded to YouTube, with car alarms clearly heard going off in the background.




Althought there is no report of any damadge, as usual we've seen lots of >4.5 mag quakes. Everything is moving and shaking and preparing and releasing. 




y/m/d h:m:s
MAP 2.9  2012/03/07 20:27:54  60.708  -151.675 67.3  KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA
MAP 2.7  2012/03/07 19:42:38  61.434  -151.560 248.9  SOUTHERN ALASKA
MAP 4.4  2012/03/07 16:57:11  32.520   47.085 6.9  IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
MAP 4.6  2012/03/07 15:33:54  -7.072   106.517 59.6  JAVA, INDONESIA
MAP 2.8  2012/03/07 15:33:03  35.839  -121.445 7.8  OFFSHORE CENTRAL CALIFORNIA
MAP 4.8  2012/03/07 14:33:56  51.629   96.133 13.2  SOUTHWESTERN SIBERIA, RUSSIA
MAP 5.1  2012/03/07 13:56:03 -19.526   168.162 21.3  VANUATU
MAP 2.7  2012/03/07 12:39:44  60.891  -147.840 6.0  SOUTHERN ALASKA
MAP 5.6  2012/03/07 12:02:53 -57.904   -25.439 62.6  SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION
MAP 5.7  2012/03/07 12:00:45  -2.762   138.871 43.8  PAPUA, INDONESIA
MAP 2.8  2012/03/07 10:13:13  18.793   -65.011 28.3  VIRGIN ISLANDS REGION
MAP 3.9  2012/03/07 09:44:10  53.127  -166.772 25.7  FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP 4.4  2012/03/07 09:44:02  52.822  -168.722 34.0  FOX ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA
MAP 2.9  2012/03/07 08:57:26  38.821  -122.812 3.6  NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
MAP 4.6  2012/03/07 07:49:10  26.365   127.042 70.5  RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN
MAP 3.2  2012/03/07 07:26:15  53.367  -159.899 49.9  SOUTH OF ALASKA
MAP 4.8  2012/03/07 07:23:37  33.629   82.789 10.0  WESTERN XIZANG
MAP 5.0  2012/03/07 07:19:45 -19.254  -175.778 253.2  TONGA
MAP 4.2  2012/03/07 06:57:45  31.677   56.545 10.1  CENTRAL IRAN
MAP 5.3  2012/03/07 06:18:11  25.650   127.146 42.3  RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN
MAP 4.6  2012/03/07 05:20:21  -7.359   129.084 126.5  KEPULAUAN BABAR, INDONESIA
MAP 4.7  2012/03/07 04:39:38  9.546   -79.067 48.4  PANAMA
MAP 3.8  2012/03/07 04:08:43  51.491  -175.911 34.0  ANDREANOF ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN IS., ALASKA
MAP 2.5  2012/03/07 03:44:58  63.320  -147.343 69.0  CENTRAL ALASKA
MAP 3.0  2012/03/07 00:08:51  18.995   -66.869 15.1 









~With ALL OUR LOVE, ANdReA  The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, and First Contact GroundCrew Team.~


~And Remember... LOVE IS HERE NOW!





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