Be careful what we post.

mayo31311's picture

Be careful what we post. We are the many Light Houses for the newly awaken and each other.  What we see out side our selves is the inside reflection. I like to see my self in the eye of the storm, here it is peaceful. Yet i can assist those who are ready for the calmness. If we want others to see the Calmness and Peace, we must Speak/Be the calmness and peace. If we want people to see destruction, that is what we speak. As Light Workers, we must choose Now what we will Speak/Be. Are you Love, Calm, Peace, Joy? or are you still caught up in ego, fear, storms, earth quakes, fires, discord?? We must ask our self this. We know Mother Gaia is purging away the old for the New. We must not speak our discord to the masses. We must be sure our Heart choose to write a blog or post an article because it may cause fear is some newly awaken beings. I know how to skip an article cause it serve no purpose for me. But new ones may just read, and discord is easy to find if that what you are searching for.


I Love

Lisa Gawlas ~ The New Currency Of Our Field Of Dreams Is In The Emotional Desire. Where Are Your Banking?

Lia's picture

~ 19 October 2012


I remember one of the first questions my mentor asked me as we were talking about my meditations and how insanely often I do meditation.  Ya know, one of those haunting questions that never leaves (especially since he never gave me any sort of answer to it.)  He asked me “Do you realize the enormity of what you are doing?”  I think even then, there was no way he could tell me, it would have been way to much and light years above my consciousness comprehension.

As I was waking up today, I am not even sure how to explain it, but maybe like I had all these audible feelings, as if spirit was infusing me with the feelings of knowing something more grand than even our greatest imagined desire could hold.  A feeling, like gifts were already on their way.  As I drug myself into fuller consciousness I had a crossed feeling between it being Christmas or October 19th… the two feeling very much like one and the same energy.   I really wish I could remember/understand the audible part of the feelings.  But alas, the words are now like blurry words on a piece of paper and I cannot make them out to save my life!!

~Space Weather Update ~ Active Regions On Sun~

Lia's picture

ORIONID METEOR SHOWER: Next weekend, Earth will pass through a stream of debris from Halley's Comet, source of the annual Orionid meteor shower. Forecasters expect ~25 meteors per hour when the shower peaks on Oct. 21st. [video] [full story] [NASA Chat]

METEOR MAKES LANDFALL: A small asteroid that exploded over the San Francisco Bay Area on Oct. 17th, shaking houses with its sonic boom, might have scattered pieces of itself on the ground. That's the conclusion of Peter Jenniskens of the NASA Ames Research Center. He triangulated data from a pair of meteor surveillance cameras to determine the fireball's trajectory, denoted by the black arrow in the map below:

"The asteroid entered at a [relatively slow] speed of 14 km/s. There's a good chance that a fairly large fraction of this rock survived and fell somewhere around the North Bay," says Jenniskens. "Much more accurate results will follow from a comprehensive study of the video records. Now, we hope that someone recovers a meteorite on the ground."

The difference between following and walking side by side

glr_Andrea's picture


Some seem to be concerned they have to follow someone.


Some seem not to be  able to stop following someone.
That is the old paradigm.
There's no place for that in the New One.
In Love, all walk together. Side by side. Hand in Hand.
If One falls, 1000 hands are there to lift One up. If One is slow, 1000 Hearts are there to wait.
If One gets lost, a million foot are there to show the way. 
In Love, all lead and all follow. Love is a rainbow of gifts brought by individual God expressions. Aren't rainbows beautiful? Love is where different colors and shapes are not seen as dividing but are used to paint the most beautiful picture in the Uni-Verse. It's the notes of Love's Song. 
In Love only the Heart is the real Master, and minds cannot enter It's Heaven.

Large Drought Continues, But Its Fringes Erode

Rain's picture - Nick Wiltgen, 10/18/12

Latest Drought Map

Latest Drought Map

The massive 2012 drought continued its slow retreat this week, though it continued to affect about five-eighths of the contiguous U.S. land mass, according to the latest weekly update from the U.S. Drought Monitor.

NOAA's Climate Prediction Center said it expects this trend to largely continue for the next several months.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Fire Razes North Dakota Town

Rain's picture - AP, 10/18/12

AP Photo/The Dickinson Press, Bryan Horwath

This Oct. 17, 2012 photo shows a fire as it sweeps through Bucyrus, N.D. Authorities said the wind-fueled wildfire all but destroyed the tiny southwestern North Dakota town, displacing all 27 residents.

BUCYRUS, N.D. -- A tiny southwestern North Dakota town has been all but destroyed by a wind-fueled wildfire that displaced its 27 residents, prompting an outpouring of assistance from surrounding communities, officials said Thursday.

No one was injured in the fire that swept through Bucyrus late Wednesday, but the rural town is "pretty much completely lost," Adams County State's Attorney Aaron Roseland said.

Reported Tornadoes Overnight Injure At Least 7

Rain's picture - Becky Kellogg, 10/19/12

Overnight storms injured at least seven people overnight in a front that swept from Mississippi to Missouri on Thursday, Oct. 17.  There were also reports of homes and structures damaged in several states.

There are preliminary reports of six tornadoes in Eastern Arkansas and Northern Mississippi.

To watch read the rest of this story, visit

Lost 10-Year-Old Kyle Camp Kept Warm By Puppies

Rain's picture

Huff Post - Sarah Medina, 10/18/12

A 10-year-old boy with Down Syndrome from Hackleburg, Ala., who'd been lost in the woods for over 18 hours, survived with the body heat from four puppies.

Kyle Camp went missing around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. His parents searched for the lost boy unsuccessfully for two hours before they called the police.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Meteor Fireworks Leave Californians Stunned

Rain's picture - AP, 10/18/12

Meteor Lights Up the Night

OAKLAND, Calif. -- Streaking fireballs lighting up California skies and stunning stargazers are part of a major meteor shower, and the show is just getting started, professional observers said.

The Oakland Tribune reports the exploding streaks were especially visible Wednesday night over the San Francisco Bay area and other parts of Northern California, with reports of bright fireballs and loud booms from Santa Cruz County to Mendocino County.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit


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