Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-10-2012... not seen on the mainstreem media
by ANdReA
Sunspot 1429 Flares Again A strong solar flare (as someone brilliantly called it toady: Celestial waves of gamma ~~) is currently in progress around Sunspot 1429 on Saturday afternoon. This flare is currently at M8.0+.
The flair became an M8.4
Magnetosphere today has been quite sqeesez for few hour, still due to the Flairs impact. Although it’s coming back to normal you can still see how bands are open, whic allows auroras to form and a Wonderfull absorption of Love Energy, as we can see by the second chart of plasma temperature and density reaching our Beloved and Living Planet!

The x-ray ratio has been quite high today… any of your gps out of tune?
Colombian volcano waking up warns Colombian geologists
March 10, 2012 – COLOMBIA – The Nevado del Ruiz volcano, whose eruption 26 years ago killed around 25,000 people, is showing signs of activity after nearly 20 years laying dormant, said Colombian geological group Ingeominas Thursday. Early Friday morning, geologists completed an observational fly-over with the assistance of the Colombian Air Force, during which they photographed the Nevado del Ruiz volcano and noted “ash on the glacier, near the crater rim and on the eastern flank,” as well as a 4,500 foot gas column at the mouth of the volcano. During the same day a seismic tremor was reported along with an increase in sulfur dioxide emissions. All of these factors signal that the volcano is heating up. Located about 80 miles west of Bogota, Nevado del Ruiz is an active volcano that produces pyroclastic flows, or swift currents of hot gas and rock that lead to destructive mudslides. There have been numerous eruptions over the centuries, with the most recent was on November 13, 1985. –Colombia Reports
12 emissions reported at Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano in the last 24 hours
March 10, 2012 – MEXICO – The drills continue in all the communities surrounding the volcano Popocatepetl, said the director of Civil Protection, Jesus Morales Rodriguez, who said that the drills will be permanent in the area. The state official said they have instituted the Special Plan Popocatepetl, where they indicated that the performance of the drills need to be performed at least once every 15 days, at random to include participatants in all communities. These actions were recommended to keep the community aware of the dangers and the need of evacuations should threatening conditions arise. According to the website of the National Center for Disaster Prevention (CENAPRED) the current alert status is in phase two, in yellow, so that the conditions of the volcano are normal. The agency also disclosed that in the last 24 hours, 11:00 hours, Popocatepetl has registered 12 exhalations of low intensity, accompanied by water and gas emissions, without major changes. Because the probability remains moderate exhalations emission of ash and a slight glow seen at night, it is recommended the Civil Protection Directorate maintain a safety radius up to 12 km from the volcano, to keep traffic controlled between Santiago and San Pedro Nexapa Xalitzintla via Paso de Cortes. The public is also asked to continue to tune in for the latest status updates concerning the volcano’s activity. –Sexenio
Hawaii’s weather takes ‘unprecedented’ turn towards the bizarre
March 10, 2012 – HAWAII – A rare tornado blew roofs off homes and left other damage in its path through the Hawaiian communities of Lanikai and Enchanted Lake on Oahu, weather officials confirmed Friday. A National Weather Service team surveying damage and talking to witnesses determined a waterspout came ashore and was reclassified as a tornado in Lanikai about 7:30 a.m. The 20-yard-wide tornado traveled about 1.5 miles in 15 minutes to Enchanted Lake with wind speeds reaching 60 to 70 mph before dissipating, officials said. Hawaii, known for its famous sunshine, has been hit with unusually harsh weather for about a week. Kaeo DePonte stands with a trampoline lifted out of an Enchanted Lake yard by high winds on Friday morning. A 30-minute hail storm on Friday in Oahu was “unprecedented,” Tom Birchard, senior meteorologist for the National Weather Service in Honolulu, told the Associated Press. Some of the hail stones have been unusually large for the islands — the size of marbles and discs more than a half inch long, reported. The islands also saw heavy rains and thunderstorms that closed schools, flooded homes and led to sewage spills. Landslides, power outages and roads blocks by trees, boulders and mud were reported. Some vacationers in the tropical paradise had their vacations dampened. When heavy rains canceled flights out of Kauai after midnight on Tuesday, about 20 passengers were stuck at the airport. The heavy rains were expected to subside by Saturday. There were no reports of deaths or injuries due to the storm. –MSNBC
Hailstones pound Hawaii: Deadly, devastating tornadoes in the northeastern U.S. are again setting records this year, and arriving earlier than ever. Meanwhile, frigid conditions have killed hundreds across Europe, while spring-like conditions exist in vast areas of North America. Now folks in Hawaii are seeing something previously unheard of: golf ball sized hail stones on the North Shore of Oahu and in some other areas across the state. In June, 2011 snow on Hawaii’s Mauna Kea (the dormant volcano which is the highest point in the Islands) was unusual, but according to experts, not unheard of. reports that hot air met cold above Mauna Kea, one of several volcanic island mountains that make up the Hawaii island chain , causing a powerful thunderstorm that, in the presence of the cooler-than-normal air, dropped roughly 6 inches of snow on the mountaintop. “The ground coverage was significant, mostly above 12,000 feet,” Ryan Lyman, a forecast climatologist at the Mauna Kea Weather Center, told Life’s Little Mysteries. –
As far as Severe wheather is concerned there’s a report about severe damage due to windstorm in Sicily (Italy), which caused some damages to infrastrucures but no Beings were injured.
Also due to the same reason another ship (an oiltanker this time) got stuck on the sicily coast and crew had to be rescued by helicopters.
5.6 magnitude earthquake strikes off coast of Alaskan peninsula
March 10, 2012 – ALASKA – A 5.6 magnitude earthquake was reported just off the coastline of the Alaskan peninsula at 5:10 am. The earthquake registered at a depth of 17.7 km or 11.0 miles below the surface and struck the ocean floor. The epicenter of the earthquake was 819 km (508 miles) SW of Anchorage, Alaska and 1455 km (904 miles) W of JUNEAU, Alaska. Both seismicity and volcanic activity has been steadily increasing along the Alaskan region over the last several weeks. People in high-risk areas should stay alert for the potential occurrence of seismic episodes. –The Extinction Protocol
Today’s EQs map:
Amazing as it might seems, I’ll give a list of >5.0 Mag for Gaia’s shaking off so much that I feel sorry if I only post from >4 because there have been (according to EMSC) 147 EQs today >1 Mag. It seems as though the Planet is doing quite well in integrating Her needs for so far the Energy is being lightly transmuted. It might not be so tomorrow, but still a real great job Humanity!
Thank You in the name of Mother Earth=Heart!
5.6 2012/03/10 14:10:40 55.034 -157.539 9.9 ALASKA PENINSULA
5.3 2012/03/10 02:26:57 -19.692 -69.127 101.7 TARAPACA, CHILE
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