~ Spirit ~ a poem

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~ Spirit ~ a poem


Galactic Love Reporter Rachel ~Rachael Ehrlund








The past moves forward gracefully
illuminating paths far yet to come
singing truth and whispers of the evers
knowing that here is far from all that can be
knowing that what is, has beauty truly
knowing that the stars have more telling yet waiting to begin

The future does not want for more than what is given
our being, every nature, soft and strong
and our ancestors, dancing, falling, reaching
and our children, standing, singing, teaching
we are the intermediary minds
we are the here nows, the thens, the will bes

~Christmas Message from Matthew~

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~Christmas Message from Matthew~


Light, the same energy as Love, is the way to Peace, Harmony and Balance within each individual and in your world.

This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. Each year this season in your world is especially emotional, when the fortunate could look forward to exchanging gifts, decorating homes, attending religious services, perhaps traveling to celebrate with family or awaiting visitors. For them, this season has offered enjoyment and merrymaking. For the less fortunate, those who were grieving or sick, lonely, hungry or homeless, feelings of sadness and despair were amplified.  



~Ascension Symptoms~ through Galactic Love Reporter Denise Lefay~

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~Ascension Symptoms~ through Galactic Love Reporter Denise Lefay~

rainbow line rainbow line

Some of these ascension symptoms are ones I’ve lived with for many years now and have gotten familiar with how they cycle in and out, year after year, becoming less intense the more I transmuted and released. As I’ve said elsewhere over the past few years, your mileage may vary, because we each are dealing with and transmuting slightly different emotional energies, karmic/polarized energies, past life energies, and varying degrees of lower negative vibrating energies across time on earth. Some of us have been processing not only our own stuff and junk from this life, but ALL of them, and also doing transformational bloodline family work, and also planetary clearing of specific lower stuck (dark or negative) energies done by people across time on this planet. That is what “Lightworkers” do, and more.


~ DIVINE LEADERSHIP from Nesara Incoming ~ Insights~

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Friday, December 9, 2011 
DIVINE LEADERSHIP from Nesara Incoming 
To: nesarainternational


When we wake up one morning at least 30% of the population will be missing. 
It may take a little while for the public to realize this, but it can be expected to cause consternation once they do. This has never been experienced before. 
How many of your `friends' and acquaintances will still be here? 
The planet will have been cleansed of all Dark entities, the Illuminati and their minions. They will have either come to the Light or have been moved on. 

Friendly extraterrestrials will have come to this planet to act as ambassadors and advisors in establishing new governments which will be made up of trustworthy, capable and spiritually aware individuals. Politicians and political parties will be history. 

~ The Ascending Body and Acceleration of December Energies! ~

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~ The Ascending Body and Acceleration of December Energies! ~



~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~


After 2 weeks in the deepest void I have experienced in a very long, long time... I am back and of course the energy is so new again!  Or maybe just my eyes are new (smile)... however it is working, I find it all so exciting.

Crystalline Matrix Of Your Universe ~ Crystal People Of Inner Earth ~ 10 December 2011

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~Galactic Love Reporter Dianne Robbins ~


Crystalline Matrix Of Your Universe ~ Crystal People Of Inner Earth ~ 10 December 2011

“We Hold the Crystalline Matrix of your Universe.”Greetings our dear sister on Earth. We are the Crystal People here again with you as you sit at your computer taking our dictation. We are very close to you, as close as your life vein pulsing blood into your system. We breathe with you, we pulse our heartbeat with you, and we sing our Song of the Ages to you. Our song is Love…and its melody permeates your cells as we merge into you now. Our merging is complete – and we operate as One. Crystals are unique in character, as their Light is so bright that your eyes could be blinded could you look into our depths. In our depths holds the crystalline matrix of your universe, unraveled in its complexity and structure. It is your guide to everywhere, could you but read its map. Your body is also a map, with life codes embedded in your DNA strands. Your body has a blueprint that can replicate itself into perfection, were it not tampered with, and were it not for the stress and fear you have all brought into it. For stress and fear only deteriorates its precise mechanisms, and keeps you from attaining your immortality.

We Crystals do not hold stress or fear.


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