A Window of Opportunity by Elizabeth

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Note to the dear Reader: This piece emerged as partially a channeled piece and part article, an interesting, but pleasing experience for me, the writer. And I did not know what would emerge when I started. I hope you enjoy this and the many other pieces that I’ve written. I am honored by your presence, the reader, and the lovely comments that I have received. Thank you so much!

A Window of Opportunity

This past week, I’ve been hit with tremendous floods of energetic waves of light. Have you felt it, too? It was challenging to get through the work day and then go home to do more chores, just to keep myself and my pets fed. Every night I have had to go to bed early, perhaps because I was needed elsewhere? Don’t know. I don’t have the insights and visions that some others have or the lucid dreaming. I do dream and intensely. And my dreams have changed lately in their quality. I am meeting old and new friends, relatives and doing strange things.

Saul~To assist the sleepers you needed to walk in their shoes

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10/21/2012 by John Smallman

The Earth date December 21 2012 is on many people’s minds as they look forward to humanity’s awakening, and wonder what will actually happen, if anything, on or before that date.  Despite all the inspiring channeled messages addressing the importance and significance of this date many are but hoping for the best, while wondering if anything much will really change – they are preparing themselves to handle a big disappointment.  And the mainstream media continues to focus on the same old stuff – “new” bad news on the economy, on politics, on threats of terrorist plots or wars, on climate change, on earthquakes, and on and on – so where, you ask, is the Good News?

The illusion does hide from you your eternal spiritual connection to God.  You believe in it, it makes complete sense to you, but you have no experience of it – no sense of the feel, taste, smell, sound, or sight of God’s Presence in your lives. You have prayed, meditated, read inspiring spiritual books by a few mystics who have experienced the divine, and by people who have had personal near-death experiences.  But the majority of you have had no personal experience through which you know God.  Bodies can only experience through those five main senses, so you have to rely on your faith, on your hope, but as the due date draws ever closer your doubts tend to intensify.  If you are not experiencing doubts then maybe you are not being honest with yourselves — perhaps you are in denial of them.

Life For All On Earth Is To Change Dramatically

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October 21, 2012 by John Smallman

Humanity is on the verge of an amazing development of enormous significance in your spiritual evolution.  Your entire Earth history has been leading you forwards towards this moment, so it really is a very special time in which to be experiencing a human existence.  Although most of you who are reading channeled messages and are seeking your true spiritual identities or purposes chose to be here to assist in humanity’s mass awakening, none of the population of planet Earth at this point in your and her spiritual evolution is here by chance. Everyone on Earth at this time is here by their own choice and has an essential assignment that no one else could fulfill.  Each soul has a supreme and unique value established within them by God at the moment of their creation, and their spiritual purpose is simply to demonstrate this.

Inelia Benz ~ New Human Operating System Followup

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Firstly, I would like to thank you for participating, and forwarding, the information on last Saturday’s Call to Action:


The response was extraordinary. The page itself has already been shared on FB over 3000 times. And people from just about every country in the planet joined in to partake in the download, and translations to many languages have been received and published.

This is huge!


We, as human beings, act as ONE. Even though it is sometimes hard to imagine, everything that happens on the planet, has been decided by our human collective.  The nature of our experience is colored by our “programs”.  These “programs” come from our own species, they come from the wishes of the collective, Gaia, and the Planetary Council, as well as from our culture, religion, society, education, family and our own and our body’s “karmic” leftovers.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Motivation

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It is time to get moving

What motivates you to keep going and to succeed in your endeavours? In order for you to reach the heights that you desire, the motivations should come from within. Take the time and look within and find the passion that dwells within you and let it bubble up to the surface and be the energy to help your drive and determination. It truly does not matter what you choose, it matters how you enjoy the trip. You have spent lifetimes building up to this one and you knew this time it would be different than any journey you have done before. Choose activities that excites your mind and feeds your spirit, as that is the natural flow and order of the Universe.
Call upon your angels to give you courage to take the next step. Feel us by your side, loving you, comforting you, and supporting you. Ask for us to overlight your day and help you be more kind and compassionate with others, and support each other. It is not a competition where only one of you will win, it is a team effort and all of you are playing for the same team against yourselves. Ask your angels to bring you opportunities that you cannot miss and to help you reach the stars.
Affirmation: "I am motivated by love and kindness and my desire to live happily"

The manuscript of survival ~ part 211

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We would like to take this opportunity to speak to those amongst you who are really struggling hard now. You will feel that this uphill has been too long and too steep, and it feels mayhaps like you are already starting to slide backwards. We are here to remind you yet again that you are not alone on this journey, and that we want you to be sure to ask for assistance whenever it feels like the going gets too rough. You see, although you are surrounded on all sides by beings wishing nothing but to be of assistance to you in this tremenodus task you have taken upon you, we can only do so at your request. So please, do not think that you have to grit your teeth and keep heaving all of the combined weight of your efforts alone, as that is not the case.


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