~ Worldwide Meditation for First Contact, Dec. 24, 2011 ~

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~ Worldwide Meditation for First Contact, Dec. 24, 2011 ~

2011 December 7
~Original Post by Steve Beckow~

THE AMBASSADOR of the EMBASSY of STARPEOPLE©  -Botschaft der Sternenmenschen-

Invites you all to a Worldwide Meditation at 24 December 2011, 12:00 UTC Time!

Together we can achieve with this Meditation a Powerful Message to our Brothers

And Sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL), that We are ready for First Contact!

I need all of you Freedom Loving People. Together we can show, that We are prepared and willing, to welcome them in Peace and Harmony in the Future.

~ Natural Nobility, Spiritual Hierarchy ~ The divine plan of spiritual evolution

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~ Natural Nobility, Spiritual Hierarchy ~

2011 December 7
Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

The divine plan of spiritual evolution


It’s a strange thing, the apparent way that life is designed.

Supreme Being creates supposedly independent beings from Itself and assigns each the task of discovering its true nature. SaLuSa is referring to that design and plan in passages such as these:

“Life is ever ongoing and the present is but a passing phase in the greater plan for your evolution.” (1)

~ It’s Not the End of the World ~

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Saturday, 3 December, 2011 



As the month of November ended, there was a layer of peace over the Earthplane that could be felt by many. It didn’t feel like a break between chaotic waves or the feeling of anticipation of the next wave; it felt like relief. And boy, did we need relief from all the ups and downs because of the shifting energies! For those of you following the physical changes of Mother Earth, even she was rocking slower with earthquakes than normal.

~ Obama Makes the Most Important Economic Speech of His Presidency ~

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~ Obama Makes the Most Important Economic Speech of His Presidency ~

2011 December 7 By Robert Reich with Commentary from Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow~

Steve: Hallelujah! The President has finally said a portion of what progressive commentators have been saying for decades. At last the masks at the masked ball have come off a few inches, revealing at least the eyes if not the whole face.

But what he has not said, and what most American politicians probably will never admit, is that as long as the American political system has the President sitting in the White House and Congress making decisions on its own – that is, as long as Congress and the nation’s leader are not responsible to each other – this situation will probably never be addressed or fixed.

12~7~11~ The Wonders are Flowing Towards You as Promised

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The Wonders are Flowing Towards You as Promised

Galactic Love Reporter  John Smallman

December 7, 2011



These are stressful time as you wait for your expectations about becoming fully-conscious beings to be fulfilled.  It seems that you have been holding the Light for a very long time and that your faith in God’s promise is being severely tested.  “When are we going to awaken?”

Dates have been suggested, they have passed, and still you wait.  It is very unsettling for you as you cope with the stresses of daily life in the illusion.  Keep on holding the Light – you have a saying, “The darkest hour is just before dawn,” and this is, metaphorically speaking, where you are – and all will be amazingly well.  You will awaken and your faith will be most abundantly vindicated.

`12~6~11~ Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the ~Galactic Federation

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Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the ~GaGalactic Federation

Selamat Balik! We return! The cords that tie your reality together are rapidly dissolving and transforming into the grids of a new one. Initially, this new one is manifesting various debacles that are churning things up in every corner of your world, and this is to be expected as the miasmas of the past are purged. Many of your realms in ages past have been wiped out by the thunderous might of the Anunnaki as they froze, flooded and burned your societies in an effort to expunge the memories of your fully conscious origins. On each occasion, the Anunnaki chose a group of survivors to 'stock' the next reality (by means of memory trauma held within the DNA) with the 'fodder' necessary to endlessly repeat these patterns of destruction and genocide down through history. This attempt to bury your memories of your former, higher state of consciousness was only partially successful and was unable to induce the complete adulation and acquiescence desired by your dark overloads. Your ineradicable inner path was kept alight by Spirit for the day when all of you would be returned to your former state of glory.


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Submitted by AnaShyNa ~Predrag on Tue, 12/06/2011 - 17:31. In response to Andrea's Post


This is the easiest, yet the most 'dificult' task in front of US, humans [with small 'h']... 
To recognize and to accept our Godlyness, our Mastery through Truth...

And where you will find this truth?... Not in some esoteric writings or 'channelings', but this truth is staring at You every morning from the mirror... 




Love you for this courage to state so openly who You truly are, beloved Lady Master Andrea...

Disclosure and First Contact already happend, yet we humans still have to realize this... SImply by looking in our hearts, and accept this most magnificant truth... That we are these Masters, that we are these ET's, we are these gods we are expecting to show up, to give us technology, to create new Earth... as We are already here for millenias...



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